SWBF Custom Map Review (W/links)

Started by Ryanoceros, January 25, 2009, 12:30:34 PM

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January 25, 2009, 12:30:34 PM Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 03:44:33 PM by Ryanoceros
Star Wars Battlefront Custom Map Review

Map Quality Ratings Are As Follows:
{1} :rant: {2} :sick: {3} :wacko: {4} :blink: {5} :dry: {6} ::) {7} 8) {8} :D {9} :tu: {10} :cheer:

  If you see that a map is missing, please list the map/file names and provide a link. I'll download it, review it, and add it to the list.
Links have been added for maps that I could find online. Please note that some maps are no longer available anywhere (Editor's note; many links have been exchanged with newer and more reliable ones).
Also I'd like to say, regardless how I may rate a map I appreciate ALL map makers for their hard work. They didn't have to share, but they did. That's cool! Further, I'm aware that, "Nobody likes a critic!", so please forgive me if you disagree with my ratings. I try to be fair and accurate, but there is always plenty of room for disagreement.

I've added pictures to most maps. Some maps have no pictures for one of three reasons:
1). That map doesn't work on my current OS.
2). That map is an older version; see newest version for pictures.
3). I'm not including pictures for Mission Maps and Side Mods, with perhaps a few exceptions. I consider those bonus pictures.
By the way, many of these pictures were taken while using the All Troops Fly: Chaos Mod. So you may see skins of characters and vehicles that differ from the map all by itself.

Footnotes for Comments:
SP = Single Player Mode
MP = Multiple Player Mode
CPs = Command Posts
(MM) = Mission Map. Load the original map along with the mission map, for it to work.
(OV) = Old Version; Use the latest version of the map, especially for online play.
(ATF:CM) = Great with the "All Troops Fly: Chaos Mod"!!!
(ATF:CM**) = Great with the "All Troops Fly: Chaos Mod"!!! : However, you need to install a portion of the mod inside the map. For example, the "EC" map comes with custom Imperial side's. You need to replace those sides inside the map, and also install the All Troops Fly: Chaos Mod regularly for it to work. For convenience, I simply made a duplicate "EC" map, with the ATF:CM installed, and then just renamed the map "EC_ATFCM", so I don't ever have to do it again. So whenever I want to play EC with the ATF:CM, I simply install the "EC_ATFCM" map like using any other map, and just install the ATF: Chaos mod normally.

A through D...

File Name  ----------  Map Name ----------------------- Quality & Comments
======= # =======

007 -------- Tantive IV: Interior --------------------- {9} :tu:  Great Tantive IV map. Fun. Has mission.lvl fix in Download section.

018 -------- Nar Shaddaa: Vertical City --------------- {10} :cheer:  Exceptional Nar Shaddaa map. Large. Very fun.

020 -------- Sereja's Naboo: Otoh Gunga --------------- {10} :cheer:  Exceptional Gungan under water City map. Large. Very Fun.

021 -------- Polis Massa: Medical Facility ------------ {9} :tu:  Great Polis Massa map. Expanded version of POL2.0. Very Fun. Degrade version available in Download section.

027 -------- Hoth: Echo Base -------------------------- {9} :tu:  Great Hoth map. Very Fun.

028 -------- Utapau: Sinkhole ------------------------- {8} :D  Great Utapau map. Very Fun. May have some issues on slower systems.

22nd1 -------- The 22nd Legion: Attack on Mustafar ---- {8} :D Mustafar: Refinery (mus1) with Weapons & Skins upgrade. (MM)

22nd2 -------- The 22nd Legion: Cloud City Assault ---- {8} :D Bespin: Cloud City with Weapons and Model upgrade. (MM)

22nd3 ------- The 22nd Legion: Kamino Defense --------- {8} :D Kamino with Weapons and Skins upgrade. (MM)

22nd4 -------- Saga of the 22nd Legion: Mos Eisley ---- {8} :D Mos Eisley with Weapons and Model upgrade. (MM)
======= A =======

AA ------------- Armchair Assualt ---------------------- {9} :tu: Supersized Bespin Platforms map. Flying Armchairs! (ATF:CM)

aabbcc -------- Teancum's Tech Map --------------------- {6} ::) Decent map. Flyable Millennium Falcon. Weapons mod.

abe1 ----------- Abel's Tatooine: Cantina Action ------- {4} :blink: Needs some work, but has potential. 4 CPs.

abe5 ----------- Abel's Tatooine: Houses --------------- {5} :dry: Needs some work but has potential. It is fun is SP. Only 2 CPs.

abel789 -------- Abel's Tatooine: Houses 2.0 ----------- {6} ::) Little better than 1.0. Fun in SP. Quick games. 2 CPs.

abr1 ----------- Abridon: City (beta 1) ---------------- {8} :D Nice, large map. Good for SP & MP. (OV)

abr1 ----------- Abridon: City (Final)------------------ {8} :D Nice, large map. Good for SP & MP. (ATF:CM)

air1 ----------- Kashyyyk: Airfight -------------------- {5} :dry: Air battle map.

ald2 ----------- Alderaan: CounterAttack --------------- {6} ::) Nice map. Good in SP. 5 Cps. Could be interesting in MP.

ARCjabiim ------- ARCjabiim ---------------------------- {6} ::) Decent SP map.

arena1 ------------ Arena ------------------------------ {5} :dry: Could be used for training purposes. Needs work.

attewar -------- ATTE WAR ------------------------------ {6} ::) Decent map. Fun in SP. (OV)

attewar -------- ATTE WAR (0.2) ------------------------ {7} 8) Decent map. Fun in SP. Better than other version. (ATF:CM)
======= B =======

bbc1 ----------- Bespin: Bridge City BETA -------------- {6} ::) Good SP map. Should be good online too. (ATF:CM)

bco1 ----------- Bespin: Skymaze District -------------- {8} :D Great, large city map. Great for MP & SP. (ATF:CM)

BEACH ---------- RLcT: Beachhead ----------------------- {9} :tu: Great map. Excellent in SP. Great Weapons.
bes3 ----------- Bespin: Platforms II ------------------ {8} :D Nice, large SP map. Need to fly. (ATF:CM)
Special Note: 2 different Bes3 maps.

Bes3 ----------- Bespin: Escape (3.0-final) ------------ {8} :D Nice map. Similar to CC. Fun in SP & MP.
Special Note: 2 different Bes3 maps.

bes4 ----------- Bespin: Security Compound ------------------------ {8} :D Nice map. Open in some places and closed in others.

Bes9 ----------- Bespin: Shafts ------------------------ {8} :D Sniper map; Great 1 vs 1 map. Okay online for 6 players or fewer.

BEQ ------------ Behind Enemy Lines -------------------- {8} :D Doesn't work on Mac. But it's Great on PC.

bespin2 ----------- Bespin: Zombies -------------------- {8} :D Fun Cloud City Map. SP Map. Zombies! Play as Empire vs Rebel Zombies. (MM)

BFS ------------ BF Special ---------------------------- {7} 8) Good map for online play. 9 CPs in a 3x3 rectangle. Excellent Weapons mod.

BLOCK ---------- Space Blockade ------------------------ {6} ::) Space map. 200 v 1000. Fun in SP.

bofc -- 91st Assault Corps: The Battle of Coruscant ---- {8} :D Epic Space Battle / Hangar Battle Map.

bofc2 - 91st Assault Corps: The Battle of Coruscant ---- {8} :D Epic Space Battle / Hangar Battle Map.

bor2 ----------- (SBF) Boras II: Stunt Course v1.0 ----- {9} :tu: Huge SP map. Probably the best Speeder Bike Map there is.

Bounty1 -------- Bounty Hunters: Tibana Gas Depot ------ {7} 8) Nice map. Weapons mod. Nice mix of characters.

Bounty2 -------- Bounty Hunters: Rebel Outpost --------- {7} 8) Nice design. Cool weapons for Empire, none for Rebels. Unbalanced. Fun in SP.

brg1 ----------- Bridge Mod ---------------------------- {1} :rant: Crashes on Start.

bysnake1 ------- {ELITE} Clan Training Map ------------- {8} :D Nice Clan Training map. Great for snipers. Upper level: 2 Long Hallways like Cloud City. Lower level: 1 long corridor. 4 cps.
======= C =======

camp ----------- Military Camp Outbreak ---------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic map. High Resolution. Great in SP! (ATF:CM)

Castle --------- Naboo: Forest Outpost ----------------- {6} ::) Interesting SP map. 300 versus 150. 2 CPs. Uphill Fight (or downhill, depending on which side you choose). Needs a little work IMO, but still worth a try. (ATF:CM)

Chainisle ------ Chain Isle ---------------------------- {8} :D Great map. Lots of fun. Close CPs, quick to combat. Lethal Probe droids. (ATF:CM)

chal0 ---------- Geonosis: La Bataille Finale ---------- {8} :D Good SP map. Fun.

chal1 ---------- Hoth: Assault ------------------------- {7} 8) Good, large Hoth Map. Great for SP. Could be good online.

chaldra1 ------- Kashyyyk: The Beginning --------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. Fun.

chaldralrd2 ---- Kashyyyk: Kachircho ------------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. 8 CPs. Weapons mod.

CIC ------------ Coruscant Invasion (1.0) -------------- {7} 8) Large SP map. Needs a little work, but still worth downloading.

CLAN ----------- Clan Training ------------------------- {7} 8) Decent training map. CPs don't work.

clonewars ------ Geonosis: Clone Wars ------------------ {8} :D Huge SP Map! Good online too. 10 CPs. Great for flying. (ATF:CM)

cne2 ----------- Cato Neimodia (v.95) ------------------ {6} ::) Decent map. Quick games. 3 CPs. Has rain and fog. Needs work.

cod1 ----------- Abel's Cod4 Shipment ------------------ {7} 8) Nice map. Small, but fun. Good for SP & MP. 4 CP's; No CP capture.

cor1 ----------- Jedi Temple: KnightFall --------------- {8} :D Nice map. Has some glitches, but good design. Good for SP & MP. (ATF:CM)

Cor2 ----------- Coruscant Streets --------------------- {5} :dry: Large city map. Completely different from "Corus2" map. (OV)

Cor4 ----------- Coruscant Streets V.2 ----------------- {7} 8) Large city map. Decent map. Improvement of "Cor2" map. Fun in SP. (ATF:CM)

CorTemple ------ Coruscant: Jedi Temple ---------------- {8} :D Same map as Cor1, but slightly different. Has turrets, stairs work, chairs.

corus1 --------- Coruscant: City ----------------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic map. Great online or in SP. (ATF:CM)

corus2 --------- Coruscant: Streets -------------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic map. Great online or in SP. (ATF:CM)

corus7 --------- Jedi vs Clones: Coruscant City (1) ---- {9} :tu: Corus1 with weapons and skins mod. Nicely done. (MM)

corus8 --------- Jedi vs Clones: Coruscant City (2) ---- {9} :tu: Corus1 with weapons and skins mod. Nicely done. (MM)

corus9 --------- AotC: Encounter with Zam (1) ---------- {9} :tu: (MM); Corus2. Weapons & skins mod; great! (MM)

csd9 ----------- GT-1: Jai Nollan v1.0 ----------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic city map. Good Online. (ATF:CM)

CSI8 ----------- Eddie's Italia MP v1.1 ---------------- {7} 8) Only 2 CPs. The SP version is better for MP than this one is, IMO.

CSI9 ----------- Eddie's Italia SP v1.1 ---------------- {9} :tu: Great map. Good online. (ATF:CM)

cto ------------ Tranquan: Tech Centre ----------------- {8} :D Nice SWBF2 Conversion map. Good design for online. Has a couple wall glitches (May get shot through walls - see picture6).

CWA ------------ Crazy Water Arena --------------------- {4} :blink: Jet Troopers vs. Jet Troopers; mediocre design. Could be fun online.

CWSM ----------- Space: Battle over Coruscant ---------- {6} ::) Looks great, but boring to play IMO. No CPS to capture. Just flying combat.
======= D =======

da1 ------------ Duel Arena ---------------------------- {7} 8) Sniper map; Great 1 vs 1 map. Okay online for 6 players or fewer.

DAN ------------ Dantooine ----------------------------- {9} :tu: Great design. Very Nice look. 7 CPs, 400 vs 400. Weapons mod; imbalance in weapons strength, rebels always lose... but it's challenging to try!

ddf1 ----------- Tatooine: Fueling Station CW ---------- {9} :tu: Fantastic map. Flyable Millennium Falcon. Great in MP & SP. CW version. (ATF:CM)

ddf2 ----------- Tatooine: Fueling Station GCW --------- {9} :tu: Fantastic map. Flyable Millennium Falcon. Great in MP & SP. GCW version. (ATF:CM)

dea09 ---------- Empire Vs. Empire: Death Star (1) ----- {9} :tu: (MM); dea1. Great weapons and models mod.

dea10 ---------- Empire Vs. Empire: Death Star (2) ----- {9} :tu: (MM); dea1. Great weapons and models mod. (MM)

dea1 ----------- Death Star: Interior ------------------ {10} :cheer: Possibly the best MP map available for SWBF. Awesome online. (ATF:CM)


dea1m ---------- Death Star: Infiltration -------------- {8} :D (MM); dea1. Great weapons/characters.

DEAS ----------- Death Star: Assault ------------------- {6} ::) Rehash of dea1, but incomplete. (OV)

DEAS ----------- Death Star: Assault (1.1)-------------- {6} ::) A tad better. Has some glitches; ex. bots kill you through walls.

depo ----------- Tatooine: Depot (beta) ---------------- {7} 8) Good map. 4 CPs. Has weapons mod.

Desert --------- Tuskens Encounter --------------------- {7} 8) (MM): Dune Sea. Nice weapons mod. Tuskens vs Empire.

DGB ------------ Dagobah (1.0) ------------------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. GCW = Conquest Mode, CW = Survivor Mode.

DLH ------------ DELTA HUNT ---------------------------- {7} 8) Good map. Few glitches. Good concept/design.

dra2 ----------- Hoth: The Big Battle (v2.2)------------ {9} :tu: Fantastic Hoth map. Huge. Good in SP & MP. (ATF:CM)

dra5 ----------- GA - City ----------------------------- {8} :D Good, large, green, city map. (ATF:CM)

DulC ----------- Duulan: Canyon Village ---------------- {8} :D Great map. Good Design. Clones vs Naboo Guards. Best in SP, ok in MP.

dust1 ---------- GT1: Dantooine Dust v0.98 ------------- {8} :D Nice city map. Good Design/Graphics. Okay online; little lag.

dwmk ----------- Dude, Where's my Kart? ---------------- {7} 8) Good map. Funky colors. Okay online.

January 25, 2009, 12:35:53 PM #1 Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 06:03:17 PM by Ryanoceros
E through G...
======= E =======

EARE -------------- Earth: Egypt ----------------------------- {7} 8) Nice map. Has potential to be better.

EARE -------------- Earth: Egypt (1.1)------------------------ {7} 8) Nice map. Fun. Good Graphics.

EARR -------------- Earth: Russia ---------------------------- {7} 8) Good Map. Works on PC, but not on Mac.

EARR -------------- Earth: Russia (1.1)----------------------- {7} 8) Good Map. Works on PC, but not on Mac.

EC ---------------- Endor: Confrontation --------------------- {10} :cheer: Awesome, large Endor map. Has speeders, tanks, planes. (ATF:CM**)

eda1 -------------- Eddie's Dantooine v.81 ------------------- {8} :D Nice map. 5 CPs.

eda1 -------------- Eddie's Dantooine v1.0 ------------------- {8} :D Nice map. 7 CPs.

edc6 -------------- Eddie's Q City 1.0 ----------------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic City map. Great for SP & MP too!

eddie_NewDeathStar- Eddie's New Death Star ------------------- {1} :rant: I can't get it to work. You may have better luck.

EDH1.1 ------------ Eddie's Dathomir v.75 -------------------- {7} 8) Nice, large map. Has speeders, tanks, & planes.

EDH1 -------------- Eddie's Dathomir v1.0 -------------------- {8} :D Nice, large map. Has speeders and tanks. Much difference from v.75.(ATF:CM)

EdJ2 -------------- Tatooine: Boonta Eve --------------------- {8} :D Great map. Great for speeder races. Fun!

edk9 -------------- Eddie's Kastel .90 ----------------------- {8} :D Nice city map.  Good online.

edk9 -------------- Eddie's Kastel 1.0 ----------------------- {8} :D Nice city map. Good online. (ATF:CM)

eds3.1 ------------ Eddie's Death Star V.92 ------------------ {8} :D Great, large map. 6 CPs. Fun plane battles or ground combat.

eds3 -------------- Eddie's Death Star V1.0 ------------------ {9} :tu: Great, large map. 7 CPs. Fun plane battles or ground combat. (ATF:CM)

eds4 -------------- Eddie's Death Star (B) v.99 -------------- {9} :tu: Great, large map. Has planes. (ATF:CM)

edx8 -------------- Eddie's Base 42 v0.90 -------------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. Works ok in MP also.

elren ------------- Rhen Var: Battlefield -------------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic, large Rhen Var map. Has planes and tanks. (ATF:CM)

ENDATB ------------ Endor: After the Battle ------------------ {8} :D Huge SP map. Needs more vehicles, but still fun. (ATF:CM**)

ENDD -------------- Endor: Space ----------------------------- {7} 8) Has great graphics. Space battles; planes rule. Okay for SP.


EndLV ------------- Endor: Long Valley ----------------------- {8} :D Good SP map. Fun.

epl1 -------------- Kashyyyk: Plains v1.2 -------------------- {8} :D Good, large SP map.

ety1.1 ------------ Eddie's Tynna v.99 ----------------------- {8} :D Nice, large map. Has planes, tanks, and speeder bikes.

ety1 -------------- Eddie's Tynna v1.0 ----------------------- {8} :D Nice, large map. Has planes, tanks, and speeder bikes.

EuHR -------------- Europa: Haunted Ruins -------------------- {8} :D Great SP map. Fun. (ATF:CM)

EupB -------------- Europa: Bridge v1.0----------------------- {6} ::) Decent map. Tanks rule the battlefield. Skinny Bridge.

EupB -------------- Europa: Bridge v2.0----------------------- {6} ::) Decent map. Tanks rule the battlefield. Wider Bridge than v1.0.

EupB -------------- Europa: Bridge v3.0----------------------- {7} 8) Good map. Tanks rule the battlefield. Wide Bridge with Crates.

EupG -------------- Europa: Ground Assault ------------------- {7} 8) Good, large, dark, lunar landscape map.

evc01 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Mos Eisley (1) -------- {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc02 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Dune Sea (1) ---------- {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc03 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Besin Platforms (1) --- {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc04 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Bespin Cloud City (1) - {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc05 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Endor (1) ------------- {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc06 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Geonosis (1) ---------- {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc07 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Geonosis (2) ---------- {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc08 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Kashyyyk Docks -------- {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

evc09 ------------- Empire Vs. Clones: Kamino (1) ------------ {9} :tu: Great weapons and models/skins mod for standard maps. Okay online.

exII -------------- Expanse II ------------------------------- {4} :blink: Simple map. 2 CPs.
======= F =======

fel01 ------------- Felucia: Fungal Valley ------------------- {7} 8) Nice map. Needs a little work, but still fun. (ATF:CM)

fel1 -------------- Felucia: Marshland ----------------------- {8} :D Great map. Best Felucia design yet, IMO. Great in SP & MP! (ATF:CM)

FF1 --------------- Felucia Forest --------------------------- {7} 8) Nice map. Needs a little work. Unbalanced teams. But fun!

Field ------------- Open Field ------------------------------- {6} ::) Large map. Nice characters. Gamoreans vs Swordsmans.
======= G =======

GamC -------------- Gamma Force: Caves V1.0 ------------------ {8} :D Great SP map. Unbalanced weapons. Still, could be fun online; 3 vs 5.

GamC -------------- Gamma Force: Caves v2.0 ------------------ {8} :D Great map. Larger than v1.0. Nice Weapons. Good on MP & SP.

GamC -------------- Gamma Force: Caves v3.0 ------------------ {9} :tu: Great map. Improvement of 2.0. Nice Weapons. Good in MP & SP.

GCity2 ------------ Gungan City 2 ---------------------------- {8} :D Great map for SP & MP!

GCWSM ------------- GCW Space Map ---------------------------- {7} 8) Space map. 3 cps. Fun in SP.

geo2 -------------- Geonosis: Arena -------------------------- {6} ::) Decent, large SP map.
Special note: Two different "geo2" maps.

geo2 -------------- Execution at Geonosis: Jedi Army (1) ----- {9} :tu: Mission map by Napseeker. Great models/skins/weapons.
Special note: Two different "geo2" maps.

geo3 -------------- Execution at Geonosis: Clone Attack (1) -- {9} :tu: Mission map by Napseeker. Great models/skins/weapons.

geo4 -------------- Execution at Geonosis: Jedi Escape (1) --- {9} :tu: Mission map by Napseeker. Great models/skins/weapons.

geo5 -------------- Execution at Geonosis (1) ---------------- {9} :tu: Map by Napseeker. Great models/skins/weapons.

geo6 -------------- AotC: Geonosis Spire (1) ----------------- {9} :tu: Mission map by Napseeker. Great models/skins/weapons.

geo9 -------------- Execution at Geonosis MPE (1) ------------ {9} :tu: Nice map. Good Weapons and Models.

geo10 ------------- Execution at Geonosis MPE (2) ------------ {9} :tu: Nice map. Good Weapons and Models.

geo11 ------------- Execution at Geonosis MPE (3) ------------ {9} :tu: Nice map. Good Weapons and Models.

geo12 ------------- Execution at Geonosis MPE (4) ------------ {9} :tu: Nice map. Good Weapons and Models.

GEO4 -------------- Geonosis: Sand and Rock ------------------ {7} 8) Good map. Only 2 cps. Needs work. But has potential to be great.

GEOA -------------- Geonosis: Arena (1.0) -------------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. Unbalanced teams.

GEOA -------------- Geonosis: Arena (1.1) -------------------- {8} :D Great SP map.

geoa -------------- Geonosis: Arena (1.0) -------------------- {8} :D Great SP map. Challenging.
Special Note, Two Different "geoa" maps.

GeoAr ------------- [SB] Geonosis: Arrival V(2.0) ------------ {7} 8) Decent, large, SP map.

geobf2 ------- Geonosis: Dust Plains (BF2 Conversion map) ---- {9} :tu:  Excellent Geonosis map. Converted from SWBF2 by Sleepkiller.

GeoC -------------- Geonosis: Canyon ------------------------- {7} 8) Good, large map. I'd like to give this a try online.
Special note: Two different "GeoC" maps.

GeoC -------------- Geonosis: Containment -------------------- {7} 8) Good, large map.  Okay in SP.
Special note: Two different "GeoC" maps.

GeoCat ------------ [SB] Geonosis: Catacombs ----------------- {7} 8) Good map. Fun in SP.

GEONOSIS ---------- Geonosis: Battleground ( 0.8 ) ----------- {7} 8) Good, large map. Good for SP.

Geou -------------- Geonosis: Uphill Struggle ---------------- {6} ::) Decent map. Okay in SP mode.

GGC --------------- Ghost Geo Chaos -------------------------- {8} :D Great, large map. Good in SP and MP. 8 CPs.

GGWC -------------- GGW: Cantina (1.0) ----------------------- {7} 8) Has potential. CPs don't work. Nice models & weapons. Fun cars to drive. Small.

GGWC -------------- GGW: Cantina (1.1) ----------------------- {7} 8) Has potential. CPs don't work. Nice models & weapons. Fun cars to drive. Medium.

GGWC -------------- GGW: Cantina (1.2) ----------------------- {7} 8) Has potential. CPs don't work. Nice models & weapons. Fun cars to drive. Large.

GM1 --------------- Geonosis: Mission 1 ---------------------- {8} :D Great SP & MP map. Simple design, but very well done.
note: Two different "GM1" maps.

GM1 --------------- Rhen Var: Galactic Marine ---------------- {8} :D (MM): Rhen Var. Lots of AI. Fun in SP.

GMO1 -------------- Geonosis: Mining Operation --------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic Map/Design. 8 CPs. Similar to Bespin Platforms. Fun in SP! (ATF:CM)

GOL --------------- Geonosis: Lair --------------------------- {7} 8) Good map. 5 CPs; 3 fixed vs 2 mobile. Dusty Sky.

GSH --------------- Geonosis: Hills -------------------------- {8} :D Great map. Lots of AI in SP. Fun! Could be good in MP also.

gus1 -------------- Gus: Mont Edur --------------------------- {10} :cheer: Awesome, huge map. Awesome in SP. (ATF:CM)

gus3 -------------- Gus: Research Facility ------------------- {8} :D Great, large map. 10 Cps. (ATF:CM)

GW20 -------------- Tatooine: Junkyard ----------------------- {8} :D Great map & design. 4 Cps. Good in MP and SP. (ATF:CM)

March 19, 2009, 03:04:16 PM #2 Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 07:15:47 PM by Kit Fisto
H Through to L...
======= H =======

Ham1 -------------- Hammest: Outpost ------------------------- {4} :blink: Has potential; needs textures. It is fun is SP. (ATF:CM)

hangerz1 ---------- Cargo Hold ------------------------------- {9} :tu: Great MP map (Set your video settings on low or it may crash). Great in SP! (ATF:CM)

HarKal ------------ Haruun Kal: Jungle ----------------------- {8} :D Great, large SP map. (ATF:CM)

helm -------------- Helms Deep (2.0) ------------------------- {8} :D Great SP map. Give it a try.

heroassault ------- Mos Eisley: Hero Assault ----------------- {7} 8) Mos Eisley with Hero Battles. Nice models. (MM)

Hoth -------------- Hoth: Echo Base 2.0 ---------------------- {9} :tu: Excellent redesign of Hoth: Echo Base. Nice Wampas and Probe Droids.
***Pictures will be added soon***

hoth6 ------------- Hoth Escape ------------------------------ {7} 8) Good Space map. Arial combat.

hoth07 ------------ Empire Vs. Clones: Hoth (1) -------------- {9} :tu: Great weapons, models, and skins mod. Should be good online.

HOTV -------------- Hoth: Caves (1.0)------------------------- {7} 8) Nice design. Good online if you don't mind some lag. (OV)

HOTV -------------- Hoth: Caves (1.1) ------------------------ {8} :D Very nice design. Quite different from 1.0, better in IMO. Good work!

hq -------------- =BW= Headquarters (1.0) -------------------- {7} 8) Nice SP map. 3 CPS. Like Cloud City Hallway with 3rd CP off to one side. (800 vs 800).

Hyrule ------------ Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Castle ----------- {8} :D Great Map. Fun to play. Has destroyable gate. Vehicles (tanks).
======= I =======

ins --------------- Insanity --------------------------------- {5} :dry: Lots of lag at times, but undoubtably very fun! Ridiculous weapon strength.

IRS1 -------------- Imperial Rebellion ----------------------- {6} ::) Cloud City map with weapons mod. Everyone has darktrooper jetpack. (MM)
======= J =======

jango1 ------------ Concord Dawn: Jangos Home ---------------- {8} :D Great, large SP map. (ATF:CM)

JARJ -------------- GGW: Jar Jar Duel ------------------------ {7} 8) Long hallway like in Bespin: Cloud City.

jedi66 ------------ Jedi Extermination ----------------------- {8} :D (MM): Tatooine: Mos Eisley. Clones versus Jedi. Plays well. Nice Weapons mod.

jedikam ----------- Kamino: Jedi Invasion -------------------- {7} 8) Good map. Jedi vs Jet Troopers. Weapons mod. Needs more troops IMO.

JorgeTaspir6 ------ Jorge: Taspir VI v.75 -------------------- {5} :dry: Average map. Ok in SP. Big map.

JorgeTaspir6 ------ Jorge: Taspir VI v01 --------------------- {6} ::) Decent map. Ok in SP. Big map.

JorgeTest --------- Jorge: Test Map -------------------------- {4} :blink: Simple SP Map. 3 CPs; 2 vs 1. Needs work, has potential. Fun.

JTH --------------- Jedi Temple: Training Hall (beta) -------- {7} 8) Good map. Has weapons mod.

jtrm -------------- {JT} RACING MAP -------------------------- {4} :blink: Racing map. Little hard to follow the course. Ok in SP.

Jun1 -------------- Tatooine: Jundland Wueste ---------------- {8} :D Great, large Tatooine Map. Big Canyon in the middle. (ATF:CM)

Jun1 -------------- Tatooine: Jundland Wueste (2.5) ---------- {8} :D Great, large Tatooine Map. Big Canyon in the middle. (ATF:CM)
======= K =======

kaj1 -------------- Kashyyyk: Jungle Wars -------------------- {7} 8) Huge SP map. Fun. (ATF:CM)

kaj1 -------------- Kashyyyk: Jungle Wars (2.0) -------------- {7} 8) Huge SP map. Fun. (ATF:CM)

kam2 -------------- Kamino: Nurioca City --------------------- {8} :D Good, large Kamino map. (ATF:CM)

kam3 -------------- Clones vs Clones: Jango vs Obi-Wan (1) --- {8} :D Mission map by Napseeker. Great models/skins/weapons.

kam4 -------------- AotC: The Battle for Kamino -------------- {8} :D Mission map by Napseeker. Great models/skins/weapons.

KAMC -------------- Kamino: Cloning Facility ----------------- {6} ::) Decent, large Map. 10CPs. Needs a little work for SP.

kamino1 ----------- Kamino: Cloning Facility ----------------- {7} 8) Good map. Large map. Totally different than KAMC map.

kamino3 ----------- Kamino: Rebellion ------------------------ {7} 8) Good SP map. Fun. (MM); Kamino

kamup ------------- KAMINO: Changing of the Guard ------------ {8} :D (MM); Kamino. Good weapons mod.

KarF -------------- Karccev: Forest -------------------------- {8} :D ; Nice snow/forest battle map. 5 Cps; at start 1 CP is Neutral.
**Pictures Soon***

kas4 -------------- kas4 ------------------------------------- {7} 8) Simple Kashyyyk map. Could use a little work, but good anyway. (ATF:CM)

kas6 -------------- Kashyyyk: Wookieland --------------------- {7} 8) Good Kashyyyk map. Nice design. Little lag online, but worthy of play.

kasbf2 -------------- Kashyyyk: Beachhead -------------------- {7} 8) Good Kashyyyk map ported from bf2. Good in SP. (ATF:CM)

kasc -------------- Kamino: Super Clones --------------------- {7} 8)  Lots of vertical in this map. Fun. Needs some work; few glitches.

kashyyk1 ---------- Kashyyyk: Assault Map -------------------- {7} 8)  Good SP map. Great appearance/battlefield look. Unbalanced teams.

kasLB ------------- Kashyyyk: Landing Beach ------------------ {7} 8) Good SP Kashyyyk map.

KasS -------------- Kashyyyk: Shores (3.0)-------------------- {7} 8) Good, large map. 5 CPs. Vehicles needed to get around.

KJvO -------------- Kamino: Jango vs Obi-won ----------------- {6} ::) (MM); Kamino. Jango Fett versus Obi-won Kenobi.

KS2 --------------- Kamino: Serene --------------------------- {6} ::) Harpoon gun battles, underwater, at Kamino.

KST2 -------------- Kashyyyk: Smuggler's Trail --------------- {6} ::) Good SP map. Could be good in MP. 5 CPs. (ATF:CM)
======= L =======

lakes ------------- Naboo: Seenland -------------------------- {8} :D Great Naboo map design. (ATF:CM)

LavaFields ------------- Ranen: Lava Fields ------------------ {9} :tu: Fantastic Mustafar Lava Fields Map. Great for SP. (ATF:CM)

LostWoods --------- Legend of Zelda: The Lost Woods ---------- {7} 8) Good map. Glitchy on Mac OSX10.4.x. But works well on Mac OSX10.5.x, and PC.

LOTR1 ------------- LOTR - Mount Doom (2.0)------------------- {7} 8) Good map. Could use a bit more detail. Good map anyway.

March 19, 2009, 03:16:52 PM #3 Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 10:18:41 AM by Kit Fisto
M through P ....
======= M =======

MAL1 --------- Malastare: The Seizure -------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. Unbalanced teams. Fun.

Maz1 --------- Maze -------------------------------- {10} :cheer: Possibly the best MP map available for SWBF. Awesome online.

mc5snow ------ Hoth: Snow Patrol ------------------- {6} ::) Nice snow map. 3 cps in a triangle. Weapons mod.

MCE1 --------- Man Clan: EP1 - Not Man Enough ------ {8} :D Great SP & MP map. Has planes & tanks. GCW only, crashes in CW.

MCM1 --------- Man Clan Ep2: Man City -------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic SP & MP map, similar to Naboo Theed. 7 CPs. GCW only, crashes in CW.

MCW ---------- Mygetoo (1.0) ----------------------- {7} 8) Decent SP map. Has vehicles; Planes and tanks. Fun.

MDS BetaV.1 -- Mustafar: Duel of the Fates --------- {4} :blink: Needs work, has potential. Beta version. 2 CPs & 3500 kills for victory?

MDX ------------------- Moon Dxun ------------------ {8} :D Very nice SP challenge map. Play as Rebels, try to defeat the droids. Droids start with CP advantage.

meth1 -------- Methlyn Ruins (.95)------------------ {7} 8) Decent, large Map. You might get a little lag online, but worthy of play.

meth1 -------- Methlyn Ruins (1.0)------------------ {7} 8) Decent, large Map. You might get a little lag online, but worthy of play.

MF ----------- Beta Falcon Test Drive map ---------- {4} :blink: Simple map. 2 CPs. Like "Crossfire" but larger. Could use a little work.

MFM1 --------- MyFirstMap 1.0 ---------------------- {5} :dry: Average, large map. Can be fun in SP.

Mod1 --------- Crossfire: Republic & Empire -------- {5} :dry: Simple SP map. Fun.

Mod2 --------- Crossfire: CIS & Rebelllion --------- {5} :dry: Simple SP map. Fun.
Special Note: Two Different Mod2 Maps.

Mod2 --------- Lost Abbey -------------------------- {7} 8) Large SP Map. Has Tanks & Planes. Fun. 400 v 400. 6 CPs.
Special Note: Two Different Mod2 Maps.

mod4 --------- Mod4 -------------------------------- {7} 8) Nice SP Yavin map. 7 CPs. "Flat", but good.

modern9 ------ Iraq: Desert Outpost ---------------- {8} :D Nice map. Similar to Mos Eisley. Demo version.
*will add pictures soon*

modm --------- Map --------------------------------- {5} :dry: Average "crossfire" map. 2 CPs.

mods5 -------- Super Map --------------------------- {5} :dry: Average SP map. Super "bright" map.

modTAT ------- Tatooine: Imperial Grounds (0.9)----- {8} :D Nice, large map. Great in SP.

modx --------- Rancors Lair ------------------------ {7} 8) Nice SP map. Fun.

mon1 --------- Rhen Var: Monastary ----------------- {9} :tu: Very nice Rhen Var map. Good in SP and MP.

monc --------- Mon Calamari: Rescue ---------------- {5} :dry: Decent map. Needs work. Has Potential.

mostiw ------- Mos Eisley: This is War ------------- {7} 8) Nice Mos Eisley Map, expanded. 3 CPS each team. No CP Capture. Good for SP or MP.

mus1 --------- Mustafar: Refinery ------------------ {10} :cheer: Awesome SP & MP map. Excellent online. Must have it.

mus2 --------- Mustafar: Refinery ------------------ {10} :cheer: (MM); mus1. Great models/skins/weapons. Must have it.

musup -------- Mustafar: Tying Up Loose Ends ------- {9} :tu: (MM); mus1. Good weapons mod.

myg1 --------- Mygeeto: War Torn City -------------- {9} :tu: Great map. Good online if you don't mind a tiny bit of lag.

myg2 --------- Mygeeto: War Torn City -------------- {9} :tu: Conversion of myg1. Well Done. Added tanks and modified looks in some places.

MyrSF -------- Myrkr: Show of Force v2.0------------ {7} 8) Good, large map. Tanks rule.

MyrSF -------- Myrkr: Show of Force v2.1------------ {8} :D Great, large map.
======= N =======

nab05 -------- Jedi vs Clones: Naboo Sanctuary (1) - {8} :D (MM); Naboo Theed. Weapons and models mod.

Nab3 --------- Naboo: Encounter V2.0 --------------- {8} :D Nice, large SP map. 6 CPs. Fun.

Nab3 --------- Naboo: Encounter V3.2 --------------- {8} :D Nice, large SP map. 7 CPs. Fun.

nab5 --------- Taw City ---------------------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. Fun.

nabair1 ------ Naboo Airfield (2.0) ---------------- {9} :tu: Nice map / graphics. 4 Cps. Great online ground combat! (ATF:CM)

nabfields ---- Naboo Fields ------------------------ {7} 8) Good map. Nice planes and tanks.

NabKC -------- Naboo: Kaadara Coast ---------------- {7} 8) Decent SP map. Fun.

NabOT -------- [SB] Naboo: Ouch Time --------------- {7} 8) Decent SP map. Fun.

nabproto ------ Naboo: Prototype ------------------- {8} :D Great, large SP map ported from swbf2. Fun. Should be okay online. (ATF:CM)

nabzomb1 ------ Naboo: Airfield (Zombie) ----------- {9} :tu: Great SP Map. Difficult at first, but not too hard once you figure it out. Zombies! Fun! Send more paramedics... Mmmm, brains!

NCB ---------- Naboo: Coastal Battleground --------- {8} :D Great MP & SP map. Favors good pilots. Fun. (ATF:CM)

Neg2 --------- Onderon: Dxun Moon ------------------ {8} :D Very Nice map / design. 5 CPs. Equally great for SP or MP.

Nemoidia ----- Cato Nemoidia ----------------------- {6} ::) Decent map. 2 cps. Good, simple design. Quick battles.

NOW1 --------- NoWhere: New City ------------------- {7} 8) Nice, large SP city map. Fun. 8 CPS. Has planes, tanks, and speeders.

NP ----------- Naboo: Parley ----------------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic map/design. In CW, Naboo Guards v Droids. One of my favorites.

NPM ---------- Naboo: Phantom Menace --------------- {7} 8) Nice SP map. Fun. (ATF:CM)
======= O =======

octo --------- Octagon of Death -------------------- {5} :dry: Very Small map. Like SlaughterHouse map.  Quick games, perfect for dueling.


OMR1 --------- Ord_Mantell_Forgotten_Groves v1.1 --- {9} :tu: Fantastic, huge SP map. 13 CPs. Weapons mod. Good in MP also!

OMR1 --------- Ord_Mantell_Forgotten_Groves v1.2 --- {9} :tu: Fantastic, huge SP map. 13 CPs. Weapons mod. Good in MP also!

Order67 ------ Order 67----------------------------- {8} :D Nice night map. Has a few glitches (collision errors), but a very nice design. Aesthetics are primary, it was made by the infamous Scum/Strike pair.
======= P =======

PAINT -------- Froggy's Paintball Arena (1.0) ------ {8} :D Paintball fight. Very fun!

PAINT -------- Froggy's Paintball Arena (1.1) ------ {9} :tu: Paintball fight. Nice design. Very fun!  Ka-Blewie! lol

Pig ---------- Attack of the Piggies! -------------- {9} :tu: Good map. Unbalanced teams. Can be fun online, but best in SP. (ATF:CM)

PLANZ -------- Planet Z: Sector X ------------------ {7} 8) Interesting map. Half in darkness and half in daylight. Lags in the daylight side.

plt ---------- Ranen: Platforms (1.0) -------------- {10} :cheer: Great map design! Awesome weapons. Great in SP and MP!

pol1 --------- Polis Massa: Medical Center (1.0)---- {5} :dry: Nice map, but needs work. Too many Glitches. Use v2.0...

pol1 --------- Polis Massa: Medical Center (2.0)---- {9} :tu: Fantastic map. All the glitches fixed! Great work!

pol07 -------- Polis Massa: Dark Lord Rising (1.0) - {8} :D (MM); Fixes glitches of pol1(1.0). I recommend using pol1(2.0) instead.

PoRCHshow ---- The Plains of PoRCH_beta ------------ {8} :D Great map. Gammoreans & Tuskens vs Wookies & Gungans. Weapons mod: Axes, spears, crossbows.

March 20, 2009, 01:43:34 PM #4 Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 10:20:29 AM by Kit Fisto
R through T ....
======= R =======

rac1 --------- TAW Race ---------------------------- {7} 8) Large, SP map. 6 CPs. Use speeders to get around. Fun. (ATF:CM)

rakada1 ------ Raka's Adventure (Beta) ------------- {8} :D Fun, very large SP map. Challenging. May crash occasionally on slow systems.

rakaq1 ------- Tatooine: Raka's Quest (SP) --------- {9} :tu: Fun "quest" map. Good use of grappling hook. Challenging.

rakaq2 ------- Tatooine: Raka's Quest (MP) --------- {7} 8) Good map design. Few Glitches. There is a patch, I think.

Rat1 --------- Ratooine ---------------------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic, huge SP Map. (ATF:CM)

RCC ---------- RLcT: Cloud City -------------------- {8} :D Needs work; Too many Glitches, Lag issues. But lots of potential.

RCG1 ---------- Republic Commando: Geonosis -------- {8} :D (MM); Geonosis. Great Weapons and Models.

repmed1 ------ Republic Medical Station ------------ {7} 8) 4 CP map. Potentially very good. Collision errors, but playable.

rhh1 --------- RLcT _ Hell_Hall -------------------- {8} :D Great 3 CP map. Perfect for online. Great in SP also!

RHN3 --------- Rhen Var: Harbor Assault (3.0) ------ {8} :D (MM); Rhen Var: Harbor. Nice weapons/skins.

RhVC --------- Rhen Var: Chaos --------------------- {8} :D (MM): Rhen Var: Harbor. Nice weapons and skins.

Rippen1 ------ Ord Mantell: No Greater Glory ------- {10} :cheer: Awesome, large SP map. Great design. (ATF:CM)

rlcs --------- RLcT: Sniper City ------------------- {6} ::) Nice map, but needs work. Needs more cps, in building and on elevated pathway.

RLcTplatform - RLcT: Platform Pwnage --------------- {7} 8) Nice map / design. Similar to Bespin Platforms. Has Planes.

RNH3 --------- Rhen Var: Dirty Ice ----------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic, large SP map. Perfect for (ATF:CM)

Rogue1 ------- Rogue Clones: First Assault --------- {7} 8) Good, simple map. But lots of fun. Great weapons.

RSB ---------- Renegade Squadron ------------------- {7} 8) Space Battle Map. Good Graphics. Fun in SP.

RSN ---------- Renegade Squadron ------------------- {7} 8) Space Battle Map. Good Graphics. Fun in SP.

RVB1 --------- Rhen Var: Bridge (1.0) -------------- {9} :tu: Fantastic MP and SP map. 6 CPs. Nice design. (ATF:CM)

RVC ---------- Rhen Var: Crossfire v.11 ------------ {7} 8) Nice, large SP map. Fun, if you don't mind the lag issues. (OV)

RVC ---------- Rhen Var: Crossfire v2.1 ------------ {8} :D Nice, large SP map. Fun. Better! (ATF:CM)

RVFC --------- Rhen Var: Frozen Corridor ----------- {8} :D Great Rhen Var map. Little lag online, but not bad. (ATF:CM)

RVIG2 -------- Rhen Var: Ice Gate ------------------ {7} 8) Good Rhen Var map. (ATF:CM)
======= S =======

savp --------- Savannah Prime v2.3 ----------------- {8} :D Nice map. Fun in SP or MP.

SAVP --------- Savannah Prime v3.0 ----------------- {8} :D Nice MP map. Planes, bikes, and tanks. Turn off Heroes or it may crash.

SBEn --------- [SB] Endor: Struggle ---------------- {6} ::) (MM); Endor with weapons mod.

SBFdoom1 ----- [SBF] Arena of Doom ----------------- {5} :dry: Average map. 3 cps.

SBS7 --------- Speederbike Stunts 0.6 -------------- {5} :dry: Lots of speeder bikes and jumps. Amusing for a few moments.

SCS ---------- Seperatist Cruiser: Sabotage -------- {7} 8) Nice map. Modified weapons and models/skins.

SEA ---------- Duulan_Mine_Pit --------------------- {8} :D Great Tank & Infantry map. Great weapons mod. (ATF:CM)

sgda --------- Star Wars: Desert Assault ----------- {7} 8) Good, simple SP map. 2 CPs. Lots of death. (ATF:CM)

siege -------- Mars: Siege ------------------------- {8} :D Great SP map. Lots of vehicles and death. 1000 vs 1000, a bit too much IMO. (ATF:CM)

sith1 -------- Ziost: Order 66 --------------------- {8} :D Great SP map. Unbalanced teams. Skins Mod.

sjk1 --------- Oasis Duel -------------------------- {8} :D Simple map, but good. Tanks, planes, speeder bikes. Fun in SP. May crash on Mac OSX 10.5 and 10.6.

sky1 --------- Bespin - Sky Battle ----------------- {6} ::) Each side has flying troops. No ground to stand on. Combat in the air!

sky2 --------- Space - Rebel Unit Battle ----------- {7} 8) Better version of SKY1. Flying troops, no ground to stand on. Mid-air combat, fun.

Slaughter ---- Slaughterhouse (2.0) ---------------- {7} 8) Very Small Map. Lots of killing. 1000 vs 1000. (ATF:CM)

SMB ---------- Sandcrawler's Maze Battle ----------- {7} 8) Decent map. Funky Colors. Could be fun occasionally in online play.

SMW ---------- Sandcrawler's Mountain Wars --------- {4} :blink: Mediocre map. Needs work.

SNOW --------- Froggy's Snowball Valley ------------ {6} ::) Simple but enjoyable snowball fight map. Only 2 CPs. (OV)

SNOW --------- Froggy's Snowball Valley (1.1) ------ {7} 8) Simple but enjoyable snowball fight map. Only 2 CPs. 3 Snowballs kill.

Snow --------- Snowball Fight ---------------------- {5} :dry: Snowball fight. 4 CPs. Decent design, but needs work. Hard to throw snowballs far.

SPEEDER ------ Speeder Race ------------------------ {7} 8) Speeder bike race. Fun in SP.

swamp1 ------- Naboo: Swamp ------------------------ {7} 8) Very Large SP map. Fun. (ATF:CM)
======= T =======

TaDA --------- Tatooine: Desert Alliance (2.0)------ {7} 8) Good map/design. Imperials versus Tusken Raiders. Fun!

tas01 -------- Jedi Vs Clones: Temple Assault (1) -- {8} :D (MM); cor1. Great weapons and skins.

tas02 -------- Jedi Vs Clones: Temple Assault (2) -- {8} :D (MM); cor1. Great weapons and skins.

tas07 -------- Clones vs Clones: Mace vs Vader (1) - {8} :D (MM); cor1. Great weapons and skins.

tas08 -------- Jedi Temple: Republic vs CIS (1) ---- {9} :tu: (MM); cor1. Fixes collision errors of the cor1 map. Great work!

Tat3 --------- Tatooine: Jabba --------------------- {10} :cheer: Awesome MP & SP map. One of the best maps for SWBF. (included in patch 1.2)

tat4 --------- Abel's Tatooine: Arena -------------- {2} :sick: Needs work. Has Potential though.

tata --------- Tatooine: Hero Assault -------------- {8} :D (MM); Mos Eisley. Hero battles.

tatbc -------- Tatooine Beggars Canyon ------------- {8} :D Nice SP map. Canyon with 5 CPs. Lots of cannons, tanks and planes. (ATF:CM)

tatcy -------- Tatooine Canyons (beta)-------------- {8} :D Great SP & MP map. Good for speeders bikes, planes, tanks, and infantry. (ATF:CM)

TatEnt ------- Tatooine Entanglements -------------- {8} :D (MM); Mos Eisley. weapons and skins. Nice map.

tatHUNT ------ Tatooine Hunt ----------------------- {7} 8) Good map / design. Needs a little work, but playable. (ATF:CM)

TatOut ------- Tatooine Outskirts ------------------ {9} :tu: Fantastic SP map. Nice design. Has 5 CPs; 2 CPs can be destroyed. (ATF:CM)

tats --------- Tatooine Surrounded ----------------- {8} :D Good SP map / design. Unbalanced teams. (ATF:CM)

tcm01 -------- AotC: Tusken Camp Massacre (1) ------ {9} :tu: (MM); Dune Sea map. Great models/skins/weapons.

TDMarena ----- TDM: Arena -------------------------- {3} :wacko: Needs work. Dust Storm. No CPs to capture. Lag issues.

TDMRV -------- TDM: Rhen Var ----------------------- {1} :rant: Couldn't get it started. I think its a mission map, but not sure.

TDV ----- Tatooine: Death Valley (Beta) ------------ {9} :tu: Very Nice Tatooine Map. Nice design. Fun.

TG ----------- Tatooine: Ghost --------------------- {4} :blink: Mediocre map. Tuskens and Wookies versus Imperials and Darth Vader?

theta0 ------- Theta Squadron: Objective One (2.0)-- {8} :D (MM); Kashyyyk. Weapons and skins mod. MP map (heroes off). Nicely done.

ThMR --------- Thule Moon: Remnants (1.0)----------- {8} :D Great Tank map. Very nice selection of tanks and speeders.

ThMR --------- Thule Moon: Remnants (2.0)----------- {8} :D Great Tank map. Very nice selection of tanks and speeders.

tm2p --------- Thug Mansion: Back Yard ------------- {7} 8) Good SP map, could be better. Fun.

TMN --------- Tatooine: Mos Nemado ----------------- {8} :D Great SP & MP Tatooine Map. Fun. 4 CPs. Interesting Design. (ATF:CM)

TRA ---------- =XSL= Fragworld v.08 by venom ------- {6} ::) Simple SP map. 2 CPs. Fun.

trench1 ------ trenchrun1 -------------------------- {2} :sick: Glitchy. Might be my OS. You may have better luck.

TRM ---------- Trigon: Recon Mission --------------- {8} :D Nice map. 4 CPs. Nice Skins and Weapons mod.

tug01 -------- JMMC Training Underground ----------- {9} :tu: Great Training Map.

tusken1 ------ Tusken Invasion --------------------- {6} ::) Mos Eisley, slightly modified. Decent.

tw ----------- Geonosis: Plains -------------------- {7} 8) Nice, large SP map. Lots of AI enemies to kill.

March 21, 2009, 03:13:22 PM #5 Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 04:33:39 PM by Ryanoceros
U through Z and .lvl files ....

======= U =======

uatbb1 ---------- Ultimate Alliance ---------------- {7} 8) Good (MM); Mus1. Nice characters and Weapons.
**Pictures soon***

UM2 ---------- Utapau: Mission 2 ------------------- {7} 8) Good SP map. Some glitches, but nice concept. Unbalanced teams.

URD1 --------- Taw: All Out War -------------------- {7} 8) Good SP & MP map. Kill or be killed! 200 versus 200. (ATF:CM)

uta1 --------- Utapau: Sinkhole -------------------- {10} :cheer: Awesome SP & MP map. One of the best maps available for SWBF. (ATF:CM)

uta2 --------- Final Battle at Utapau (1) ---------- {9} :tu: (MM); uta1. Weapons and skins mod. Very nice.

uta3 --------- Final Battle at Utapau (2) ---------- {9} :tu: (MM); uta1. Weapons and skins mod. Very nice.

uta4 --------- Clones vs Clones FB at Utapau (1) --- {9} :tu: (MM); uta1. Weapons and skins mod. Very nice.

uta5 --------- Clones vs Clones FB at Utapau (2) --- {9} :tu: (MM); uta1. Weapons and skins mod. Very nice.

utc1 --------- Mos Eisley: Utter Chaos ------------- {9} :tu: Mos Eisley, slightly modified (at Sunset), with All Troops Fly: Chaos Mod. Very Fun!
======= W =======

wrhse1 ------- Warehouse --------------------------- {2} :sick: Needs work.

wsad1 -------- Woods: Search and Destroy (1.0) ----- {8} :D Nice MP map. Try to destroy the other teams base. Great job BD!

wws ---------- Weili, Wrath, Stealth --------------- {7} 8) Rebels vs Weili, Wrath, & Stealth. Cloud City Mission map, with weapons mod.
======= X =======

xts1 ---------- Extreme Sniper --------------------- {5} :dry: Simple "Crossfire" like map. 2 cps. Snipers versus Snipers.
======= Y =======

Y4B ---------- Yavin 4: Blood Job (1.0)------------- {6} ::) Good map. Unbalanced teams; "survivor" mode.

Y4GC --------- Yavin 4: Gamorrean Camp (v1.2)------- {7} 8) Good map. Quick games. (ATF:CM)

yav3 --------- Yavin4: Abandoned City (.5) --------- {7} 8) Decent map. Could be good online. (ATF:CM)

yav3 --------- Yavin4: Abandoned City (1) ---------- {7} 8) Decent map. Could be good online. (ATF:CM)
======= Z =======

ZOMC1 -------------- Zombie Castle ----------------- {8} :D Fun Demo map of Helms Deep. Best played in Hard mode. Survive the Zombie hoard!
SWBF Gamers Thread

ztr ---------- Ziost: Temple Ruins ----------------- {7} 8) 2 CPs, porous wall in between. Could be better, but not bad. (ATF:CM)

RLcT: Cloud City Mission Maps.

I'm adding this separate from the other maps listed above because this needs extra explanation.
***WARNING***: These folders are all named exactly the same as other maps listed in the above list. However, when you play any of these mission maps you will end up on RLcT: Cloud City, "RCC". The only difference between these and RCC is that you get the weapons selection from those original maps for use on RCC. Obviously, it is extremely confusing to use the exact same file name. So I suggest, if you do choose to download these, you do as I did and rename these files immediately after downloading them. Otherwise you may end up accidentally deleting old maps, one day, thinking you have an extra copy. So, for example, add "_RCC" to the end of each file name. ergo, "Rogue1" would be renamed "Rogue1_RCC", "heroassault" would be renamed "heroassault_RCC", etc. This way you will never get these RCC mission maps mixed up with the original maps from which these mission maps all get their sides mods. Ok? ... Don't say I didn't warn you!

First Sides maps pack on 4 ----- Includes BFS, heroassault, RhVC. ----------- {3} :wacko: to {9} :tu: Some good, some not so good.
Second Sides maps pack on 4 ---- Includes BEACH, NabOT, NPM, PoRCHshow. ----- {3} :wacko: to {9} :tu: Some good, some not so good.
Third Sides maps pack on 4 ----- Includes IRS1, JTH, Rogue1, sith1. --------- {3} :wacko: to {9} :tu: Some good, some not so good.
Fourth Sides maps pack on 4 ---- Includes chaldralrd2, GamC, ins, ThMR. ----- {3} :wacko: to {9} :tu: Some good, some not so good.
Fifth Sides maps pack on 4 ----- Includes CWSM, MyrSF, theta0, uatbb1. ------ {3} :wacko: to {9} :tu: Some good, some not so good.

***Don't forget to rename them immediately***... or you WILL be sorry you ever downloaded them!
===== .lvl files =====

ATF Mod: 1.0 -- All Troops Fly Mod --- {10} :cheer: All Troops Fly. Modified Skins & Weapons.

ATF_Chaos_Mod: 3.0 -- All Troops Fly: Chaos Mod ------ {10} :cheer: All Troops Fly. Modified Skins & Weapons. Unlimited Ammo packs.

Tankless Maps --- SWBF1 Tankless Maps - Final ------ {7} 8) All the Standard Maps without Tanks. Speeders and Skiffs still spawn.
tat1.lvl ----- duneseasupersized ------------------- {7} 8) Changes the CP locations of Dune Sea map. Increases the size a little too.
kam1.lvl ----- Fun Kamino -------------------------- {6} ::) This makes the kamino map pitch black. It's like "Hide and Seek".
bes1.lvl ----- Bespin: Unbound --------------------- {7} 8) Boundaries removed so you can fly over a much larger area.
bes2.lvl ----- Bespin: Cloud City (Sunset version) - {7} 8) Makes CC appear to be night time. Not too dark though. Very nicely done.
bes2.lvl ----- Cloud City Night -------------------- {8} :D Makes Cloud City Night time. Nicely done. No boundries and online compatible.

Point 1: Main Play Mod 5 is out now:

Hero Assault fix (left out of main DL): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S72I351C

I'm going to reupload the original Hero Assault and Hunt maps over the next couple of days to MegaUpload.

Point 2:

Since FileFront is going under, I might suggest uploading these instead to MegaUpload for the time being, until a more permanent solution can be attained. I think MU is reliable most of the time, it's recently updated with a filem manager so registered users can keep track of their files, and they rarely delete legitimate files.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Cool. Thanks for the help!
When you guys get all the new links just let me know and I'll redo all the links in the first two posts.

Woah nice work Ryan. This is a really good idea that should have been implementing a long time ago.

Thanks A-99.
.... We'll get the links working again soon. :)

ATF_Chaos_Mod has been added. This is the latest version of the All Troops Fly "Utter Chaos" mod. I reworked it from scratch to eliminate the lag issues. This works much better than the first version. Give it a try!

And I also updated the link for the "Woods: Search and Destroy" mod (wsad) made by Breakdown. Good work BD.  :-P

hey while your on could you tell me possible reasons that the main play mod would crash battlefront if i just installed it by putting the data and addon folders in, right out of the package?

[color=#FFFFFF]{legends}Darth Verik]

fixd it nvm

[color=#FFFFFF]{legends}Darth Verik]

the mpe of geonoius dont work anymore :shock:

"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson

Hey, could you get the "Egypt" map up?
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1