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Messages - Giftheck

Quote from: ATR on January 30, 2025, 01:22:19 PMVery new here so forgive me the lack of knowledge but are the sixth class model from deleted content or custom made? This is very cool for future mods.

Based upon deleted content but iterated on.
Here's an initial version of the Sixth Unit Restoration Project for people to play around with. This is not a final version, I'm still tweaking bits and pieces, but so far I'm happy with what I've got.

You require the SWBFSpy exe found here, and Dark Phantom's BF1 Memory Extender, found here, in order for this to work. At present, this does not support the Classic Collection release, but given the intent of this project, I'm intending on releasing the Data folder once this gets up to V1, which will include the mission scripts as well so anybody wishing to port this over to the CC version of SWBF1 can do so.


There are a couple of nice little surprises I've added in as well, but I'll leave it up to you to find those out for yourself. If you have suggestions for further balancing, please let me know 🙂 I think in a general sense there's a happy medium that I think I'm hovering around but I'm not 100% sure I've hit it yet.

Quote-Dark Phantom (discovering and patching the code and scripting for several new features, such as having up to ten selectable units per team)
-John Williams (music from the Star Wars Saga)
-Ben Burtt (Star Wars Sound Effects)

Here's the most recent video showing off the new sixth units:
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Sixth Unit Restoration Project
January 21, 2025, 09:30:12 AM
I've updated the video above with a much newer iteration. Here's some notes on it:

-The Clone Commander's EMP Grenade Launcher fires a special type of EMP Grenade - it sticks to vehicles and when it detonates, it ejects that vehicle's occupants and leaves it disabled for five seconds.
-The CIS has two things to note:
--You'll notice you can play as the Battle Droid and the Super Battle Droid.
--The Tactical Droid's Sonic Blaster will push the target(s) back a short distance upon impact - the tradeoff is that the further the 'pellet' travels, the less damage it will do.
-The Bothan Spy's Seeker Rifle behaves similarly to the Halo Needler.
SWBF1 Modding / Sixth Unit Restoration Project
January 20, 2025, 02:33:57 PM
Hey all!

First, I would like to thank ‪Dark Phantom for his excellent work on cracking the unit selection screen to allow for up to 10 selectable units. This was something I threw together fairly quickly to test it out - a prototype restoration for the cut sixth unit from Star Wars: Battlefront. As these are prototypes, they may not align perfectly with how a finished, polished version of these units would work. Phantom's work will blow open the possibilities for new mods for the game. So once again, I would like to extend my thanks.

Here's a video of the initial prototype:

With the public release of his patcher, I am currently working on a more polished version of this with a couple of nice surprises thrown in for good measure. Including the sixth unit (or 'seventh' for the CIS - as I am also including the Battle Droid alongside the Super Battle Droid to offer a bit of faction-exclusive variety!) has actually changed the game in some pretty fun ways, and I can't wait to be able to finish this off and show it to you all.

Additional credit to psych0fred as the Imperial Officer and Rebel Spy are based off the units he provided for his Chain Isle map.
Forum News and Forum Rules / Re: post for spammers
January 20, 2025, 10:11:11 AM
Bumping purely to put this at the top given the uptick in spammer activity earlier
A video from Flandrew, who has covered a load of Star Wars games of the past (even interviewing the devs of the 1999 Phantom Menace game), also has a statement from Shaymin, one of the folks from Free Radical Archive and co-developer of the Star Wars: Battlefront III Legacy mod for SWBF2.

I'm working on the next patch and update. I'd like to get some opinions on what I should include:

A) Selection of classic mod maps (I have permission from Rends to modify his Coruscant City and Streets)
B) Remaining maps from SWBF2 (Geonosis, Kamino, Kashyyyk, Theed nighttime)
C) Selection of my own custom maps (Scarif, Theed, Invisible Hand)
D) Some combination of the above

Space maps are a ways off, still a lot to work out on that front.
Welcome Center / Re: Hello there
November 18, 2024, 01:58:55 AM
Welcome!  :cheers:
Forum News and Forum Rules / Re: post for spammers
October 03, 2024, 07:59:29 AM
Gotta make sure they still come here instead of other threads, so gonna bump this
I've split this off, I think it deserves its own topic so everyone can see it  :cheers:

Quote from: wsa30h on September 23, 2024, 10:56:55 AMis this for the 1.2 cd and dvd versions ? any chance this might work in the latest steam version ?

I'd imagine the addresses for each might be a bit different, but the hex values themselves should be the same for the steam version, so you should be able to find them.
I have uploaded a patch to fix several issues not picked up during testing.

Download it here.

Quote from: Luna on September 18, 2024, 11:06:55 AMWoot! Glad to see it's out! Well done on your hard work to make this mod, Giftheck!

Thank you  :cheers:
General / 20 years ago today...
September 17, 2024, 12:00:41 AM
The Star Wars: Battlefront franchise began with the release of the original Star Wars: Battlefront - the very game we are all here for today! Happy 20th anniversary to the best Star Wars game! :cheers:
It's finally out! Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly known as Star Wars: Battlefront Legacy - not to be confused with Battlefront III Legacy) is a large scale mod for the original Star Wars: Battlefront which pulls inspiration from all corners of the franchise, from the original games to DICE's versions and even from the cancelled Star Wars: Battlefront III.

Download it from the ModDB page

If you downloaded this mod prior to the update released on the 19th, you can download the 1.1 patch to fix certain issues here.

Please note that, owing to compatibility issues regarding LUA and the manner in which addons are handled, the Star Wars: Battlefront - Classic Collection version cannot be used to play this mod. This mod is compatible only with CD/DVD, Steam and GOG versions of Star Wars: Battlefront.


Extract all files.

###IMPORTANT: Backup the original Data/_LVL_PC folder and the addon/Tat3 folder###

Before you begin, please remove Tat3 from your Addon folder as this mod comes with its own version.

Copy everything in this folder into your "Star Wars Battlefront/GameData" folder. If you are asked to replace files, click "Yes" or "OK" (or, in Vista onwards "Copy and Replace").


-John Williams (music from the Star Wars Saga)
-Gordy Haab (music from Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II)
-Ben Burtt (Star Wars Sound Effects)
-Additional objects from Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (EA Capital Games)
-Snakey (Weapon scopes)
-Sereja (Naboo Arch parts, Naboo Guard models and weapons, Tatooine Mos Eisley additional models)
-Special thanks to those who tested this mod before release: Vilhelm