unfinished mudrican map assets

Started by wsa30h, February 22, 2020, 04:03:41 AM

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so this is mudrican a map that i have ran out of ideas and steam to finish. i have replaced the dc sound with bespin cloudcity cw and gcw as a placeholder sounds. if you decide to finish this map you can either create your own cross era sounds or use one from my existing map or pm me for the lua and sound assets and i will send them to you. you can also just make this normal clone wars and galactic civil war if you prefer it is up to you if you want yopu can even add locals like tusken raiders. this map also contains caves made by sky and would be perfect for flanking attacks.
mods and maps in progress:<br />--Bf1 expanded edition 3.0 version
-- bf1 tcw battles
-- bf1 seasons mod season 1
-- bf2 expanded edition tbh