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Messages - Bluetothestars

Quote from: Dark_Phantom on November 22, 2020, 06:20:41 PM
You can't change the state of the units after they are loaded in, unlike BF2.
For example:
At load time, the units are called in.  For the purposes of BF1, they are done.  You also can't lock classes out like in BF2.  Now, in BF2, with the award system/hero spawning, you could do this, but none of this dynamic code existed for the first game.
Right, but what I mean is making it so the player has the "hero class", and if I'm correct only 1 hero can spawn, however I may be off the mark here.

Quote from: Dark_Phantom on November 22, 2020, 06:20:41 PM
Melee combat and Jedi were not a focus of BF1.  That's why you see such limited support for it.  Also, if AddHealth isn't working, please check for typos.  AddHealth should be adding once a second if I remember correctly (like Napseeker said), even if you are in the air (I could be wrong here).
Yeah, no, I did that. I tested it against less harmful items like grenades, and the "AddHealth" only activates when on the ground, while being launching in the air with the falling animation, the "AddHealth" doesn't activate.
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on November 22, 2020, 05:35:04 AM
Once again, do not double post unless it is relevant.
This was already answered as a known issue and seemingly no fix.
Dark Phantomm, you're killing me here.

Quote from: Led on November 22, 2020, 05:41:35 AM
Sounds like he needs to uninstall the 1.3 patch.
I don't think it helps that I pirated the game either  :whip:
Quote from: Napseeker on November 20, 2020, 02:25:10 PM
Well, if they only attack if his health is at 1000, but you want to keep him alive, then why not use AddHealth to just constantly restore his health?


MaxHealth   = 1000.0
AddHealth       = 999

I haven't tested this, but it might work as the addhealth happens every second.
Hey, sorry for late reply, for some reason I'm not getting notifications.

I have tried the AddHealth method, however it only works on the ground, where as when a turret launches you in the air your health doesn't regenerate. Even then, most of the time it won't actually be fast enough since larger turrets and vehicles do way more damage.

Has any modders here tried to make it so that the player can gain "Jedi Hero Status"? If that were possible, then we wouldn't need to change anything. That way it'd make a true Jedi hero mod.
Quote from: 411Remnant on November 21, 2020, 09:21:15 AM
This is pretty common if you have the 1.3 patch installed on bf2. Im not to sure why, it just does that when you have it installed.
How do I fix it?
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on November 19, 2020, 04:55:54 AM
It's a hard coded limitation because you don't need AI attacking a target with no hope of destroying it.  There's a threshold that I think is based on weapon damage - but I don't know this for sure.  What I do know is that you can't change that behavior.

Generally, if you're not getting an answer, it's because we don't know. Keep the double posting about the same topic to a minimum please.
Okay, sure. I'd appreciate it if you would at least let me know if you don't know, I think it's a ridiculous to assume I'd know that, the forums don't seem very active so I thought there just weren't people looking.

But yeah, I'd actually wonder why it's hard coded for other units though, since they still attack the Jedi Heroes.
Carried on from another post since no one was answering. Basically if I make say Mace Windu's health 1000, he will still block and such, however he'll die from grenades as well as turrets like on BES Platforms. If I keep his health at the 100000, no one will attack him. Why is this?

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mission.lvl edit not working
November 17, 2020, 04:42:46 AM
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mission.lvl edit not working
November 14, 2020, 02:13:55 AM
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on November 11, 2020, 04:44:21 PM
I don't remember exactly which one it is.  It's one of two things:
1.) you need to bring down the health of the jedi to something reasonable, like 1000.  So if it's Luke Skywalker, you'd change in all_inf_lukeskywalker.odf the line
MaxHealth = 1000000.0
AddHealth = 1000000.0

to something more like
MaxHealth = 1000
AddHealth = 10 //or just remove this line

2.) I don't remember if you need to add CanDeflect = 0 to the all_weap_lightsaber.odf (if it's Luke).  You would deflect all shots if that line isn't there, so it's probably best to add it anyway.

These are both side.lvl modifications that can't be done through the mission file.
It's not working. I can't seem to get the enemies to target me, and when I lower the health of the Jedi's, they end up dying quickly by grenades and heavy blaster turrets.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mission.lvl edit not working
November 11, 2020, 04:28:21 PM
Quote from: Led on November 10, 2020, 04:54:28 AM
So, since you didn't post your lua, there is no way we can tell what experience you have with modding and there are an infinite numbers of things that you could have done wrong.

There is no way we can even tell with your first statement that you know how to use the mod tools.

Again, no way for us to know unless you post your lua. 

Search the odf's for skywalker in the name.

Here is a handy tool for searching your hard drive.

I think you will find others besides me willing to help new modders--but we need to establish your baseline knowledge and what you have done (specifically).
Right, I've managed to edit the file, however, whenever I play as a Jedi the AI don't target me, is there a way to fix this?
Tech Support / Zero Editor not working
November 10, 2020, 06:27:18 AM
Whenever I try and run Zero Editor I get this message: "Runtime Error!", when I close and try again, the program opens, however, the screen is just white with the GUI, and I can't load or do anything, any help? I am on windows 10.