Quick Notes: Lighting "FlickerTypes" in SWBF1

Started by Dark_Phantom, September 17, 2022, 06:33:22 PM

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Alright, so you're coming along in map-making and you're placing some ambient lights on your map.
First of all, in case you forgot or are new:
Lights are odfs of ClassLabel "Light". Light odfs are attached to hardpoints of a mesh using "AttachOdf" and "AttachToHardPoint" like this:
AttachOdf = "light_flicker"
AttachToHardPoint = "hp_light"

Great, we've got it attached.  There's one field here that has never been covered on this website and I'm here to see to it that it gets fixed. All lights in BF1 will default to FlickerType = 0, which is none (and if you put this in the odf, that's what you'll get, no flicker, just a light).

Ok, but you've got some lighting in a dim hallway and you want it to... do something.  You have three options.
FlickerType = StrobeFade //or just 3FlickerType = Pulse //or just 4FlickerType = Flicker //or just 5>>Note there's no quotes around the text, that's purposeful.  99% of the time when there is a string you want quotes, but not this time. It might work with but I know it doesn't without.  Actually I just use the numbers.

You're saying to yourself "Well Phantom, ok, I did see Flicker in one of the Kashyyyk files, but how'd you find out about the other 2?"
The case hex lines file on SecretSociety showed that there were more options than we were privy to by any of the files in BF1 or BF2.  I tested them ingame here:
0 = none
1 = Strobe, does not work, confirmed intended for CP/hologram usage, doesn't have functionality for normal lights
2 = StrobeRandom, does not work same as 1
3 = StrobeFade, works.
4 = Pulse, works
5 = Flicker, works

FlickerPeriod should certain time variables for all of the working ones.

Now go and make some awesome lights!
The BOBclan:  A Rich History

Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.

Awesome discovery! This should be fun to experiment with!