swbf-unmunge - v1.1.1

Started by SleepKiller, July 06, 2017, 10:20:57 PM

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So there is no way to properly unmunge swbf1 player models? Even adding -version swbf and -outversion swbf seems to not work.

Could you add the ability for the user to specify an additional file for hash lookup?

I just discovered the ToolsFL\bin\Hash.exe program generates the hashes for the given string.
It would be cool to be able to add to the known hashes so that more stuff gets unmunged well.

Maybe! I have ideas for at least one more update to swbf-unmunge. A key one is having a preprocess function that goes through a list of .lvl files and builds a list of hashes from the strings in them for later use during the actual "unmunging". If that next release happens I will for sure look at also including the ability to specify custom hash lists as well.

Quote from: SleepKiller on June 19, 2020, 09:00:05 PM
Maybe! I have ideas for at least one more update to swbf-unmunge. A key one is having a preprocess function that goes through a list of .lvl files and builds a list of hashes from the strings in them for later use during the actual "unmunging". If that next release happens I will for sure look at also including the ability to specify custom hash lists as well.
Looking at the .lvl files, the mission.lvl file is a good string capture target.
But which others?  And of those, which sections?

This is an awesome tool man this looks pretty handy. But what I can't figure out is , I made my own like custom side and all and I want to put it in this custom map (just for fun ofc) what is the actual process of remunging these extracted files? Like instead of .lua all the mission .lvl extracts are .scripts. Do we gotta manually go through the files and copy paste the information on our own new built world etc?

The unmunge tool doesn't work on scripts, so you would need to rebuild those yourself.
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Quote from: TheJediMan132 on August 07, 2020, 12:52:07 PM
This is an awesome tool man this looks pretty handy. But what I can't figure out is , I made my own like custom side and all and I want to put it in this custom map (just for fun ofc) what is the actual process of remunging these extracted files? Like instead of .lua all the mission .lvl extracts are .scripts. Do we gotta manually go through the files and copy paste the information on our own new built world etc?

BAD_AL has a couple of tools he made that converts unmunged script chunk files back into source code but it's not a guarantee it will work. It only works on very simple scripts.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.

I have one for BF1 that works under the same conditions. Only simple scripts.
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Quote from: AnthonyBF2 on August 08, 2020, 06:58:52 PM
BAD_AL has a couple of tools he made that converts unmunged script chunk files back into source code but it's not a guarantee it will work. It only works on very simple scripts.
The good news is that it usually works pretty well on the mission files, but the extracted scripts should be examined and possibly modified before you use them.

It has a thread over at gametoast: http://gametoast.com/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=33479

Quote from: BAD_AL on August 09, 2020, 09:48:27 AM
The good news is that it usually works pretty well on the mission files, but the extracted scripts should be examined and possibly modified before you use them.

It has a thread over at gametoast: http://gametoast.com/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=33479

In my experience, it works with most mission scripts. Certain scripts that have more complex bits of code, like Death Star or Tantive don't work.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.

hey is there a way to munge the extracted version of the unmunge back together after it was extracted?

for example if you have ingame.lvl and extract it with unmunge, you get 6 folders

if i wanted to change a value in a hud-file which is in config and want to put it back together into a ingame.lvl file, how would i do that?

That's not going to work. Many files that are ripped are not re-usable. You'll need to learn how to use BF2 mod tools and compile a new ingame.lvl from scratch, and if you have 1.3 or 1.5 patch, replacing ingame.lvl will break mod support.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.