Red04's Conversion Map Pack

Started by Red04SWBF, April 06, 2018, 07:14:18 AM

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April 06, 2018, 07:14:18 AM Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 11:13:13 AM by Red04SWBF
Red04's Conversion Map Pack
Updated on April 9, 2024

Hi all. It may be a little early to do it (at least that's what I think) but I've decided not to extend the wait any longer. The moment has come to show up my only project so far: Red04's Conversion Map Pack! As the name says, it is a pack of SWBF2 maps converted to SWBF1. I'm aware that there have been modders that had already managed to convert maps from SWBF2 to SWBF1, but I've tried to focus exclusively on giving a more elegant touch to details that aren't of high importance but which in my opinion make the maps more attractive at the time to play (for example, adjust the minimaps to the in-game scale, name the CP or show the flythrough movie, although unfortunately I haven't managed to do it :P ). The project started in 2017 but I couldn't finish it, and then I decided to start from scratch this year. The result has been that I've reached to convert the maps at time, but still with errors that must be solved (below you can take a look at the list of bugs). I also don't rule out future updates of the map pack.

I hope at the moment you enjoy trying all maps!!! ;) :D

Main features:

  • Includes 10 SWBF2 converted maps: Coruscant, Dagobah, Death Star, Felucia, Kamino (SWBF2), Mustafar, Mygeeto, Polis Massa, Tantive IV and Utapau.
  • The converted maps are based on the conquest mode from SWBF2.
  • All maps are playable with the two main eras from the game: CW and GCW.
  • The minimaps have been adjusted to the scale of the map scene (although not exactly).
  • All CP's have been labeled as the SWBF1 stock maps.
  • Multiplayer support included (mapinfo.txt).
  • Includes a ReadMe file for the installation.

Knowing bugs:

  • There are some collision holes.
  • There are some collision holes (tree roots).
  • There's a hole in the water of the right pond (near one of the shores).
  • There are some collision holes (mainly in some giant plants).
  • AI is unable to take some spawned vehicles.
  • Two of the doors from the cloning center open accidentally.
  • The lightning effect is seen inside the cloning centers.
  • Some interior/exterior sound regions don't mix correctly.
  • There are some collision holes.
  • Some collisions are misplaced.
  • Some effects are missing.
  • There are some collision holes.
  • Some collisions are misplaced.
  • Some effects are missing.
  • AI is unable to take some spawned vehicles.
Polis Massa:
  • There are some collision holes.
Tantive IV:
  • Some collisions are misplaced.
  • Some effects are missing.
  • Some reflect areas don't work properly.
  • AI is unable to take some spawned vehicles.
  • The flythrough movie hasn't been added for each map to show up in the Instant Action menu due to an issue with the RAD Video Converter.













Download links:

Download v1.2 (Mirror)

Previous releases:
Download v1.1
Download v1.0 (RAR file)
Download v1.0 (ZIP file)

Now the Map Pack is compatible with Ferocious Battlefront mod!
You can download the patch here (only for version 1.1).

Credits/Special thanks to:

  • Pandemic/LucasArts
  • Ginev
  • Gistech
  • Incognito
  • Led
  • Marth8880
  • Phobos
  • RepComm
  • Sereja
  • Sleepkiller

I also want to thank all testers who tried Coruscant. :)
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

A promising pack almost ready for release.

I've been playing both factions in both wars on these maps, and while it's usually a good experience, some areas have major issues. Polis Massa allows humans and wookiees to traverse the outside asteroid, without taking damage as they should. AI does not function properly here either, they all clump in a few areas, leaving most of the facility empty. While i did not encounter any borked collision here, i fell through the ground multiple times in multiple areas on multiple other battlefields.

Tantive IV was great to fight in, it brings about an experience no other battlefield can, and it is my favorite conversion by far.

Tried these out the other day and meant to comment. They're REALLY impressive! As noted there are a few bugs, but they're a ton of fun and provide a totally different dynamic from SWBF2.

Quote from: xyifer12 on May 17, 2018, 10:18:50 AM
A promising pack almost ready for release.

I've been playing both factions in both wars on these maps, and while it's usually a good experience, some areas have major issues. Polis Massa allows humans and wookiees to traverse the outside asteroid, without taking damage as they should. AI does not function properly here either, they all clump in a few areas, leaving most of the facility empty. While i did not encounter any borked collision here, i fell through the ground multiple times in multiple areas on multiple other battlefields.

Tantive IV was great to fight in, it brings about an experience no other battlefield can, and it is my favorite conversion by far.

The Map Pack was released on 6th April... (current version is 1.0). What happens is that I didn't decide to wait longer and launch it, and here the consequence of it.

Yes, it's true that the AI doesn't weaken when leaving the Polis Massa site, but I haven't discovered the way to do it in SWBF1 yet. At least I've been able to create common DeathRegions. In general, all maps suffer from various bugs, for example in Tantive IV the exhaust pipes effects don't appear as they do in SWBF2. I have clear that I have to solve them, but it will require some more time and help, so I cannot take for granted when I launch the next version.

Thanks both for your feedback!
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

For Polis Massa, I believe the solution was to create an effect region with the property to AddHealth (kinda like the med droid) except for the value was negative, so it took away health.
The BOBclan:  A Rich History

Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.

October 19, 2018, 10:46:12 AM #5 Last Edit: October 20, 2018, 04:25:41 AM by Red04 (CC-4398)
As I said the first day I made this post, I already noticed there would be new updates for this Map Pack. Well, I have kept my word and here I bring you an update by surprise!

NEW UPDATE! - Red04's Conversion Map Pack 1.1

Fixed bugs / New features:

  • Most collisions of all maps are fixed.
  • Most of the effects have been established on all maps. It seems within the SWBF2 world assets the effects of the respective maps weren't located there, rather in another folder.
  • The cloning center doors issue (Kamino) has been fixed setting up a new "prop" .odf.
  • Some vacuum (death) regions have been added (Mustafar, Polis Massa, Tantive IV).
  • Added flythrough movies to preview each map in the Instant Action menu (apparently the error when trying to convert .avi to .bik was because of choosing the wrong codec to make the video capture :P)
  • Minimaps updated!

    Furthermore, this time the Map Pack is compressed into a self-extracting EXE to make it easier installation. I think that since now I'll do it for rest of the maps or mods that I'll publish in the future.

    And as always, thanks to all those who have helped me to have made this project possible and those who have played this Map Pack. I hope to do more projects in the future!  :cheers:

    *For updated links, check the main post!*
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

Just played these, so far my favorite conversions right next to sereja's versions. I like that its a simple conversion, im sure your working on more animated features but right now I can faithfully say these are the best conversions for swbf2 maps thus far.
Battfront Stuff if your interested.

This mod pack is awesome but there are a few issues I found + I have suggestions...

AI don't seem to be using the entire planning in the Death Star map. The AI spawning in the small hangar seem to only travel to the big hangar.

In the engine room on the Tantive map, the white circular barrels are displaying shadows on the floor that is below the floor the barrels are on.

Need more AI. There were many boring moments where nothing was happening.
The radar texture on Tantive needs to be enlarged.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.

Quote from: 411Remnant on October 20, 2018, 06:41:19 PM
Just played these, so far my favorite conversions right next to sereja's versions. I like that its a simple conversion, im sure your working on more animated features but right now I can faithfully say these are the best conversions for swbf2 maps thus far.

Thanks. :) Even so I think Sereja's ones are even better, if it hadn't been for his help I wouldn't have been able to fix some of the problems presented previously. This has been my first mod of SWBF1 and it has been a great challenge for me to convert the maps, but at the same time I am quite happy with the result and I am glad that I and others can enjoy the experience of playing these maps in SWBF1.

About the remaining bugs / features I've decided to take a break for now, but maybe in the future I may release some more versions of it.

Quote from: Anthony_b on October 21, 2018, 01:34:47 AM
This mod pack is awesome but there are a few issues I found + I have suggestions...

AI don't seem to be using the entire planning in the Death Star map. The AI spawning in the small hangar seem to only travel to the big hangar.

In the engine room on the Tantive map, the white circular barrels are displaying shadows on the floor that is below the floor the barrels are on.

Need more AI. There were many boring moments where nothing was happening.
The radar texture on Tantive needs to be enlarged.

You're right, I've just played Death Star and I've verified that one of the routes from the planning isn't used by AI. What surprises me is that I didn't realize that before, but assuming I didn't have any more time, I should have forgotten to fix it. I may also need to increase the value of units on each side on this particular map.

I've also seen what happens with barrel shadows in Tantive IV, but I honestly don't know how to fix it. I think the minimap issue is related to the map boundaries region, which for some reason looks smaller in SWBF1 than in SWBF2.

I'll see if I can fix any bugs as much as possible in the future. Anyway, thank you for your feedback!
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

Quote from: Red04 (CC-4398) on October 21, 2018, 10:11:18 AMI may also need to increase the value of units on each side on this particular map.

All of the new maps need more AI.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.

November 01, 2018, 06:49:50 AM #10 Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 06:51:57 AM by Giftheck
These conversions are pretty top-notch! There's a few things I have to note:

-I might suggest whipping up a quick 'skin swap' for the REP/ALL sides so that the Phase 2 clones and the Tantive IV Troopers show up appropriately.
-Custom sounds for the objects/doors on each map.
-I'd love to know how you solved the lighting problem on Mustafar on the east side of the map.
-Any plans on doing your own conversion of Kashyyyk?
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

November 01, 2018, 12:36:53 PM #11 Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 12:39:16 PM by Red04 (CC-4398)
Thank you Gistech! ;)

Quote from: Giftheck on November 01, 2018, 06:49:50 AM
-I might suggest whipping up a quick 'skin swap' for the REP/ALL sides so that the Phase 2 clones and the Tantive IV Troopers show up appropriately.

-I had in mind to do it when I started the project, but I preferred not to. The reason is that I only focused on converting the maps since I prefer to keep the stock sides (like Jabba's Palace). Maybe in the future I make a standalone version including some unit variants. But for now I prefer the original sides.

Quote from: Giftheck on November 01, 2018, 06:49:50 AM
-Custom sounds for the objects/doors on each map.

-As for the sound effects I couldn't do much because I don't have enough knowledge to make / put custom sounds in SWBF1. At least I have only added background music to all maps (borrowed from stock maps) and some sound effect like the doors, which actually comes from CP neutralization / capture sounds. It's a pending task and I would like to add sound effects to all maps, and if possible add different background music to the stock maps, but for now I don't have much time to devote myself.

Quote from: Giftheck on November 01, 2018, 06:49:50 AM
-I'd love to know how you solved the lighting problem on Mustafar on the east side of the map.

-Actually I have no idea, I didn't have any trouble with lighting when I converted the map, only missing effects. If it can be helpful I could send you Mustafar assets, maybe there's something slightly different between both versions and we could find out why that happens.

Quote from: Giftheck on November 01, 2018, 06:49:50 AM
-Any plans on doing your own conversion of Kashyyyk?

-Hmm, I remember last year (my first attempt to convert the maps) I tried to convert Kashyyyk and Geonosis, but when I did both crashed in-game and then I gave up doing a total conversion. I tried to find reasons (terrain, MSH, ODF) but I didn't get anything. Also, at that time I didn't have such a deep knowledge of the map hierarchy as to know the real issue, but I think now I would make a new attempt.

As always, thanks for the feedback!
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

I'm glad to announce a slightly special update (more like a patch). Since now the Map Pack is compatible with Ferocious Battlefront mod! I want to thank Incognito for having made some modifications to the map missions that make it possible to play them in the latest version of Ferocious. Now we will enjoy double! :)

If you want to download the patch, check the main thread!
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

I just uploaded a new Map Pack update in addition to updating the main thread. The novelties/improvements of version 1.2 are the following:

  • Sound effects/streams have been implemented in all maps, some of which are ripped of SWBF2 (thanks to Marth8880).
  • The Death Star path issue has been fixed.
  • The number of AI units has been increased in all maps in general.
  • Fixed an issue with the VOs configuration in CP capture/control events (apparently the names of the VO effects are not the same in the BF2 assets).

I must say that the Map Pack is quite good in this latest version and I think I won't continue working on it, so this is probably the final version. I've tried to fix some other issues but without success, I still appreciate all the feedback received since it was released.

Check the main thread to download it! ;)
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

April 19, 2019, 11:33:10 PM #14 Last Edit: April 20, 2019, 12:33:36 AM by Borono
Amazing work Red04. I was dreaming with this since a long time. I love your maps and thanks for give more life to this game.
