Munge Logging

Started by Phobos, October 09, 2014, 09:36:25 PM

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I want to append a simple command to log all of the munge.bat command prompt display to a text file in the same folder as munge and clean batch files.

This would log all the munge errors since CMD cuts off after so many lines. Any ideas for adding this to imp.lvl munger?

@call munge.bat IMP

del /q Sides\%1\munged\*.*
@set PATH="%CD%"\..\ToolsFL\Bin;%PATH%
@REM copy common binary format data from source root \Common
copy ..\Sides\%1\munged\*.*  Sides\%1\munged\

odfmunge -sourcedir ..\Sides\%1 -platform pc -inputfile !*.odf -outputdir Sides\%1\munged\ -continue
modelmunge -sourcedir ..\Sides\%1 -platform pc -inputfile !*.msh -outputdir Sides\%1\munged\ -maxbones 16 -keep collision -continue -righthanded
texturemunge -sourcedir ..\Sides\%1 -platform pc -inputfile !*.tga !*.pic -outputdir Sides\%1\munged\ -continue
configmunge -sourcedir ..\Sides\%1 -platform pc -inputfile effects\*.fx -outputdir Sides\%1\munged\ -continue

levelpack -sourcedir ..\Sides\%1 -platform pc -inputdir Sides\%1\munged\ -outputdir Sides\%1\munged\ -inputfile REQ\*.req -continue
levelpack -sourcedir ..\Sides\%1 -platform pc -inputdir Sides\%1\munged\ -outputdir ..\_LVL_PC\SIDE\ -inputfile %1.req -continue


You can always redirect screen output to a file (this is called piping).


whatever.bat > filename.txt

This works for any "DOS" command.  Try this:

dir > filelist.txt  to see what I mean.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

thanks Led, ill add this feature to the new toolbox builders by default.