Naboo Forest Outpost

Started by Led, June 09, 2012, 08:18:29 AM

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I'm not sure how you got the map without a readme or credits included, someone must be spreading my mod maps around while discrediting me and that is very disappointing.;sa=view;down=581
Naboo Forest Outpost by Phobos as included in Phobos Mod Map Pack

Quote from: ReadMe
Version: 1.0
This is Naboo: Forest Outpost, the precursor map to Naboo: Battle of Grassy Plains. It is a simple, fun, and sometimes challenging map made for SP/MP.
In a forest on Naboo near Theed, the empire/clones have stationed an outpost. The rebels/droids were planning to invade Theed but their mothership was shot down by AAA turrets, forcing them to crash land in a valley near the outpost. Whichever side you play as, your mission is to control the outpost and either protect or destroy the Transmission Station.

The only bugs known so far are droidekas having difficulty rolling uphill. If you are a droideka, walking uphill will fix this.
Note: The height limit is quite low due to the fact that the buildings used didn't have solid roofs, allowing wallhackers to get in, and we all know better than to wallhack right?

Made Christmas Eve, 2009 by Rage.

it was from your media fire link--maybe i missed it
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet