New Common.lvl for SleepKiller's Legion Changer

Started by Kit Fisto, July 21, 2012, 06:37:03 AM

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July 21, 2012, 06:37:03 AM Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 06:38:35 AM by kitfisto15678
With the release of all of SleepKiller's common.lvl assets, we should make a new common.lvl for his legion changer! It would not change the effects but keep all 5 legions. If I could even get directions ( step by step ) then I would be grateful! Even though I have a mac I want to try to do this myself, if I can. I think SK's legion changer for the clones is really cool and it's the only "changer" that works on my mac.
[spoiler]Help me "insert name" you are my only hope! Yes I am apperantly the girl in the dress!  :rant:[/spoiler]

I just want directions, unless someone wants to do the whole thing!