DET: Week 1 -Post attacks here-

Started by Anyder, July 24, 2017, 12:40:03 PM

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July 24, 2017, 12:40:03 PM Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 08:26:32 AM by Anyder
DET Map - Week 1

Download SWBFSpy to play the tournament: exe or auto-installer
*Unwilling to register to download the files ? Go here: !

Tournament Staff

1. Anyder (Community Ambassador)
2. Drunken Master (SWBFSpy Engagement)
3. -

Match Moderators:
1. Dark_Phantom
2. -
3. -

Server Hosts:
EU = Anyder
US = Led

Staff wanted

*Special thanks to Unit for creating the map image! And also to Phantom, who spent his time creating the mappack. It saved me lots of hours, so many thanks, guys!

Clan rosters:
Alpha + TcF

{Alpha}Drunken_Master (leader)
{Alpha}Kelle` (co-leader)
{Alpha}Mirky (BOBclan)[/spoiler]

GGR Team A
[spoiler](GGR)Wolf (Lead)

GGR Team B
[spoiler](GGR)Serenity (lead)   

(IA)Red04-{AR} Leader
(IA)Sam-(PFE) Co-Leader
(IA)cosworth bg

Attacking Messages

Battles should by default be scheduled for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Attacks absolutely must be posted by Thursday at 11:55pm EST

Clans may only attack planets which are connected by a line (in the tournament map) to a planet they currently control.

Format example:

Attacking clan:
Defending clan:
Time (EST):
Attacker era/side:
Server Location: US / EU

Attacks are by default limited to 2.

If a clan forfeits, their planets become native held, and attackers will face a team of "native". Anyone may show up as a native. However in this case the natives may be outnumbered by attackers. But there is a limit of 2 members per clan on the native side.

You cannot "Call dibs". If u want to attack certain maps, schedule the attack properly.

Battle schedule

Friday July 28:

Saturday July 29:
- GGR (B) vs IA | 2pm EST | GCW (GGR (B) - Imp; IA - Rebs) | US | Utapau (Sinkhole)
- IA vs GGR (A) | 3pm EST | GCW (IA - Rebs; GGR A - Imp) | EU | Tatooine (Jabba's Palace)

Sunday July 30:
- IA vs GGR (B) | 3pm EST | CW (IA - Rep; GGR B CIS) | EU | Geonosis (Spire)
- GGR (B) vs Alpha/TcF | 4pm EST | GCW (GGR (B) - Imp; Alpha/Tcf - Rebs) | US | Yavin IV (Temple & Arena)

Week 1 password: mocha
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
SWBFSpy Discord:
SWBFSpy Info:

July 24, 2017, 01:18:58 PM #1 Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 01:18:48 AM by Red04 (CC-4398)
I'm glad it's finally begun... Here's our attacks! 8)

Edit: Erased (because of the map issue, I'll wait and then I'll post the attack again).

Edit 2: Updated attacks

Attacking clan: IA
Defending clan: GGR (A)
Date: 29th July
Time (EST): 3 p.m.
Attacker era/side: GCW / Rebels
Server Location: EU

Attacking clan: IA
Defending clan: GGR (B)
Date: 30th July
Time (EST): 3 p.m.
Attacker era/side: CW / Republic
Server Location: EU
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

July 24, 2017, 01:29:47 PM #2 Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 01:33:58 PM by Anyder
Quote from: Red04 (CC-4398) on July 24, 2017, 01:18:58 PM
I'm glad it's finally begun... Here's our attacks! 8)

Attacking clan: IA
Defending clan: GGR (A)
Date: 29th July
Time (EST): 3:00 pm
Attacker era/side: CW / Republic
Server Location: EU

Attacking clan: IA
Defending clan: GGR (B)
Date: 30th July
Time (EST): 3:00 pm
Attacker era/side: GCW / Empire
Server Location: EU

I have a question: is the list of participants above definite or not? Because I'm waiting for 2 more players to join IA.
1) I just noticed a mistake in the map, imma talk to unit ASAP. Each team has 1 big planet and 2 small. Big planets have 2 maps.
2) no, it isnt definite.
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
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July 24, 2017, 01:55:12 PM #3 Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 02:09:31 PM by Joseph
Quote from: Anyder on July 24, 2017, 01:29:47 PM
1) I just noticed a mistake in the map, imma talk to unit ASAP. Each team has 1 big planet and 2 small. Big planets have 2 maps.
The rules do not mention the notion of "big" and "small" planets.

What are the conditions for capturing a big planet? (E.g. must both maps be won by the attacker?)

Are the two maps for a big planet to be played in immediate succession, or it it permissible to schedule them at two separate times?

QuoteAttacks are by default limited to 2.

Does this mean two planet attacks (for a maximum of 4 battles) or does one large planet count as two attacks?

@Red04, here is a relevant quotation from the rules:
Quote17. Each faction is required to maintain a public clan list in this thread throughout the tournament. Lists can be added to at any time, but never subtracted from once the tournament begins. The members of the list don't have to "be in" your clan according to your clan's internal member list, but they cannot appear on any other clan list at any time in the tournament.

Quote from: Anyder on July 24, 2017, 01:29:47 PM
1) I just noticed a mistake in the map, imma talk to unit ASAP. Each team has 1 big planet and 2 small. Big planets have 2 maps.
2) no, it isnt definite.

1) Sorry, I think I got ahead of the rush... :P Anyway this attack is canceled or can I leave it as it is?
2) Thanks Anyder. As I've seen the lists presented in spoiler form I thought that these were definitive.

Yes Joseph, I had already seen it NP. I just thought it wasn't like that because it was in a spoiler... :smirksweat:
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

July 24, 2017, 03:02:15 PM #5 Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 03:23:52 PM by Anyder
Quote from: Joseph on July 24, 2017, 01:55:12 PM
The rules do not mention the notion of "big" and "small" planets.

What are the conditions for capturing a big planet? (E.g. must both maps be won by the attacker?)

Are the two maps for a big planet to be played in immediate succession, or it it permissible to schedule them at two separate times?

Does this mean two planet attacks (for a maximum of 4 battles) or does one large planet count as two attacks?

@Red04, here is a relevant quotation from the rules:
The conditions are the logical ones. Unless u win both maps, u won't get it.
Attacks are towards planets, not maps.
Of course they must be played right after the first map is won (if the attacking clan is defeated, there will be no second map).

Also, since it will probably take time to Unit to remake the map. I'll pick which clan has which maps, so until the image is updated. Clans will have the following maps.

Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
SWBFSpy Discord:
SWBFSpy Info:

July 25, 2017, 12:36:21 AM #6 Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 12:37:57 AM by Red04 (CC-4398)
Okay Anyder. Thanks for the new map.

NOTE: In Edit 2 I have placed and modified the attacks adapted to this last map (above there's the two attacks). I did it immediately because I'm going to be busy later.
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

Quote from: Red04 (CC-4398) on July 25, 2017, 12:36:21 AM
Okay Anyder. Thanks for the new map.

NOTE: In Edit 2 I have placed and modified the attacks adapted to this last map (above there's the two attacks). I did it immediately because I'm going to be busy later.
Tatooine is not part of the map pack, though...
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
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Lol sorry. :slap: I wanted to put JABBA'S PALACE (it has already been corrected).

This of the nomenclatures of the maps confused me a little with the originals of the game. :blink:
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

July 26, 2017, 03:13:31 PM #9 Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 05:01:18 PM by MrTwistyFilms
Edited for times: sorry, that time zone change was much larger than i expected, only thought it to be 3-4 hrs
Edit Edit: saturday attack switched to 2PM due to IA having a attack at 3. sorry again for the mismatches

Attacking clan: GGR (B)
Defending clan: IA
Planet: Utapau
Date: July 29th
Time (EST): 2PM EST
Attacker era/side: Civil War, Empire
Server Location: US

Attacking clan: GGR (B)
Defending clan: Alpha/TCF
Planet: Yavin IV
Date: July 30th
Time (EST): 4PM EST
Attacker era/side: Civil War, Empire
Server Location: US

July 26, 2017, 03:38:52 PM #10 Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 09:15:25 AM by Red04 (CC-4398)
Quote from: MrTwistyFilms on July 26, 2017, 03:13:31 PM
Attacking clan: GGR (B)
Defending clan: IA
Planet: Utapau
Date: July 29th
Time (EST): 7PM
Attacker era/side: Civil War, Empire
Server Location: US

Attacking clan: GGR (B)
Defending clan: Alpha/TCF
Planet: Yavin IV
Date: July 30th
Time (EST): 7PM EST
Attacker era/side: Civil War, Empire
Server Location: US / EU

MrTwistyFilms... I think you should consider the following before placing your attack:

Quote27.  If you are attacking a team that is primarily EU players you can not schedule a attack after 10 PM Berlin (4PM EST).

The majority in IA are European. So I don't think we'll want to play at 1 a.m. CET (Berlin Zone)...

Edit by Red04 (time issue): Surely at 3 p.m. on Saturday? ??? Please watch our attacks above.
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

July 28, 2017, 09:46:59 AM #11 Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 10:37:41 AM by Anyder
Alright. Attacks are now closed. Tomorrow I will upload a temporary "mappack" for this week unless Phantom surprises me today uploading the mappack compiled...

Channels were created in the SWBFSpy TS3 (Address: and there's another one in the SWBFSpy Discord.
Quote from: Anyder on July 24, 2017, 12:40:03 PM
Battle schedule

Friday July 28:

Saturday July 29:
- GGR (B) vs IA | 2pm EST | GCW (GGR (B) - Imp; IA - Rebs) | US | Utapau (Sinkhole)
- IA vs GGR (A) | 3pm EST | GCW (IA - Rebs; GGR A - Imp) | EU | Tatooine (Jabba's Palace)

Sunday July 30:
- IA vs GGR (B) | 3pm EST | CW (IA - Rep; GGR B CIS) | EU | Geonosis (Spire)
- GGR (B) vs Alpha/TcF | 4pm EST | GCW (GGR (B) - Imp; Alpha/Tcf - Rebs) | US | Yavin IV (Temple & Arena)

Week 1 password: mocha
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
SWBFSpy Discord:
SWBFSpy Info:

It's been a busy week, I don't think anyone in Alpha noticed the deadline to post battles was 22 hours ago. So I'll post battle suggestions and see what you all say.

Attacking clan: Alpha+TcF
Defending clan: GGRA
Planet: Hoth
Date: July 29 (Saturday)
Time (EST): 4ET or whenever the 3pm battle ends
Attacker era/side: CW / EMP
Server Location: US

Attacking clan: Alpha+TcF
Defending clan: GGRB
Planet: Coruscant
Date: July 30 (Sunday)
Time (EST): 2ET
Attacker era/side: GCW/Clones
Server Location: US

Please put me down as a moderator also.

Where do we have to download the Map Pack?

If it isn't yet available, it should be. There are members of my group who have asked me about this and I have 4-5 hours to notice them. Please post it ASAP.

Also, can you modify the list of IA rosters with the following one? Two more players have joined and I have promised that they will play in DET:

Quote(IA)Red04-{AR} Leader
(IA)Sam-(PFE) Co-Leader
(IA)cosworth bg

I'll be grateful.

NOTE: c0cobeam will be inactive for 2-3 weeks, so I had to change the Co-Leader.
AR Clan Discord: | Star Wars: Battlefront - 20th Anniversary (2004-2024)

Quote from: Red04 (CC-4398) on July 29, 2017, 04:44:58 AM
Where do we have to download the Map Pack?

If it isn't yet available, it should be. There are members of my group who have asked me about this and I have 4-5 hours to notice them. Please post it ASAP.

Also, can you modify the list of IA rosters with the following one? Two more players have joined and I have promised that they will play in DET:
Good question.
This is what DP sent me

Quote from: Dark_Phantom on July 02, 2017, 07:44:22 PM
Ok, sign me up to be a match moderator and then let me know if you need anything.
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on July 25, 2017, 10:26:18 AM
Sorry I'm behind, I just moved this weekend.  I intend to have the pack done within the next day or two.
I expected him to get everything ready for Thursday, but apprently, he couldnt meet the deadline to get the mappack ready.
Im aware the mappack should be ready by now, but I was not the person who picked the maps and was in charge to gather them into a mappack.
I already said I had no time to compile it because of my job. That's why DP volunteered.
For that reason, I wrote in the Discord server that I was gonna set up the servers now, and to get at least utapau ready for today.
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
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