Star Wars: Battlefront III has leaked

Started by Giftheck, January 21, 2016, 02:39:26 AM

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Nice to see what could have been with the new Battlefront*sheds single tear* anyone else think that this is reminiscent of Halo Online and Eldewrito?
"I would explain it to you but your head might explode."

Was that based out of Unreal by any chance? The big thing is not being able to edit the code base with stuff like that. Otherwise you can nearly port it into another engine for that matter.

Kinda sad because I love the UI and everything in the video. It has some Clone Wars'esque hud (GC and Xbox) which really hits a nerve of nostalgia for me. I'm pretty sure whatever Free Radical had planned was 4x better than what we got from DICE. I mean I love the art for the new one don't get me wrong, but they didn't give a lick about gameplay.

Honestly I'd have a hard time turning down working on a restoration project like that, if I knew 100% certain it wasn't going to tank my career as a credible developer.
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For some reason in high school I got my hands on an xbox360 Dev kit. Just finished grabbing the files and it's legit. I believe it's the same build we've seen select people upload videos of online in the past few years.

I'll definitely give it a shot on Thursday. You guys curious about anything in particular? I'd imagine just about everything has been recorded already but it should be fun making some captures for you guys.


January 22, 2016, 11:12:08 PM #19 Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 02:16:42 AM by Gistech
The files have already started being ripped. We have access to quite a bit of cutscene audio (the original Order 66 scene, X1 death scene and Falon Grey/X1 duel scenes) and models are currently being worked on.

Looking through the strings is interesting too: it turns out the Droidekas and Sky Troopers were hero units this time rather than standard units.

Not that EA is likely to listen, but I figure if it worked for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth it might work here. I started a petition for this game to be finished:
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Quote from: Gistech on January 22, 2016, 11:12:08 PM
The files have already started being ripped. We have access to quite a bit of cutscene audio (the original Order 66 scene, X1 death scene and Falon Grey/X1 duel scenes) and models are currently being worked on.

Looking through the strings is interesting too: it turns out the Droidekas and Sky Troopers were hero units this time rather than standard units.

Not that EA is likely to listen, but I figure if it worked for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth it might work here. I started a petition for this game to be finished:

"On top of this, I do believe it would make a lot of money for Electronic Arts, as this would surely sell very well."
I think this line is the only thing that will catch EA's attention. Maybe it should be at the top.
But yea, I'm in
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Quote from: Gistech on January 22, 2016, 11:12:08 PM
The files have already started being ripped. We have access to quite a bit of cutscene audio (the original Order 66 scene, X1 death scene and Falon Grey/X1 duel scenes) and models are currently being worked on.

Looking through the strings is interesting too: it turns out the Droidekas and Sky Troopers were hero units this time rather than standard units.

Not that EA is likely to listen, but I figure if it worked for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth it might work here. I started a petition for this game to be finished:
Signed on it as well. Though knowing EA, they'll release it through Origin. When was the last time they ever released a game through Steam?

EA would never finish this. It would risk cutting into current EABF profits.
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

Quote from: Snake on January 23, 2016, 03:52:03 PM
EA would never finish this. It would risk cutting into current EABF profits.

Yes precisely. The ONLY way you will be able to work on this is underground and without the consent or approval of Disney/EA. Distribution and support would be difficult as I'm sure they would demand it taken down from any major distribution service due that somewhere I assume they still own rights to it.

EA made the new Battlefront to conform to the masses and give it an entry level game play design. BF3 (the truest successor imo) was likely deemed too eccentric to pick up and thus we were given the new Battlefront. Lovely visuals but stripped in anyway meaningful to gameplay.
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Aw, this pessimism is, well...

In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

What would be really cool is to get the game playable and have the entire SWBF community playing/developing it. Not sure how doable it is to get it working, especially on PC, though. It'd probably be more possible if a free radical editing program was found for it sort of like ZE.
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

January 24, 2016, 06:06:21 PM #26 Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 06:08:11 PM by Ginev
The guy who have the latest build in Facepunch said this:(I copied what he said and paste it here.Its a old comment)

"Well the PC version doesn't work for reason i don't know and fixing it is beyond my coding knowledge it gets to the main menu screen and crashes to desktop, it does however contains many of the engines tools alone with the Editor to look and edit the maps along with the assets and test them on the fly via that editor and many other tools and some very early mod tools that hardly work either are in there.

But i also can't record game play sadly because of legal reasons but that may change after SWBF released but i can't be sure about that. but yes i knew i could record it with fraps and so on but like i said above those are the reason i couldn't and said i needed a capture card cause the 360 version does work."

Wow, so it has mod tools.. If we have any coding experts this could be a possibility.
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

Doesn't it run on UE3? If so there should be a host of tools already available to rig it into. I couldn't remember but if it's something very in-house you're gonna have a real hard time trying edit that.
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Signed the petition. Actually if enough noise was made EA could always reconsider. Its not out of the realm of possibility, putting this on reddit could help. Ill make a video about it to.

I know this user who has been making videos on his own build of the game he has(not borman or banna swag), and not that I would believe him but he said that dice does have some build of the game and EA could always change their mind to make it happen if enough people would ask. Anyone could say anything on the internet though so I wouldn't know for sure if that is true or not. Its a nice thought I suppose, it always makes me sad that the free radical version which in some trailers looked pretty complete was never released. Such a waste of great ideas, functions, art work, gameplay ect all down the drain because of that idiot they appointed as lucas arts president of at the time. The free radical version is what I would pay money for.
Battfront Stuff if your interested.