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Messages - Led

Hi Ryan,

Battlebelk has released a collision fixed Polis Massa Medical Facility:

its still called pol1, but is playable--check it out if you have not already.

We may get some PLA's on the PC side to show up, and maybe even Striker (the best PC
player that I know of) so bring your best MAC's  ;)

PS.  try to get GDA artworks to play  :P

Oh, and I think I made the server hold up to 24, just in case
>Is there not a second AA Map?

Not sure what you mean, Bomb.

The first time, AA--macs will be empire
The second time, AA-PC's will be empire

Hi everyone,

I am getting the server setup today for the weekend.  It will be served at 30 frame per second, so make sure your graphics are set to handle the load.  I will have a server set up through work (the one  I used for the weekend DC's a while back) and I can use my home server if needed.

The server IP will be  It will be active after 6:00 pm eastern time Friday Night.  Feel free to go on and practice before the match.  I am using Kamino as a buffer map.

At the start of the match time, players will capture CP's on the existing maps as Empire or Clones, and advance the map list to Kamino. We will go over any rules, etc. at that time.  The match will then commence, as directed by Jedikiller.

Please note that the first map in the match may not be Cloud City, since I am opening the server early so that players can check graphics setting, check their ping, and practice.  Whatever map come first, we will start at that point and loop back through the progression according to the list below. 

You may want to write down the list so that you know what side you are on.

In case of server failure, check the MPCgamers shout box for the alternate IP address.

The server settings I will use are: 
-team damage on
-30 ticks or frames per second
-choose your side
-no spawn protect
-I will make a maximum of 20 players

Kamino:  buffer map, make rules clear.

Cloud City GCW:  Macs Empire
Cloud City GCW:  PC's Empire

The Maze CW:  Macs  CIS
The Maze CW:  PC's CIS

Kamino:  buffer map, refreshment break

Death Star Interior GCW: PC's Empire
Death Star Interior GCW: Macs Empire

Jabba's Palace CW:   PC's CIS
Jabba's Palace CW:   Macs CIS

Kamino:  buffer map, refreshment break

Arm Chair Assualt GCW:  Macs Empire
Arm Chair Assualt GCW:  PC's Empire

Yeah, since I started my SWBF experience with MXG players, I was intially more familiar with TK on.  However, as HC mentioned, in a public server TK on turns into a TK-fest, and unless an admin is in the server, things get out of control.

TK off can be fun to play, particularly if you get good with nade-a-pults.  It can units to places that they ordinarly couldn't get to, and in a way, partially even out the advantages that a Clones and Empire teams get with jets.

Matches get set by the teams that play them, and I don't have any trouble with participants agreeing to what ever terms they come up with.  Most 1.2 version PC clans would have team damage on.  The former 1.0 clans liked to play no jet, no pilot, no cp, hallway only, tk off.  (Yuk  :P ).

Buckler aka Led
Hi Ryan,

Here is a link to Froggy's Snowball Valley (SNOW)

All the best,
Requests / Re: Head Shot Training Mod
June 24, 2009, 10:15:45 AM
Hey Mach,

Well the idea is that it would be a new skin for units--the opponent moves, shoots, rolls,
etc, but the only thing you would see and aim for would be the head, with the idea that
getting good with the target area of the head during practice would translate into more head shots
in an actual game.

Awesome--thanks.  I looked at gametoast, but apparently in the wrong section.  :-\

Thanks HC--maybe Ryan has it?   ;)

Hi MPC'rs--

I can not get file front to load the page for this map--could someone that has it upload it to
MPC gamers?


bor2 ----------------- (SBF) Boras II: Stunt Course v1.0 --------------- (****) Huge map. Probably the best Speeder Bike Map there is. Great in SP. Could be good online too.
Requests / Re: Head Shot Training Mod
June 13, 2009, 09:49:05 PM
Hey, that's cool.

Standard sides, just want to practice head shots--

Requests / Re: Head Shot Training Mod
June 03, 2009, 09:31:17 PM
ya, white, or maybe just leave the body alone and go with an orange head?
Requests / Head Shot Training Mod
June 03, 2009, 08:06:52 PM
Hi guys, I had an idea for a mod to help with head shot training--
is it possible to adjust unit skins so that the main body is transparent, and the head is orange?

It would be like sniping basketballs, I guess :)

Hi Pi,

It probably wont pick up until around 7:00 or 8:00 central, so you should be good to go.

I just put it up a bit early so that players can check the connection.

Other Games / Re: Steam ID's
May 12, 2009, 07:18:46 PM
steamid = rtlbuckler