OverrideTexture compatible Battle Droid

Started by tirpider, November 11, 2012, 11:45:20 PM

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OverrideTexture compatible Battle Droid


tirpider - editing
Pandemic - source materials

A kitbash of the following:
SWBF1 cis_inf_bdroid.msh (Pandemic)
and the various tga's, .options, and lowres models that they came with.

This is a slight revision of the shipped asset. It is intended to be used as a base for future edits and/or as a replacement of the original.

The goal of this series is to give all the playable units OverrideTexture compatability for convienience in modding and side building.  A side effect is that it gives me the opportunity to address functional issues of some of the shipped assets.

I recommend keeping this and all the other "OTC" assets I'm processing, seperate from your original BFBuilder assets.  If I ship a broken msh and you overwrite the original with it, you will end up having to re-download the BFBuilder archive just to replace the model.  I try very hard to maintain 100% compatibility, but some I can miss things like anyone else.  Let me know if anything goes wrong, and I will try to help.

If you use the model and can't tell any difference, then I have done my job.

If you use this model in a side mod or map, then no credit for me is needed. Just be sure to thank LucasArts and Pandemic for letting us play with thier toys.

- rebuilt indexed triangle and polygon lists for compatibility with my process. (they are identical tri lists now.)
- made OverrideTexture compatible (lowres only)
   - renamed MODL.
- seperated head and neck into it's own segm to facilitate a head swap. (still ot compatible)

Possible future edits:
- isolate pack or head as override_texture2 ?

To make use of the override texture, the following line needs to be in the unit's odf
(replace texturename with the name of your texture)
OverrideTexture  = "texturename"  // body, head, pack

I left the filename the same as the original as it is meant to be used as a replacement.
It still requires the same tga as the original:

- I noticed this unit does not have a CAMR chunk under MSH2 like most all the other stock units have. It doesn't seem to affect how it works. I may add one to see if anything changes. I'm betting CAMR is just left over from development and can be safely ignored. I may be wrong.
- rebuilding the polygon lists eliminated 14 bad polygon errors when opening with 3DOC
- getting his pack off is a little dificult. I can't tell of one of the sides is missing or not, so a proper seperation of the backpack may not be possible for me.  To replace the pack, it will have to be covered with a larger one.
- the lowres is heavily soft weighted. I could not seperate the head without making the neck dissapear. The head can be isolated, but there will be a hole between the head and ribcage when doing so. So I left it as is. Future edits along those lines will need to address this in thier own way.

Tools Used:
- 3D Object Converter 5.0(unregistered) (3D model viewer/converter)
- AEdiX v3.0.5 (text editor)
- OpenOffice.org Calc v3.4.1 (spreadsheet)
- XVI32 v2.52 (hex editor)
- AutoIT v3.3.8.1 (scripting language)
- My MSH tools built with AutoIT (TagSizeValidator.exe, MSH2chunks.exe, chunk2MSH.exe, SWBF_MSH_INFO.exe)

Special Notes/Legal:
- I'd like to thank George Lucas for the entirety of the Star Wars Universe.  It's evolution as a franchise is, in itself, an epic struggle and a tale worth telling. Through the victories and defeats your vision has suffered, we have all enjoyed and been inspired by it. Thank you.
- Now that Disney has purchased LucasFilm LTD, they deserve the same respect for IP as LucasFilm, LucasArts, and Pandemic. I don't have the legal phrase for it all, but if you are reading this, then you know what it means.  Don't misrepresent others work as your own.

-tirpider (tirpider@yahoo.com)
visit http://www.swbfgamers.com/