REQUEST: Online Compatible DROID skin

Started by Kit Fisto, May 20, 2012, 02:55:13 PM

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May 20, 2012, 02:55:13 PM Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 09:22:39 PM by kitfisto15678
So there are not to many of these online compatible CIS skins but here are the changes I want:

1. The Rocket Trooper is a droid commander or BF2 pilot skin/yellow markings:
2. The Pilot is a geonosian WITH the Geonosian death sounds ( when he dies he makes the Geo yell )
3. The Sniper is plain with no markings/stock droid pilot:

This is the 2nd part of my online compatible skin ideas. 1st one found here:;sa=view;down=562

EDIT: 4th change: Drodeka's shield has the ripple effect when it gets hit like in SleepKillers unleashed mod.
I sure reference that mod a lot! It's an awesome mod thats why!!!  8)

Also change the 1st person view of the geonosian/pilot to Geonosian hands.
Change name from "Droid Pilot" to "Geonosian."