[RELEASE] Some Assets From Battlefront 3 (Free Radicals)

Started by Mattzocrazy, January 05, 2017, 05:23:57 AM

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Hey guys i did some examination of the SWBF3 files and with the help of scripts from Wobble (Who should really be getting the credit cuz without his script i'd be screwed) i found some cool assets i thought you guys could make use of!!! ^u^
I've no idea how to mod so these are in OBJ, hope u like them!

Ammo/Health Deployable:

CIS Branded Detpack:

Command Post:

Scout Drone:


Cycler Rifle:

Tusken Gaffi Stick:

Wookie Chieftan Tarfful's Rifle:

Wookie Combat Staff:

Gammorean Axe:

Force Pike:


Cato Neomoidian Sentry Turret:

Bespin Sentry Turret:

These are all in OBJ and are all from the cancelled game SWBF3 from Free Radical Studios
There's plenty more content in the game files, if u want me to look for anything just reply to this post and tell me what your looking for and ill try and find it ^.^

Omg please can you get more.I would love to get the tatooine buildings.Do you think its possible to get them diretly from the leaked pre alpha of the game,or to simply tell us how to do it on our own if possible?AMAZING!

Yes i can give it  a shot i have a copy of the pre-alpha build and a program that can convert the files so i can tell u how to do it if u want?
Basically you'll need a few things:

QuickBMS: http://aluigi.altervista.org/quickbms.htm

.PBCK Extraction Script from the QuickBMS site:  http://aluigi.altervista.org/bms/swbf3.bms

Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro (this program costs money sadly its 60 bucks): http://www.unwrap3d.com/u3d/index.aspx

Noesis: http://richwhitehouse.com/index.php?content=inc_projects.php

Wobble's Texture Unswizzling dll: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?p=115665#p115665

and of course a copy of the pre alpha which i can pm u a link to DL it

Somebody else on the facepunch fourms did release all the buildings from tatooine (and the rest of the maps) albiet without textures which i can link u if u want: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2rrnyi6mb8ihnsl/SWBF3_Maps.rar
i can try and look into the textures for u :)
I can get u some more set pieces that arent included in there too if u want :))))

I would love to get the ship interiors with textures please!  :o

To be honest the ships interiors with the textures apply to them would be nice to make them in your future releases since they are the most complex thing for texturing from the collision (untextured) models we get.Also i just want to say that i know about the stuff that happened in facepunch.I downloaded the collisions for the released planets and especially the Tatooine ones and i remake them in my own way.You can look them if you want.

(Sorry for the little offtopic link:)

   I made them from the collisions of FR Tatooine models.

Oh ive actually seen that video i didnt know that was made by u though those are really good!!!
Heres some misc models i piled together, some assets from the hoth map (EchoBase Generator, Dish Turret, Taller Snowturret) and a bunch of guns and misc items: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w3l7728a4f226n2/Modelpack2.zip

Honestly im not sure myself but it was in the game files and is stupidly high poly so i figured i'd include it lol

So is it only weapons that are available or are there some player models that were not released that you have found?

Im working on a release with a bunch of characters who Corra_Ashu never released, mostly a bunch of wookies and a load of other alien characters :)

Alright keep up the good work.I will be happy after that to continue with some other props?For example we still dont have Dantooine and Dathomir maps collisions exported to obj. (not textured)

Quote from: MissingTexture on January 06, 2017, 08:29:41 PM
Why is there a WiiMote and Knunchuck  :P

Because there was going to be a Wii version of the game too.

I'd love the Hoth map items. I could use them to revamp the stock Hoth Map.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

I Have a couple things from hoth in that last release but i can get more stuff if u want :)
and ill try for dantooine and dathomir, personally dathomir would be sick to have as a map in SWBF2 so ill definitley get into that if i can : )))

I know there is Battlefront Legacy working on one, but what about Cato Neimoidia?

Two things
1. Does a hair/cloth element have to be a separate vertex group to work with SWBF2's cloth system or can i make the mesh all a single group for a character model of course?
2. with cato neomoidia i can try and look into it i know the map has been released already without textures (see the maps link i posted 12 posts up) but i can try and find the separate meshes for it!