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Messages - DylanRocket

Well, the announcement was pretty neat. Grievous, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku are all coming in Season 3: Geonosis and the non-linear mode is said to have command posts and capital ships. I think it's gonna blow Galactic Assault out of the water unless they find a way to completely mess it up.
Yes, it is. It works with the pre-alpha but as seen in the video, it's very buggy.

The game is now playable through the Xenia emulator, although with pretty bad graphical issues. It's a shame it was cancelled. The game definitely had potential.
A new Reddit leak suggests we'll get the following for part 2:

[spoiler]1 new game mode - starfighter Hero Showdown

1 new Hero Ship - Lando & L3-37 Millennium Falcon. 3 abilities: Afterburner, Tuned laser cannons, & surrounding damage buff/reveal similar to Poe's Black Leader.

2 legendary skins each for Han & Lando from the new movie. Lando: The regular yellow shirt/cape and the colorful yellow shirt from the end scene with a cape on. Han: The regular brown leather jacket and a grey leather jacket.

1 epic skin on Chewbacca (with goggles) from the train scene.

1 new skin for Specialists, female Mirialan.[/spoiler]

Not sure what's up with the Mirialan since they're already in the game, I think. The user who posted this information was asked not to post the screenshots he received as the leaker wants to avoid being identified. The post was temporarily removed by the moderators of /r/StarWarsBattlefront but was reinstated after they were able to verify its legitimacy. Some of the news may be outdated apparently (probably the case for the Mirialan). Still no news on what the map is though.

Oh also, there are files for Extraction on Bespin and Jabba's Palace, but not enough is there for it to be playable yet. It's classified as "Mode2". "Mode1" is unknown, as are "Mode4" and "Mode5". "Mode6" is Hero Showdown, "Mode3" is Ewok Hunt, and "ModeC" is Jetpack Cargo.
I think I just downloaded it off Gametoast. Here's the munge.bat that's located in BF2_ModTools\data\_BUILD\Sound:

[spoiler]@REM WARNING: enabledelayedexpansion means ! is a special character,
@REM   which means it isn't available for use as the mungeapp recursive
@REM   wildcard character.  Use the alternate $ instead.
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

@set MUNGE_ROOT_DIR=..\..
@if not "%1"=="" set MUNGE_PLATFORM=%1
REM @if "%MUNGE_BIN_DIR%"=="" (
   @set MUNGE_BIN_DIR=%CD%\%MUNGE_ROOT_DIR%\..\ToolsFL\Bin
   @set PATH=%CD%\..\..\..\ToolsFL\Bin;%PATH%

@rem convert to lower case


@if "%MUNGE_LOG%"=="" (
   @if exist %LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG% ( del %LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG% )
@rem echo ********************************************************************* >> %MUNGE_LOG%
@rem echo Sound\munge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM% >> %MUNGE_LOG%
@rem echo ********************************************************************* >> %MUNGE_LOG%

@cd ..\..

@if not exist _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound mkdir _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound

@if /i %MUNGE_PLATFORM%==pc @set BANKOPT=-template

@call soundmunge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM%
@if %SOUNDCLEANLVL%x==1x @del /S /Q _BUILD\sound\*.lvl & @call soundmunge.bat %MUNGE_PLATFORM%

@if /i not "%SOUNDLVL%"=="" (
   @for %%A in (%SOUNDLVL%) do @if /i "%%A"=="global" @goto buildglobalbank
   @goto skipglobalbank
@rem Build a global sound bank...
@for /R %%A in (*.sfx) do @set BANKLIST=!BANKLIST! %%A
@if %SOUNDLOG%x==1x ( @set SOUNDOPT=-verbose & @set SOUNDLOGOUT=%LOGDIR%\SoundBankLog.txt ) else ( @set SOUNDOPT= & @set SOUNDLOGOUT=NUL )

@if not %MUNGE_PLATFORM%==pc goto skipglobalbank
@echo Munging common.bnk, this could take a while...
@soundflmunge -platform %MUNGE_PLATFORM% -banklistinput %BANKLIST% -bankoutput _LVL_%MUNGE_PLATFORM%\Sound\common.bnk -checkdate -resample -compact nowarning -checkid noabort -relativepath %SOUNDOPT% 2>>%MUNGE_LOG% 1>>%SOUNDLOGOUT%


@cd _BUILD\Sound

@REM If the munge log was created locally and has anything in it, view it
@if not %MUNGE_LOG%x==%LOCAL_MUNGE_LOG%x goto skip_mungelog
@if exist %MUNGE_LOG% for /f %%i in (%MUNGE_LOG:"=%) do @set FILE_CONTENTS_TEST=%%i
@if not "%FILE_CONTENTS_TEST%"=="" ( Notepad.exe %MUNGE_LOG% ) else ( if exist %MUNGE_LOG% (del %MUNGE_LOG%) )


@rem convert to upper case


Judging from the modification dates, that seems to be the only .bat file related to sound that was modified in any way.
I've never had any issue with sound munging on 64-bit. Works just fine on all of my 64-bit PCs (Windows 7, 8, and 10) and with both games' mod tools. The bat files had to be modified a bit but aside from that, it works fine.
Released Maps and Mods / Official Test Map
April 19, 2018, 03:29:30 PM
This map's nothing special really. It's a map that was used to test the original Battlefront. The file was taken from a server manager for the game but some very minor work was done to get the textures working (basically, the server manager maps are compiled without textures in order to save space). I doubt anyone's interested in playing this map (because it's literally a flat map with a few Geonosis props) but I figured I'd post it here anyway.


Requests / Re: The "I Have An Idea!" thread
April 04, 2018, 10:03:42 AM
Here's the Xbox demo, with the original files and the unmunged files:

The Xbox demo has some higher quality Ewok textures than can be found in the mod tools. The textures found in the mod tools are only 256x256 while the Xbox demo has 512x512 textures for them. There's also a cleaner and darker texture for the Stormtroopers, a Hoth Rebel Pilot texture, and some other cool stuff. Everything was unmunged except for the sound files and the first person files.

The models don't unmunge correctly. Maybe they changed the model format later on or something.

This one is the Jampack PS2 demo, again with the original files and the unmunged files:

I've only included the Battlefront demo since the other demos probably aren't of interest to any of us.

The textures here are lower resolution, obviously due to the fact that it's running on PS2. There's some ODFs and models for the scrapped 6th classes for both the Empire and the Rebellion.

I can also upload the Xbox demo and PS2 beta of SWBF2 if anyone's interested in those.
SWBF2 Modding / Re: Addme question
March 12, 2018, 09:50:40 AM
There's a custom campaign addon available at Gametoast. It adds it to a different menu from the default campaign.

Here's a link:
I really wish they'd add a Conquest mode because Galactic Assault is so boring and repetitive but the developers are being so stubborn about it. All those requests for Conquest and all we got was "Not sure if porting a particular ruleset is the way to go, we'll just make something else". And this is all after they said they'd listen to what the community wanted. :slap:

It's sad to say that I actually enjoyed the first EA Battlefront more than the second. Creating all these story-based/linear game modes was a terrible mistake, in my opinion. The only two game modes that I can really play for an extended amount of time are Blast and Heroes vs Villains, both of which are small-scale game modes. The 2015 game wasn't perfect at all but at least most of the game modes were actually fun to play for more than an hour. They made many improvements but without any fun game modes to play, it gets old fast. I haven't even played the 2017 game at all for the past week or two.
Released Assets / Re: swbf-unmunge - v1.1.0
February 17, 2018, 09:14:57 AM
I included the textures in the .zip as well. It's actually a different model from the Battlefront 1 version. For whatever reason the developers decided to change the ice cave entrances.
Released Assets / Re: swbf-unmunge - v1.1.0
February 16, 2018, 06:16:11 PM
That partially fixed the issue:

Released Assets / Re: swbf-unmunge - v1.1.0
February 16, 2018, 04:04:58 PM
Thanks for adding console support! There seems to be a few issues with some of the extracted models however:

This is from the Xbox DLC Rhen Var Habor map. So far I've only encountered this issue with map models, not unit models.
If you're concerned about whether or not the download is safe, it's not a pirated copy or anything like that so there's really no risk of a virus. They're partnered with Disney/LucasFilm so it and all the other Star Wars games on the website are all officially released. It's basically the same as buying a disc version except it's digital.

If you'd still prefer a physical copy, you can probably find one on Amazon or Ebay.
Perhaps imp_pistol_inf.tga from the IMP side assets is the texture you're looking for. If that's not it, maybe I could extract it from the PS2 version.