Yoda's Skeleton

Started by ggctuk, January 16, 2010, 01:48:12 PM

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I'm aware that somebody managed to port Yoda's actual skeleton over to BF1. What I don't know is how it was done. So I'm asking, how would I go about just porting Yoda's skeleton over? I have before just used the Ewok skeleton instead, but it stretches Yoda's legs and neck.
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Do you know how to create new animationsets? That should be all you have to do. There's no "porting" involved, just copy-and-paste.

Maveritchell, I hear you say and it sounds easy, but how is it that "everyone at GT is confused by how he did this."

Quote from: ggctuk on January 16, 2010, 01:48:12 PM
I'm aware that somebody managed to port Yoda's actual skeleton over to BF1. What I don't know is how it was done. So I'm asking, how would I go about just porting Yoda's skeleton over? I have before just used the Ewok skeleton instead, but it stretches Yoda's legs and neck.

This person was Napseeker and he does more of these strange things and he aint online that much so wait wait and wait or just ask the real master at this terretory (Me) xD (jking around here)

"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson

Quote from: Mike, a cull nightfriend on January 16, 2010, 10:19:14 PM
Maveritchell, I hear you say and it sounds easy, but how is it that "everyone at GT is confused by how he did this."
Few are probably confused by it; the simple fact of the matter is that either most people don't have SWBF1 (like me) or simply don't care to try it out in SWBF1 and so can't give a definite answer.

This kind of thing we do all the time for SWBF2, but the experience level of the small pool of remaining modders for SWBF1 isn't super-high, and without being able to lay out a step-by-step walkthrough for how to do things (which would require testing something in SWBF1), it's hard to explain how to do things to people with less experience.

I'm trying to help but if, whenever something is suggested, it's met with silence or simply "I don't think that's the best way," my incentive to help is lowered. Since I can't test anything directly for you, I can only make suggestions that have to be tested. Without feedback I can only guess at what you need.

Quote from: Darth_Verik. on January 17, 2010, 05:59:43 AM
This person was Napseeker and he does more of these strange things and he aint online that much so wait wait and wait or just ask the real master at this terretory (Me) xD (jking around here)

No, AFAIK, Napseeker used the Ewok skeleton as well. Nexus managed to make a Yoda with a proper skeleton.

I know how to make custom animations. As I pointed out in another thread, I copied the format of the Ewok animation/skeleton setup, (like using only the base pose and 9poses), referenced the zafbin in the .REQ file, referenced the skeleton name in the ODF, and the game doesn't accept it. It crashes.
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Quote from: Breakdown on January 17, 2010, 09:01:28 AM
No, AFAIK, Napseeker used the Ewok skeleton as well. Nexus managed to make a Yoda with a proper skeleton.

Yeah BD is right. My Yoda is stretchy. I think I used the jawa skeleton, not the ewok (to be honest I haven't modded in so long I seriously don't remember but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the ewok).

I got yoda to work just like Nexus did, i just need to touch him up and ill release him probably tommorow. you can see a screenshot of him in my xfire. ;)

You are cool for that. I like you guys alot.

yeay! i love new things XD

"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson

Your screenshot is cool milehighguy. Durring Nexus video you can see a stretched low mesh for yoda. Cool assets soon to be released, thanks for sharing.

Ggctuk, very cool to know yoda was shared. I can't wait to understand how and what works so that he isn't stretched. Milehighguy, details please, or I can just wait till the files are approved.

Would I need to add this to common.lvl to get it to work with the Main Play Mod?
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