Known bugs in the Update, update Credits

Started by Led, February 05, 2012, 07:32:33 AM

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February 05, 2012, 07:32:33 AM Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 07:45:39 AM by Buckler
How the update works:

The update takes assets made by other modders (like maps and new units) plus a few of my own and combines them with a custom Mission.lvl file that allows the new maps and units to be accessed.  The new mission.lvl file has all the same things in it as the original mission.lvl file, so that it does not interfere with any standard hosted server and maps.

Sleepkiller and I have made the mission.lvl updates and I hope to get more modders involved, too.

The mod maps were made by various modders/SWBF2 convertors over the years and may have some issues in them.  Full credits for the update assets are listed in the next post.

List of known issues:

In Mygeeto, the victory/defeat timer does not count down at the end of the map.  However, the tickets will drain to zero when one team captures all of the CPs.  The bug was from the conversion of the SWBF2 map, and does not have anything to do with the mission.lvl file of the update.

In Felucia, some places near spawn points are out of bounds.  The bug was from the conversion of the SWBF2 map, and does not have anything to do with the mission.lvl file of the update.

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