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Topics - Ascertes

SWBF1 Modding / Vehicle Size and Cameras
December 28, 2016, 11:45:25 AM
Hello fellow SWBFGamers! Today I come to you with a small (actually quite large) problem. I may have gone and accidentally made a flyable acclamator cruiser (okay maybe it wasn't an accident but, that' not the point!) I need some help with my new ship.

Firstly, this thing is way too big and bulky to have any practical use. Is there any way I can scale down its sheer size with its ODF file?

Secondly, I can't figure out how to get the camera to zoom out. Currently its stuck inside the ship itself for third person, which isn't very nice. I'm not sure which camera properties to edit, so I could use some help there.

Any help with this tiny (huge) problem is greatly appreciated, as always :)
SWBF1 Modding / ZE Not Saving
December 27, 2016, 07:28:41 PM
I'm encountering an issue where ZE refuses to overwrite the .wld file i'm working on. I go hit the Save button in the upper left, find the .wld file for my map, click on it and hit save. It tells me it already exists, and asks if I want to overwrite it. I say yes. I clean, munge, take the map out of my AddOn folder and put it into the AddOn for swbf1, run, and the map isn't changed.

This is really odd because I was making modifications to another one of my maps about a week ago and everything went fine. I'm not sure why its choosing to not work now? Has anyone had this issue before?
General / The New GameFront
December 14, 2016, 09:34:18 PM
I'm curious as to what you all think of the new GameFront website. I guess the people at ModDB bought the domain and intend to revitalize the place? I recently uploaded some of my files there and I'm wondering if others have done the same? I'm personally not too sure what to think of it given how new it is, but perhaps that's just because they're still working on it.

Do you think this project will be a success, or a complete failure? Just want to know really if its worth it to put stuff there. Feel free to move this thread if its in the wrong forum :P
Released Maps and Mods / Space Carida
December 09, 2016, 10:40:26 AM
Hey guys! I have officially finished my latest project, which has officially been in the works for 11 months :wacko:
This is a space map for SWBF2 called "Space Carida", I have a link to the download here:;sa=view;down=1418

Feel free to check it out! TheGangstarTY thankfully made a video of the map, albeit this video was in the early beta stages:

Here is a video of a map play-through in its released form:

I have also attached some screenshots that I took in ZE.
I hope you will give this map a run, and hopefully some feedback! :)
Requests / Map Conversions
November 24, 2016, 06:09:13 PM
I'd like to know if there's anybody who can convert a few maps for me from SWBF1 to SWBF2. I'd do this myself but it seems like a bit of a difficult process and I'd probably screw it up royally. I have a few friends who want to play my SWBF1 mod maps but they only have access to SWBF2. If anyone knows how to do this with relative ease let me know and I can send over the Data folders :)
This method is not mine! It was developed by Maveritchell! I'm just making the tutorial. Some code contributions by AQT!

Hello fellow SWBF2 Modders! If you've ever played a space battle before, you know that you can land inside enemy hangars with a ship and make your enemies' lives miserable. Harassing the enemy inside their own ship is a quick way to destroy their internal systems without the hassle of having to knock out enemy shields.

...Except the AI don't do it. In singleplayer, it's a complete waste of time to put yourself on defense in the hangar, because you don't have to worry about sabotage or enemy infiltration. Of course, for those who like a bit more of a challenge, this is a let down. Today, I'm going to tell you how to make those foolish AI land in hangars.

Step by Step Guide
The first thing you'll want to do is read up on the FlyerSplineFollowing.txt file. This is located in C:/BF2_ModTools/documentation. If you don't have the mod shouldn't be reading this.

The text file itself is pretty long and overwhelming, so I'll only give information that's important in the guide:
1. Create a path, just like you would for a CP spawn. The AI fighter units will follow this line.

2. Name the path EntityPath XYZ, for example. EntityPath is important though. That needs to stay.

3. Now see that box in the lower left that let's you set properties? Go there next.

NOTE: Before I continue, here's some important information. Every flying vehicle has a PathFollowerClass variable in its ODF file. Go to the ODF you want the AI to be able to land with, and find its PathFollowerClass. For example, the Droid Gunship's variable is "transport".

4. In the property box, type Class. If you want more than 1 type of vehicle to follow this path, name them Class1, Class2, etc.

5. For the value, add the PathFollowerClass. In this case, transport. Hit Add Property, and it will apply what you've done to the spline, or path.

6. Next, set the path nodes so they start in the middle of space, and end inside the enemy hangar.

7. As a safety precaution, go back to the property boxes and add Direction for the property, and 1.0 for the value. This will ensure the AI will follow the path from node 0 to the end. Otherwise they may try to start from the other end, with disastrous results!

8. Now make a new region and put it inside the hangar. I recommend NOT using the hangar control region for this as if you have it covering the entire hangar, the AI will land the ship half inside and half outside the hangar. Name the region whatever you want. Set the property/type of the region to the same thing as the name. Make sure the path you placed goes inside the new region.

9. Alright, we're done with ZE for now. SAVE FIRST, then close. Open up your ABC_cmn.

10. Add the commented out line:
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Pandemic Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.
-- SPAX - Clone Wars Template  Common File
-- Common script that shares all setup information


The last line is what you need to add. Make sure to uncomment it. Replace Land1 with the name of the path you placed. Don't include the EntityPath part of the name. You'll need to do this step for every EntityPath you place in ZE, otherwise they won't work.

SIDE NOTE: If you want to save yourself a little hassle,  when you're making the path properties add Name to the property box, and give it a name. So you could have 2 paths both with the name value of XYZ. When you go into your LUA, you will only need to do the last line of the above code once. The Name property overwrites the name in the path list of ZE.

11. Here's the fun part. Save your ABC_cmn LUA and exit. Now go to your ABC_ass, ctf, whatever. Find this section:
function ScriptPostLoad()

    AddAIGoal(REP, "Deathmatch", 100)
    AddAIGoal(CIS, "Deathmatch", 100)


12. Once you've found it, copy the following code:
Land = OnEnterRegion(
   function(region, character)
      if GetEntityClass(GetCharacterVehicle(character)) == FindEntityClass("cis_fly_droidgunship") then
            print("flyer found :D")
         ship = GetCharacterVehicle(character)
         SetProperty(ship, "DisableTime", 1e+37)
         SetProperty(ship, "DisableTime", 0)
            print("Houston, the Eagle has landed")
      if not IsCharacterHuman(character) then

13. Now, paste it so your LUA looks like this:
function ScriptPostLoad()

    AddAIGoal(REP, "Deathmatch", 100)
    AddAIGoal(CIS, "Deathmatch", 100)

Land = OnEnterRegion(
   function(region, character)
      if GetEntityClass(GetCharacterVehicle(character)) == FindEntityClass("cis_fly_droidgunship") then
            print("flyer found :D")
         ship = GetCharacterVehicle(character)
         SetProperty(ship, "DisableTime", 1e+37)
         SetProperty(ship, "DisableTime", 0)
            print("Houston, the Eagle has landed")
      if not IsCharacterHuman(character) then

14. Good? Good. Now you need to edit some variables. In the code, anywhere you see "rep-cp1con", replace it with the name of the region you created in step 8. Secondly, see where it says "cis_fly_droidgunship"? Replace that with the ODF name of the flier you want to land.

15. Save. Close. Munge. Boom. Done. Well, almost...

16. More than likely you'll want the AI to land in more than one hangar. If this is the case, copy the code in step 12 and paste it below the close parenthesis at the end of the code in step 13. Adjust the variables as you need to. Remember, you'll need to create whole new paths and regions for additional landing zones.

Whew! That was lengthy tutorial, but guess what? You're done! Enjoy :)

1. Maveritchell
2. Marth8880
3. thelegend
4. AnthonyBF2
5. AQT
SWBF2 Modding / Jets and Weapons; How to Modify?
October 13, 2016, 04:20:38 PM
Greetings fellow SWBFGamers! Today I bring to you an issue that has been continuing to plague me for my upcoming space map.

First off, I'm having issues modifying the jetpack. I've been trying to modify this chunk of code out of the standard Jet Trooper ODF for my new unit:
ControlSpeed        = "jet    1.50 1.25 1.25"

JetJump             = "5.0" //7 //The initial jump-push given when enabling the jet
JetPush             = "8.0" //The constant push given while the jet is enabled (20 is gravity)
JetAcceleration     = "30.0" //Acceleration while hovering.
JetEffect           = "rep_sfx_jetpack"
JetType             = "hover"
JetFuelRechargeRate = "0.12" //Additional fuel per second (fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelCost         = "0.16" //Cost per second when hovering (only used for jet-hovers)(fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelInitialCost  = "0.25" //initial cost when jet jumping(fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelMinBorder    = "0.24" //minimum fuel to perform a jet jump(fuel is 0 to 1)

Of these variables, I've been having problems with JetPush and JetAcceleration. It's as if these values do nothing, no matter how much I change them (I bumped each of them up to *320* and found no change.) Does anyone know how to change the functionality of the jetpack?


For my second issue, I've been trying to figure out how to modify stock weapons. I think the problem is that for the hierarchy they all lead to files in the Common side folder. However, when I edit these files, no changes appear in game. I guess I'm just looking for a little help on how to modify stock weapons.


While I'm thinking about it, would anyone know how to set up the Hangar voice overs that play when you enter them?
"Victor Echo 1-2. Come in, repeat: Victor Echo 1-2!"

Or how about the rumbles that sometimes happen when you're inside a ship?
NOTE: I will be adding to this tutorial as I discover more about this topic. I will keep a tally in this header as to when I last updated it.

Last update: 9/22/16, 3:19pm EST

If you've ever played a space map before, you know that you can repair some of the critical systems should they be destroyed or damaged. Shields, Auto Turret mainframes, etc. are all susceptible to damage in space battles and essential to victory. Keeping these in tip-top shape is a first priority for any team.

...Except the AI don't do it. In singleplayer, you have the comfort of knowing that once the shields or defense mainframes are down, you don't have to worry about those anymore. This can be very disappointing however to those of us that want a bit more of a challenge. Today, I bring you that opportunity for your maps.

Step by Step Guide:
To get the AI to repair the critical systems should they be destroyed or damaged, do the following:
1. Add this line to your ABC_ass, or ctf, whatever your game mode is:
function ScriptPostLoad()

    AddAIGoal(REP, "Deathmatch", 100)
    AddAIGoal(CIS, "Deathmatch", 100)
    --AddAIGoal(REP, "Conquest", 100)
    --AddAIGoal(CIS, "Conquest", 100)


The commented-out lines are what you need to add.

2. That's it.
3. You're done.
4. Congratulations.
5. Go forth and make smarter AI!

...But wait, there's more!
The AI by default will repair anything with the "armedbuilding" ClassLabel. Shield Generators are not "armedbuildings" by default. Change their ClassLabel to it for the AI to repair it, or you'll be waiting around forever! Also, add this line to the Shield Generator ODF:
RespawnTime = "999999"
Otherwise, the shield generator will regenerate on its own. But maybe you want it to do that?  :shrug:

There are somethings in the game of course that are labelled as "armedbuilding" that you don't want the AI to repair (turrets, exterior systems, the ship itself, even...) For anything with the "armedbuilding" ClassLabel you don't want the AI repairing, add this line to that object's ODF file:
AINoRepair = "1"

AI Repair Frequency
I also want to note some things about the above code. If the AI are repairing stuff too often, or not enough, change their goal values.

The formula for this as follows:
So, in this case Conquest and Deathmatch are both set to values of 100. If the AI are repairing stuff too quickly, lower the value of the Conquest goal, or raise the one for Deathmatch. Really, it looks like this if we set the value of Conquest to 90 instead of 100:

90/(100 + 90). AKA, the percentage of 90 out of 190, which is the total amount of "goal points." Please be advised that the "goal points" must be equal for both teams. So if one team's "goal points" are 190, the other team's must be as well.

There's also another part in the LUA that can cause problems with getting the AI to repair properly. Go to your ABC_cmn LUA and look for this line:
For whatever reason, vehicles interfere with the AI's desire to repair stuff. If you're working with a normal Capital Ship interior, changing the value to 60-80 is about what you'll be looking for to balance the AI correctly. (Personally I use 75, but you'll want to adjust it for your own projects.)

NOTE: Only AI with the UnitType "pilot" will repair things. So don't expect any old AI with a fusion cutter to repair stuff.

Okay, this is the actual end of the Tutorial. Enjoy  :P

Everyone who helped me figure this out:
1. Oceans14
2. Marth8880
3. thelegend
4. Samee3
5. AnthonyBF2
6. AQT
I'm having a problem where the map I'm working on is crashing in multiplayer, but it works like a charm in singleplayer. The game loads up but as soon as its done, boom. The whole thing freezes rather than closing the game and sending me back to the desktop.

So I'm wondering, what could possibly cause a map to crash in multiplayer? Help is always appreciated :)

Things I know I've done since I last tested it successfully in multi:
-Linked multiple turret mainframes to different sets of turrets.
-Implemented pilotable Heavy Ship turrets by editing their default ODF files.
-Created Frigate Beam turrets from stock assets.
-Added a new landing region and adjusted other dimensions of other landing regions.
-Localized the names of the new units I'm adding.
-Changed the text in the "tips and tricks" boxes on the loading screens via localization.
-Linked the pilotable turrets to the vehicle chairs.
-Changed which Republic capital ship is shielded (I have multiple capital ships).
-Added shields to a 2nd CIS capital ship.
-Added auto turrets to all frigates.

Hey guys, I'm having a bit of an issue with the swbf2 zero editor. When in the object panel, I'm try to move objects placed in the world along the X and Y axis a small distance, but they "snap" back and forth between 2 positions that I believe are each 1 meter apart.

Obviously sometimes I don't want to move an object a whole meter, and I'm wondering if there's a way to decrease the distance between the positions the objects will snap to, or just not have them snap at all.

Any assistance is appreciated as always :)

EDIT: the distance the objects move is tied to the Snap To window in the object panel, but I can't get it to accept a value less than 1...anyone know anything about this?

EDIT2: I think I've fixed it. the P key allows you to adjust all object positional values, including horizontal but this can be somewhat cumbersome. Would like to know if anyone knows a simpler way :)
Requests / CIS Space Station
June 29, 2016, 05:57:31 PM
I'm wondering if anyone has an asset for the CIS's signature Trade Federation space stations (The ones that blockaded Naboo in the Phantom Menace,) that has places for hangars. The stock one provided in the bf2 assets unfortunately has its hangars closed up, and I didn't see one when browsing the assets sections.

I'm looking to have a "fully armed and operational" battle station in my new bf2 space map. :P
Recently, I lost my SWBF2 disc on my way home from vacation  :whip: I have no qualms about buying another copy, but I would like to know if its possible to run SWBF2 without the disc.

Thanks in advance  :)

Released Maps and Mods / Tatooine: Gulch
April 12, 2016, 02:50:16 PM
Tatooine: Gulch;sa=view;down=1377

This is a Tatooine map designed for the original Star War Battlefront. PLEASE READ THE README FOR INSTALLATION GUIDE! It's a little more complicated than what most of us are probably used to.


Clone Wars:

The Republic has discovered something miraculous on Tatooine: a source of fresh water! With operations on Tatooine grinding to a standstill largely due to a lack of water for their troops, the Republic has deployed a sizable legion to take control of this water source. The CIS has received intelligence of the Republic's upcoming offensive and objective in this region, but are not quite convinced that this water source actually exists. Unwilling to spare the resources, the CIS has only deployed a single MTT accompanied by a company of B1 Battledroids. Unfortunately for both warring parties, the supposed water source is located in one giant sniper's nest in a gulch, deep in Tusken Raider territory. Both armies will have to fight through the Sand People as well as each other if they wish to lay claim to this area's resources.

Galactic Civil War:

The search continues for Princess Leia's missing droids. Due to the droid's crash site in Tusken territory, the Empire has fielded a task force to scour a nearby gulch and Tusken Raider settlements for the droids. In response, the Rebels have deployed what troops they can in the area as well, knowing what the Empire is seeking. The Tusken Raiders will not likely take well to this incursion, and are likely to respond with force!

Quote from: TheGangstarTY on March 06, 2016, 01:14:05 PM
Charging into Battle as the Republic:

Clone Wars Map:

Galactic Civil War Map:


Screenshots and video provided by TheGangstarTY :)

All work contained within this file are stock assets provided by Lucasarts and Pandemic. I have used no custom  content from any other modder.

Special thanks go to:
Phobos, for helping me with the LVL modding that causes the different starting positions depending on era.

TheGanstarTY and Commander Awesome, for helping test the map and work out all the kinks!

Known Issues:
The AT-TE and AT-AT are both missing their firing sounds. The MTT is missing all of its sounds. I cannot get these to work, but if you know a solution please let me know!
SWBF1 Modding / Missing Vehicle Sounds
February 14, 2016, 03:29:15 PM
Y'know, I probably make way too many threads and I'm sure a lot of people are tired of trying to help me by now :XD: But this is yet another thing I haven't been able to fix. For those who have played my maps before, you know there are some vehicle sounds missing. I'm on the verge of finishing a new map, and I'd rather not release another map that has missing sounds, but so far this one is missing some  >:(

The AT-TE and MTT I have placed in the map are both missing all of their sounds. All other vehicles, which include the AAT, STAP, IFT-X and Republic Speeder all have their sounds and work as they should. All other sounds in general work perfectly. I've fussed around with the LUA and haven't been to get them to work. So I turn to you!

I've provided a copy of my LUA here:
--start header
function ScriptInit()
local CIS = 1
local REP = 2
local ATT = 1
local DEF = 2
--end header

--start objectives
AddMissionObjective(REP,"red", "level.TatRiver.objectives.1");
AddMissionObjective(REP,"orange", "level.TatRiver.objectives.2");
AddMissionObjective(REP,"orange", "level.TatRiver.objectives.3");
AddMissionObjective(CIS,"red", "level.TatRiver.objectives.1");
AddMissionObjective(CIS,"orange", "level.TatRiver.objectives.2");
--end objectives

--start soundlvl
--end soundlvl

-- Start sidelvls


--end sidelvls

--start loadouts
SetTeamName(CIS, "CIS")
SetTeamIcon(CIS, "cis_icon")
AddUnitClass(CIS, "cis_inf_battledroid_inf",12)
AddUnitClass(CIS, "cis_inf_battledroid_av",4)
AddUnitClass(CIS, "cis_inf_battledroid_pilot",4)
AddUnitClass(CIS, "cis_inf_battledroid_sniper",6)
AddUnitClass(CIS, "cis_inf_droideka",4)

SetTeamName(REP, "Republic")
SetTeamIcon(REP, "rep_icon")
AddUnitClass(REP, "rep_inf_clone_trooper",12)
AddUnitClass(REP, "rep_inf_arc_trooper",4)
AddUnitClass(REP, "rep_inf_clone_pilot",4)
AddUnitClass(REP, "rep_inf_clone_sharpshooter",6)
AddUnitClass(REP, "rep_inf_jet_trooper",4)
SetHeroClass(REP, "rep_inf_macewindu")

SetTeamName(3, "Tusken Raiders")
AddUnitClass(3, "tat_inf_tuskenraider",20)
AddUnitClass(3, "tat_inf_tuskenpillager",7)
AddUnitClass(3, "tat_inf_tuskenhunter",15)
AddUnitClass(3, "tat_inf_tuskenshaman",8)
--end loadouts

--start teamstats
SetUnitCount(ATT, 30)
SetReinforcementCount(ATT, 300)

SetUnitCount(DEF, 30)
SetReinforcementCount(DEF, 300)

SetUnitCount(3, 50)
--end teamstats

--start alliances
SetTeamAsEnemy(ATT, 3)
SetTeamAsEnemy(ATT, 2)
SetTeamAsFriend(ATT, 1)

SetTeamAsFriend(DEF, 2)
SetTeamAsEnemy(DEF, 1)
SetTeamAsEnemy(DEF, 3)

SetTeamAsFriend(3, 3)
SetTeamAsEnemy(3, 2)
SetTeamAsEnemy(3, 1)

--end alliances

--start memorypools
AddWalkerType(0, 5)-- special -> droidekas
AddWalkerType(1, 0)-- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
AddWalkerType(2, 0)-- 2x2 (2 pairs of legs)
AddWalkerType(3, 1)-- 3x2 (3 pairs of legs)
SetMemoryPoolSize("CommandWalker", 1)
SetMemoryPoolSize("CommandHover", 1)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 20)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PowerupItem", 60)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityMine", 40)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 12)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 160)
--end memorypools

--start worldlvl
--end worldlvl

--start spawndelay
SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25)
--end spawndelay

--start flyheight
--end flyheight

--start ainotify
--end ainotify

--start stayinturrets
--end stayinturrets

--start denseenvironment
--end denseenvironment

--start birdsandfish
--end birdsandfish

--start deathregions
--end deathregions

--start soundconfig


SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(CIS, CIS, "cis_off_defeat_im", .1,1);
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(CIS, REP, "cis_off_victory_im", .1,1);
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(REP, REP, "rep_off_defeat_im", .1,1);
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(REP, CIS, "rep_off_victory_im", .1,1);




SetDefeatMusic (CIS,"cis_tat_amb_defeat");

SetDefeatMusic (REP,"rep_tat_amb_defeat");


SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(REP,REP,7,"rep_bonus_rep_training");--advanced training
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(REP,CIS,7,"rep_bonus_cis_training");--advanced training

SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(CIS,CIS,7,"cis_bonus_cis_training");--advanced training
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(CIS,REP,7,"cis_bonus_rep_training");--advanced training
--end soundconfig

--start activebonus
--end activebonus

--start camerashots
AddCameraShot(-0.404895, 0.000992, -0.914360, -0.002240, -85.539894, 20.536297, 141.699493);
AddCameraShot(0.040922, 0.004049, -0.994299, 0.098381, -139.729523, 17.546598, -34.360893);
AddCameraShot(-0.312360, 0.016223, -0.948547, -0.049263, -217.381485, 20.150953, 54.514324);
--end camerashots

--start footer
--end footer

The lines that refer to Geonosis assets were my failed attempt at trying to include sounds from that stock map to hopefully get at least the AT-TE working.

Again, any help at all is always appreciated :)
SWBF2 Modding / Switching-Up Who Spawns Where
February 04, 2016, 11:44:28 PM
I'm looking to try adjusting which teams spawn at which Command Posts. In the latest map I'm working on, in the CW Era I want the (non-playable) natives spawning at a Command Post. In the GCW Era however I'd like a playable faction to use this CP instead of the natives, and the non-playable natives use the CP's that the playable team uses in the CW.

Is it possible to achieve this? I've fussed with the LUA and the only way I've been able to get it to work would be to have teams allied with each other, which I don't want to do as I want all 3 teams fighting one another. Adjusting the ScripInit functions causes the whole map to crash so that's off the table as far as I can see. This is for SWBF1. The only other thing I can think of is using Ginev's tutorial on the Layer system but that's for Bf2 so I'm not sure it will work.

As always, all help is appreciated :)
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005 Original) / Space Modding
January 09, 2016, 10:37:07 AM
Alright, I need a little help with making space maps, and just some pointers on modding for SWBF2 in general. I downloaded the tools and I have them in the right location (C:/BF2_ModTools/). I also have v1.1 installed. Specifically, I need help with the following:

-Objects are clearly placed in the default map setup (2 capital ships, 2 frigates.) However, they are not selectable and don't even show up in the object list (the whole object list is empty as a matter of fact.) Is there a way to select them, or are they actually not there? Fixed by changing the layer.

-I gave the map an appropriate name in the VisualMunge, but it shows up in the play list as "SSB%s_%s". SSB was the 3-letter title I gave the map, but that wasn't the full length title. How do I get it to display correctly? Fixed by running the vistamungefix batch file.

-I never transferred any files or anything after munging the map, and it automatically showed up in the playlist. This is all well and nice, but I may not always want to have this map as playable. How do I remove it? It's not in the addon folder. Fixed. The files are saving in an addon folder under another location so I have to remove them from there.

-Whenever I attempt to play the map, the game crashes and says "Could not open mission.lvl". Have I done something incorrectly? Fixed by the running the vistamungefix batch file.

I know this is a lot of questions without a lot of detail, but I feel I'm in way over my head. Any help or tutorials or guides would be greatly appreciated!
Released Maps and Mods / Tatooine: Mos Anek (v2.0)
January 07, 2016, 04:10:20 PM
Tatooine: Mos Anek (v2.0);sa=view;down=1357

The following description is a copy of the ReadMe file:

Welcome and thank you for downloading "TATOOINE: MOS ANEK" Version 2.0!
This file is a custom mod map for Star Wars: Battlefront 1.


1. Download the file.
2. Go to your downloads folder and extract the files and put them into your Lucasarts/Star Wars Battlefront/GameData/AddOn folder.
3. Play!

---What's New in Version 2?---

Version 2.0 features the following:
1. Additional planning for the AI.
2. Improved hintnodes (AI will use them more often now,) and more plentiful hintnodes.
3. A new Tusken Unit: The "Tusken Shaman."
4. Re-colored ground so it looks better with the buildings.
5. Spawn point adjustment at the CP's. You might find yourself spawning on a building now!
6. Adjusted reinforcements for the sake of balance.
7. More Health and Ammo droids sprinkled throughout the map.
8. Additional aesthetic appeal.
9. The deranged Imperial Comm Officer has finally realized that Darth Vader is not present on this battlefield.
10. The number of units in a class that spawn have been adjusted for the sake balance.
11. Luke Skywalker is now killable, in the name of balance.
12. An error with the Tuskens that caused them to slide has been fixed.


Clone Wars:

The CIS holds the city of Mos Anek on Tatooine.
It's strategic location on Tatooine (whatever strategic value Tatooine itself has,) is
essential for Republic military efforts, and as such the Republic has grouped an army on
the outskirts of the city in order to retake it. The fate of Tatooine is in your hands; will you defend the
city for the CIS, or fight with the Republic to secure this territory?

Galactic Civil War:

The Rebel Alliance has won a decisive victory over the Galactic Empire on Tatooine at the city of Mos Anek.
However, a beleaguered Rebel army is a prime raiding target for the Tusken Raiders. A massive Tusken army
has been manifesting outside the city. Unable to muster the numbers to take the fight to the Sand
People directly, the Rebels await them behind the city walls...


All work contained within this file are stock assets provided by Lucasarts and Pandemic. I have used no custom
content from any other modder.

Special thanks go to:
Phobos, for helping me get the Gaffi Stick to work.
TheGangstarTY, for helping me get the new map balanced and testing it for me.
The rest of the SWBFgamers community for helping me become a better modder!

Apologies to:
Phobos, for not using a custom animation for the Gaffi Stick as suggested (my computer refuses to let me use the program
for editing the animations. This is beyond my control I'm afraid...)

-------Use of this Content-------
Use of anything contained in this file is welcome to be adjusted or otherwise altered by anyone who
wants to, so long as I receive credit for any said works.

--------Known Issues--------
None that I'm aware of. If you find any please make it known!
Alright so I downloaded the SWBF2 as described in the stickied thread in this forum. It downloaded fine and seemed to install fine. Game got switched from 1.0 to 1.1, and everything looked okay. I went to multiplayer to join a server...and...yeah. It let me join the server, but the moment it finished loading the whole game crashed. I tried a different server and it worked, and I've been able to isolate this problem to just Mos Eisley.This isn't a multiplayer issue only, either. I can't do any single player battles on Mos Eisley without the game crashing the instant it's done loading. The map worked fine until GameMaster was installed.

Any ideas on what I did wrong? I'm using Windows 8 and have a disc with a CD key. I did not get this off steam.
SWBF2 Modding / Turning a Lightsaber into a Gaffi Stick
December 26, 2015, 12:12:46 PM
The thread title pretty much sums it up. I've done my best to turn a lightsaber into a Gaffi stick. With the recent disaster of my latest map, I decided to put that one on the back burner and focus on releasing a new version of my Tatooine: Mos Anek.

However, I've hit a slight hiccup. I created a new class of tuskens that use a Gaffi Stick. I did this by modifying the "imp_weap_lightsabre" ODF file. The picture attached is the end result... (Sorry about the TGA Format but I don't currenly have any software that allows me to convert them.) What the picture doesn't show is that when swung, the Gaffi stick emits the lightsaber sound, although I got rid of any sound lines in the modified ODF.

So really, I need help with the following:
1. Getting rid of the lightsaber shroud on the gaffi stick weapon.
2. Removing the lightsaber swinging sound.

To help, I've attached the weapon ODF:


ClassLabel          = "melee"

IconTexture         = "HUD_all_rifle_icon"

GeometryName        = "tat1_prop_gaffi_stick"
AnimationBank       = "lightsabre"

RoundsPerClip       = "1"
ReloadTime          = "2.0"

LockOnRange         = "1.0"
LockTime            = "0.4"
AutoAimSize         = "1.0"

MinRange            = "0"
OptimalRange        = "1.5"
MaxRange            = "3"

FirePointName       = "hp_fire_lightsabre"

SwingTime           = "0.7 0.5 imp_weap_lightsabre"
Texture     = "tat1_prop_gaffi_stick"

//DeflectSound      = "imp_weap_lightsabre_deflect"

Any help here is greatly appreciated :)

So for my latest project I was thinking about doing a Kashyyyk map that would essentially be a chain of islands all surrounded by an ocean that could not be crossed by foot or jetpack, making air and tank travel the only methods of transportation from island to island.

While I thought this would be a neat idea, it crossed my mind that the AI might not behave correctly, and possibly just stand around on whatever island they spawned at if they couldn't get to a vehicle. I did a little test with this and I was right, they like to stand around and do nothing if no vehicles appear nearby.

So I was wondering if there was a way to avoid this? It's no fun if the AI aren't participating too much.