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Messages - jdee-barc

General / Re: Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
December 15, 2012, 08:29:04 PM
When you consider the gun control debate, keep in mind that when the founding fathers created the 2nd amendment, the arms they wanted the right to bear were likely hunting rifles and muskets and old things like that, not machine guns and semi-automatic rifles. You don't need an AK-47 to hunt rabbits.

The fact of the matter is, 20 kids and 6 adults died because a man with severe issues somehow had access to multiple firearms. Keep that in mind when you take a side on the issue.
General / Re: Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
December 15, 2012, 07:08:11 AM
Avoid the politics please. :tu:. (RC was being that guy)
General / Re: GLU and Gamespy shutting down servers
December 08, 2012, 09:04:16 PM
This does mean y'all can still play on GR and Tunngle, right? Please tell me I'm misunderstanding the article.
Just a side note I have not stopped working on this mod.
Someone should seek out whoever has the code.
General / Re: What are some funny memes?
November 27, 2012, 09:19:15 PM
^story of my life in TF2
General / Re: Favorite Slang Word/Saying?
November 25, 2012, 10:54:01 PM
I'm not a huge slang person. Ain't nobody got time fo' that!

Quote from: Joseph on November 25, 2012, 09:18:18 AM
ooh you use "swag"... are you sure you're not black?

dudewhut why was that question even necessary? He said he's asian. I could very well be a black kid living in Liberia for all you know  :P!
Released Assets / Re: SK's zombie mod assets
November 25, 2012, 10:56:13 AM
hmmm This may come in handy.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: SWBF II clone request
November 19, 2012, 02:32:01 PM
Search the BF2 Modtools. You can find them everwhere.
General / Re: PS3 v Xbox 360
November 17, 2012, 06:10:19 PM
I, am the textbook definition of a n00b on the 360. I was playing halo reach and I managed to

-stick myself with a plasma grenade (3 times)
-kill myself with my own gun (4 times)
-pilot a covenant tank (the big ones), have a lag issue, and then suddenly shoot off into space, or go flying across the map into a wall (twice)
-run into a wall so hard that I died (probably lag)
-accidentally fire a rocket while walking, inadvertantly was aimed at the ground. Killed myself and 5 teammates. Got booted from server.
Stay on topic, kids. I don't think y'all saw this.

Quote from: jdee-barc on October 28, 2012, 08:29:53 PM
So While I'm fixing problems with the GCW sides I came up with some game modes

1. Survival. It's different from SleepKiller's survival mode for his mod

Premise: There was an outbreak of a virus on a planet the rebels/empire were fighting over, infecting the Imperial forces. While most of the rebels fled in time, one of their escape ships had a mechanical failure while lifting off and crashed down into a mountainside. All the rebels were killed, except one lone mechanic.

You vs. Zombies (currently I'm setting that for 1000 zombies)
Objective: Kill all the zombies or die trying.

Your unit has a fusion cutter,  3 landmines to drop , and a recon droid to send out into action.

Basically you spawn at an outpost and there are several spots for building gun turrets left over from the battle,  1 health droid, 1 recharge droid (both of which have high health, neither of which can be repaired upon destruction), and one light speeder for making quick getaways;. With the exception of one, the turrets can be rebuilt as often as needed but they have an ammo limit.

4 types of turrets (2 each)
a chaingun (1500 rounds). Best for repelling enemy zombies effeciently
a Heat-seeking missile turret (16 missiles). Locks on to zombies,
a beam cannon turret from the wing of a crashed Imperial Gunship (this one cannot be rebuilt but has high health and no ammo limit)
a sniper turret. a semi-automatic turret with a double-zoom scope that fires sniper shots (1 hit kills), has 100 clips.

The Zombie Stormtroopers: These guys just won't die. The virus that infected them altered their minds (made them more aggressive and violent), and gave them an increase in their stamina. They run faster, take more damage. The force of one of them hitting you is enough to: crack your skull, break your neck, dislocate your spine, destroy your hoverspeeder.  if one gets too close, you're dead. They come in waves. And yes, their weapon is their fists.

Screens of The Zombie map

1. Your outpost
2. Zombie spawnpoint #1
3. Zombie Spawnpoint #2

Note that this is very much unfinished.
It died.
General / Re: Who's left?
November 15, 2012, 08:13:47 PM
I'm still modding and Tunngle doesn't wanna work on my laptop.
General / Re: States Seceding??
November 13, 2012, 09:18:43 PM
If I lived in a state that seceded I'd move to
I like assassinations. Walk up to some unwary person and stab them or shoot with a fully-charged bowcaster.