Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Started by Commander Gree, November 25, 2009, 01:31:09 AM

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Hey Guys,
I'm just wondering if anyone else has this game.
I just got it and love it. My favorite class is the Covert Ops.


"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours."

I have it, but have never played it online or for extended periods.

(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿"" (-_-*)

I'm thinking of getting it but I am still on the fence.

So I guess both of you would recommend getting it??

No, not really... it's not anything special.

If you want an MP shooter, there are much better and more active games out there. The only reason I got it and didn't just stick with the demo was that they had a massive pile of them at the store and I just took one for about 3-4 bucks.

(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿"" (-_-*)

I have it, it's good, but I haven't been able to get around to playing it lately, too busy with new Wii releases that I need to review.

It has a pretty unique multiplayer gamestyle and would be great if you could farm a whole team of people you know for it, but the community is rather small. Still, it's amazing when you play with people you know (I was in a clan that broke up after a little while because of scheduling conflicts), and if we could get enough people to make a team (competitive is played in leagues of 4, 5, and 6 players per side, and public matches are nine or twelve to a team.) that would be awesome.
I make signatures!

Hetalia FTW!

Quote from:  aghaha zorba, I'm going to remember you said that

dangerous narcotics are god's way of saying that its ok for idiots to auto-darwinate

I have it too, and I agree with JK, it's an ok FPS, but there are better ones out there.