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Messages - Bluetothestars

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mods specifically for skins?
January 31, 2021, 04:58:53 PM
Quote from: Led on January 30, 2021, 08:49:25 AMvisual mods usually work with no problem in online play--but you will be the only one to see them, unless everyone has the mod.

The mods that would break on-line no-download required compatibility are those that would change damage or other effects--though if you are the host there are many more options.
Just a question since you're an expert on this stuff, what makes it so that mods won't show up on multiplayer servers but regular skins will? Like if a game dev say gives a player a special skin that shows up for everyone, how is that possible but not when someone downloads a mod?
SWBF1 Modding / Mods specifically for skins?
January 30, 2021, 05:05:56 AM
Been wanting to just play vanilla BF1 with different skins, both for each era and sides, any suggestions? I can't seem to find any.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Jedi Block as a shield?
January 25, 2021, 04:02:33 AM
Quote from: Led on January 23, 2021, 05:43:23 AMWell, maybe he can give the jedi an invisible deka shield and then have the jedi flail his arms about for effect.
I am a big baby modder, will probably take some time til I get to that level.
SWBF1 Modding / Jedi Block as a shield?
January 23, 2021, 02:20:20 AM
Is there a way to make the Jedi Block a depletable shield? So they block hits but their shield meter would go down similar to Droideka's except the block instead of the shield?
When going in first person the mini map glitches.

Vehicle sensitivity doesn't work.

Sabotage on conquest mode doesn't work.
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on January 16, 2021, 12:51:49 PMIt seems the issue they ran into was no respawning for that unit.
My concern would be running out of the hard coded memory pool. Theres only allowed to be so many bodies on the field at a time.
What if all the reinforcements spawned in at once? That would probably fix it.
Is there a mod or even a way to make it so dead bodies don't despawn? I just thought about it and it seems like it'd be a cool mod, to make it work a bit better the bodies could be walked through so the AI isn't bumping into them all the time.
Quote from: Giftheck on January 04, 2021, 10:35:49 AMHere's my conversion/update to te Elite Squadron Bespin map. I was supplied with the original map rip by Teancum, and I used that to make this map, making adjustments where I felt they were needed or where I thought the geometry could use a facelift.


This map is really fun! One thing I wish people would stop doing is making heroes killable, it just really defeats the purpose of having them. Though I understand this map is quite small.
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on January 07, 2021, 06:24:05 AMGame auto pauses with freecam enabled.
"M" unpauses the game and allows you to hit escape and go back to chase cam (default)
I believe "Home" and "End" on your keyboard (above the arrow keys on a typical keyboard) go up and down, and "WASD" is your typical move around keys.
I see, for some reason the steam version of the game seems a little broken, can't seem to unpause or exit the mode.

Is there a way to make it so I don't have to spawn my unit in? It's so annoying always having the select screen come up when I'm trying to watch the battles.

The devs seem to have left the steam version with a quite a few problems.
What are the controls? Is there a way to go freecam without the game freezing? I'd like to watch the AI fight each other.
It's very hard for some reason on the first Galactic Conquest, however there is a way to beat this easily.

First, if you are in Galactic Conquest, pick either Sabotage, or Jedi Hero, Darth Vader comes in very handy towards the end if your side is winning.

Spawn at the command post with the vehicles and hop in one, this isn't really needed but I usually do it, I quickly take out the Rebels vehicles as well, I then land and capture the North Village command post.

Next, get to the South Village command post and capture that one, it will take a little longer, however it's quite easy since you are very sheltered and you can take out enemies from the windows.

And there you have it, just make sure you defend those two command posts, I'd suggest securing the North Village first and getting a couple troopers to idle there, then I'd go on to capture and defend the South Village.

Some of these maps are really hard to beat, so you need to go around it instead of actively taking the enemy head on, leave that to your troopers and Jedi Hero.   :tu:
Is there a tutorial for this? I'd like to edit a map like it in Blender for animations.
Seriously, I play a lot of galactic conquest, and I kid you not, I try Jedi Hero (the heroes are awful in open spaces), I tried Sabotage, I tried Bacta Tanks, it's the worst kind of game design when the only strategy you can use to win is stay in a space ship and shoot down the Techno-union ships.

I love this game but  :censored: this is got to be some of the things I hate the most. That and also the Jedi Heroes being useless, and Yavin being an awful map for the Clone Wars because Droidekas are OP.

Edit by Anyder: Careful with the expressions you use!
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on November 23, 2020, 06:02:25 AM
The technical explanation is that the game assigns the character select for human and AI in slots 0-4 in the base game.  Slot 5 (or if you start at 1, number 6) is assigned to the hero.  This was never meant to be selectable, but in my testing for a way to make more than 5 units work on the spawn screen, I came across this minor discovery.  It was fun and so I released it as a trainer.

I don't have any practical way to stop the AI from spawning as the hero though.  I ran into this issue on another map I did a long time ago.  If you don't spawn in quickly enough, the AI will compensate to balance teams - think of a hero as a +1, if there's already a hero, then it shouldn't spawn as one.  You could lengthen the time until the AI spawn by changing SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25) to something higher, like SetSpawnDelay(20.0, 0.25), but then you'll be waiting longer for the AI to pop in.  However, the AI shouldn't spawn as a hero then.

For actual additional spawn screen units, see here:
TL;DR - the spawn screen only natively uses 5 units and any more than that is unstable and janky, but possible.
Yeah, I just tested it, no matter how fast I spawn in, another hero on my side always spawns in as well. So I'm guessing it probably wouldn't matter if I did lengthen the time, since the AI spawns a hero regardless. It's strange, if the player becomes the hero, it makes sense that the AI would just not spawn in another one, but it doe anyway. Very strange.
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on November 22, 2020, 09:18:56 PM
or use this:

It's not the same, but maybe someone else has a better solution.
Wow, I looked at that and tried it, it really is basically a true Jedi Herp mod/trainer, however, it spawns in two Heroes instead of one (that being the player).

Is the 6th class an actual class in the game, being the hero class? If so then you basically were able to successfully make it so we can play as a true Hero, now there's only one more thing to fix, that being there's an additional hero that spawns in. Would there be a way to fix that?