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Topics - RevanSithLord

I just wanted to make my welcome "official" so to speak... so, hi everyone!

Main projects I'm working on are: Designated Days (co-leader) and The Exile's Voyage II (writer for the original, given the assets to continue) for BF2 if that gives you any indication on who I am.
Requests / SWG models request
June 09, 2018, 11:18:06 AM
I have a certain list of SWG player and weapon models I need converted and made into actual .mshs if anyone has the time (and a way of doing it like having the actual game models)!

Jinkins (unless there's already a Bith floating around I can use)
Jinkins J-1 Rifle
Proton Carbine
Nym's Slugthrower Carbine
Dark Trooper (the Phase II ones)
Super Battle Droid
Humanoid with Composite Armor set equipped
Humanoid with Bounty Hunter Armor set equipped
Humanoid with Rebel battle armor
Humanoid with Rebel assault armor
Humanoid with Rebel Infiltrator Armor
Light Lightning Cannon
Flamethrower (you could also modify the BT X-42 Flamethrower to not have the handle, and make it handle like a rifle, since that's what the old SWG version is)

I can provide picture references in-case people want to know better of what to convert should anyone take up the request.  :)