Hard settings being to hard

Started by Kit Fisto, July 18, 2012, 11:26:18 AM

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July 18, 2012, 11:26:18 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 01:46:21 PM by kitfisto15678
So lets face it. Hard on SWBF is just to  :censored: hard! There are some of you who mastered it and thats great but I, and maybe others, want to enjoy playing not get mad at the game.
So ya know the bonus elite training in galactic conquest? Is there a way to set that for all maps on historical campaign and instant action? So that the AI are better but not so good that if you spawn next to one you die in the next 2 seconds?

Any other ideas on how to increase medium difficulty without making it equal to hard?

edit by buckler:  refrain from cursing

Set to medium and give the other side a weapons mod.

Well I was thinking a little more along the lines of giving opposing team bonuses but that works too! 8)

Hey, maybe u can edit the TeamAggresivvness?

In galactic conquest, when you or the AI choose elite training( yavin IV bonus ) does the team who chose it get increased teamaggressiveness? If not what does happen to the AI of you choose that bonus?

They probably just go from Normal skill to Hard.  ;)

TeamAggresiveness works in SP modes. It is set by the map lua and munged into mission.lvl.

You can also include ActivateBonus for the various bonuses for your team in the lua.
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Quote from: Buckler on July 18, 2012, 01:39:16 PM
TeamAggresiveness works in SP modes. It is set by the map lua and munged into mission.lvl.

You can also include ActivateBonus for the various bonuses for your team in the lua.
So someone could make a mission.lvl that gives the every team elite training to make the gameplay harder but not too hard?