So What's the deal with the Phobos "SWBF Founder and CEO" guy?

Started by Led, May 06, 2019, 04:51:44 PM

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For our new visitors, I feel I need to explain some of history around SWBFspy and the one that calls himself SWBFspy Founder and CEO--a player that uses the playing names of Phobos and Rage.

This person had been a member of this community from 2009-2017.  He was always a difficult to work with, but made some useful contributions to using Tunngle and made some mod maps.

Gamespy shutdown for SWBF1 in 2012, leaving few options for on-line multiplayer.  A group in Germany led by Kalle created an opensource emulator for Gamespy called Gamemaster in 2014.  In 2016, I bought the domain name (and later and working through Anyder and with Jedikiller, Kalle set up the Gamemaster service for us on the SWBFspy domain.

By 2017, Phobos had purchased the domain name and started setting up false websites, copied websites, and false identities for on various social media platforms, and was then banned from this community and eventually banned from hosting games on the master server.

Since then, I, and many members of this community, have endured harassment in various forms which continues to this day.  His favorite tactic is to copy something, change the names and or dates, and then make it look like he did something first.

Attached to this post are a few screen shots of him in his own words from over the years that will calibrate the situation.

He is a next-level troll.  It is so outrageous that most people would find it hard to believe someone would do this.  But done this he has.

edit:  He is lashing out again, "banning" a lot of people from his "".  I cannot verify if his service ever worked.

Please note that this has nothing to do with be able to play on the original servers hosted by

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet registration date  (This domain is owned by
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

When he joined swbf he joined WUSI and rose through the ranks fast but because of his behavior youre all so very aware of now rich didnt allow him to rise any higher in the clan so he left and since then has spammed our guestbook and dox our members, many of who were underage at the time, and our allies members too. Hes put keyloggers into packs hes released. Many of us here now have essays devoted to how were nazi troll fascists somewhere on the internet after his webs account got shutdown for hate content. In 20 years time someone will log into swbf again see the server population have 1 person in it and when they get joined theyll be called nazi troll and permabanned. WE ALL KNOW THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

As much as you may have gripes with a particular person, please refrain from discussing alleged personal or biographical details, I have removed the reference. - Unit 33

I appreciate your post and will look over it more thoroughly at a later date. Still, I'd appreciate hearing Phobos' side and give him a fair chance to discuss what happened and learn his views and how he thinks we should interpret these pictures.

I'm sure most of you turned pale at the notion, but I guess I care a lot about fair representation and will hear anyone defend themselves.

By the way, someone going by IncogniTroll JealousFailedPoser posted on my YouTube account about the Top BF1 mods list I made (whether this is the one from months ago or the updated one from days prior I posted on Reddit is unclear) and said something about how I copied him and am unqualified to make a mods list. Apparently being banned from his site is insufficient and I need to be reminded about my impropriety and ineptitude.  ::) Oh well, it's harmless criticism.

By the way, Phobos, I finally tried your Walking Dead mod. I was hesitant to do so before because I wanted to only add finished mods to the list, but now I think it's worth including. Even though you said it's about another 5 years to completion, there's already a lot of impressive changes made to the base game and some neat additions like dogs. I'm curious about how you will improve it in the years to come.

Feel free to talk to him.  I recommend you view the pictures Led posted first and do some research to know what you are dealing with.

That was Phobos on your Youtube video by the way.  It happens pretty regularly.
The BOBclan:  A Rich History

Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.

Right. I understand that there's some serious contention going on. Still, everyone has a right to defend themselves and state their point of view, at least that's what I try to uphold. But considering that he blocked me, it might be difficult to start a conversation.

QuoteThat was Phobos on your Youtube video by the way.  It happens pretty regularly.

No! I'm shocked! And here I thought it was the other person who was vitriolically critical of my basic recommendations list! Lol! /s

Quote from: Michaeluj on May 06, 2019, 10:07:55 PM
Right. I understand that there's some serious contention going on. Still, everyone has a right to defend themselves and state their point of view, at least that's what I try to uphold. But considering that he blocked me, it might be difficult to start a conversation.

No! I'm shocked! And here I thought it was the other person who was vitriolically critical of my basic recommendations list! Lol! /s

Do the comments on your video disappear as quickly as they appear like they do on mine?
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Quote from: Giftheck on May 06, 2019, 10:44:52 PM
Do the comments on your video disappear as quickly as they appear like they do on mine?
Yes they do.

Quote from: hellish hellbird on May 06, 2019, 10:46:09 PM
Yes they do.

Figured so, he's been kind enough to comment on two of my videos. One would think this such eloquence deserves to be seen by all, especially since if he's so sure of things, he should keep the comments up. Oh, wait: that means I would have a chance to report the account for harassment. Still, it gave me a laugh when I woke up this morning. Almost as funny as those Alabama Mental Health Institute emails he spoofed.  :rofl:

Also, so much for laying off each other, Phobos.

By the way, I disabled likes/dislikes on my channel as a result since he's been disliking them, but I don't actually need them anyway. If he was REALLY pure in his convictions, he'd try a DMCPA. Oh, wait, that would require his real-life details and the risk of actual legal axtion too...
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Quote from: Michaeluj on May 06, 2019, 09:30:04 PM
I appreciate your post and will look over it more thoroughly at a later date. Still, I'd appreciate hearing Phobos' side and give him a fair chance to discuss what happened and learn his views and how he thinks we should interpret these pictures.

I'm sure most of you turned pale at the notion, but I guess I care a lot about fair representation and will hear anyone defend themselves.

If you read my post, you read "his side if it" in his own words.  You can go to his website for more, but you have already mentioned you have been banned there.  Don't mix the attacker and defender in this situation--I find that insulting have been through this nonsense.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Quote from: Led on May 07, 2019, 12:13:08 AM
Don't mix the attacker and defender in this situation--I find that insulting have been through this nonsense.
mood. for like anytime anyone ever took rages side over ours lol

I find it hilarious that he actually spend over 1 hour trying to spam me. I was seeing friend requests of total 10 accounts that he made only for them to be removed by steam, spammed my screenshots only for them to be removed by steam. He even made an alt account to comment on his profile praising himself - this one cracked me up, reminded me of that one guy in my town that used to post random on facebook liking his own post, commenting his own post, liking his comment, replying to his comment, liking his reply to his comment, he's in jail now.

Its actually kind of sad that he made alt accounts and calls them his friends.

I hope this ends up in another form of his irrelevant copy/pastas

Quote from: ahou on May 07, 2019, 09:28:04 AM
I hope this ends up in another form of his irrelevant copy/pastas

It will.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1