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Messages - Siggi En'Ten

Well I could.
Company agreements dictate that its forbidden.

I am done arguing about that.

Quote from: Anyder on August 09, 2015, 12:17:00 PM
Server is not pinged so we're not forced to join it. Official server is still the US one as you didn't find an EU host.

Well if we play by that. I CANT ping your server ether.

And here are screens Kubianer made when they played on US Servers.

These pings are way worse then what an US player (GDH0) on our server has.

so this server is dedicated. We got that from the same hoster as battlefront-cantina thats right.
Its definitly a rootserver.
Port forwarding is open.
And as you can see on the server has a green tick. Which means its totally playable. I talked to Kalle from about that.

And stop saying its selfhosted. All servers are self hosted in some way. Just because the server is not hosted by an authorized gameserver provider it doenst mean its unplayble.

Your just annoyed because you have a higher ping then normal. I had to play on American servers and had pings up to 190 so stop complaining.
Siggi En'Ten here.
We are hosting an EU Server.
Servers are up for both matches.