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Messages - wsa30h

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Third era
May 09, 2022, 12:49:45 PM
follow this tutorial and download my addme. this is the best way to add new eras since it doesent overwrite any files.
SWBF1 Modding / how do i make a skin changer ?
April 23, 2022, 05:37:26 AM
i used the bf1 skin changer made by sleepkiller the side has the  same name as in ifs legion and i made sure the tga texture names matched the skin i was changing, but when i click it ingame it doesent change anything.  do i have to call it in my lua for my map ? if so what do i put in the lua ? setclassproperty is not supported i think.
Released Assets / Re: Health/Ammo Pack Spawner
April 07, 2022, 03:33:09 AM
tried it unit spawns but doesent respond to anything atleast for me.
this is a good idea to have the option to pick.
Released Maps and Mods / Re: TCW by wsa30h
March 27, 2022, 03:48:44 AM
thank you led
so this is my latest work for bf1 based off the clone wars tv show.
General / Re: Under bombardment.
March 08, 2022, 05:22:04 AM
stay safe praying for you and your family and the people of ukraine, from the czech republic.
sereja you are back ? i hope we see a new map from you at some point  :happy:
yep sets to 4k for me.
does this allow me to set the resolution to 4k if i have a 4k monitor ?
there is going to be a lot more my next step is to learn how to poly reduce. learmning rigging has made it possible for me to make a bf1 tcw mod.
so recently i learned how to rig vehicles and yesterday how to rig units. here is some of my latest work
SWBF1 Modding / how do i get an emitter to work ?
September 24, 2021, 10:04:38 AM
i added the hoth emitter to my map but it doesent work. how would i go about setting it up correctly ?
SWBF1 Modding Tutorials / add eras trough addme tutorial
September 19, 2021, 07:12:39 AM
ok so finally thanks to phantom and bad al and me it is now possible to add new screens trough addme. This is a new screen where you can add new eras to the list. to add a new era you will need to first go to ifs_sp2_era_vbutton_layout and add the letter there. Then you will need to go to -- Turn era into map for 2-way maps and also add the same letter there. last but not least go to START PHANTOM'S CUSTOM CODE and add the letter there. now make a new project and call it era and delete everything in it and just copy your new addme minus the
add new tat level and mission stuff. munge this and in your main project just call the era in this section we will call ours era d
local newEntry = { mapluafile = "fac", showstr = "UKNOWN ASTEROID FACILITY", side_c = 1, side_d = 1, side_a = 1, dnldable = 1, }
now you are finished. the reason we have to make a project named era is because if we load two different addmes with this new code the game will error out so to prevent this i have decided to do it this way.
now call it in this section. you will find now find new era in the instant action menu.One bug is that galactic conquest will crash upon quitting to main menu we are working on a fix.