I present to you all: SW VII

Started by Helios, July 22, 2013, 03:42:48 PM

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I actually took the time to shoop this.

In an attempt to not be on this topic 24/7 I will leave this topic and never return! (no really, I won't even look at the new posts) :shrug:

Quote from: {TcF}=Rick={G}(305th-Infantry) on July 23, 2013, 06:31:30 AM
It doesn't end there unfortunately...


If they seriously decide upon doing a Star Wars takeover series with the Mickey Mouse cast in it, my hope in Disney making Star Wars successful is going to be extremely thin. The new Rebels series and the new movie will be the only things now that make me actually have hope that Disney can make Star Wars successful.

Quote from: Kit Fisto on July 23, 2013, 07:19:52 AM
In an attempt to not be on this topic 24/7 I will leave this topic and never return! (no really, I won't even look at the new posts) :shrug:

I'm with you, Kit.

Evacuate thread!!

I'm holding back..  :shutup:
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

And with this, I have completely lost faith in the direction the Star Wars franchise is going.

C'mon, Disney!  Seriously?  :td:

Quote from: Epifire on July 22, 2013, 06:52:21 PM
Without Lucas controlling it's quality and design I feel it has a very good chance that it's doomed to failure.

George Lucas did a terrible job of controlling the quality of the prequel trilogy, without him leading the project it can only go up from rock bottom. This is the guy who at some point approved Star Wars Kinect.

I don't know why anybody is really surprised by Disney doing crossovers, in this day and age crossovers are all over the place. They're meant to increase brand value and get people excited about their IP's. Star Wars should be a hit with kids, even though the last movies were made almost 10 years ago. The way to set it up for success in the future is to get it popular with kids and the young crowd. And Star Wars is a huge money maker, I'm not surprised at all that they're trying to cash in on it.

And again, don't make the mistake of thinking that Disney is cashing in on Star Wars any more than George Lucas already has. George Lucas did his fair share of star wars cartoons too.

Quote from: Epifire on July 22, 2013, 06:52:21 PM
I'd rather it be an amazing Cult Classic that sold very little, over it being a awful crowd pleaser that was adapted to social comfort zones. Although my opinions still remain unfounded, until a latter time.

The original star wars was never a cult classic. According to wikipedia,

QuoteProduced with a budget of $11 million and released on May 25, 1977, the film earned $460 million in the United States and $314 million overseas

Star Wars isn't an obscure franchise, it's one that's shaken pop culture like no other. It is as mainstream as it gets, and it's a huge money maker. If club penguin or phineas and ferb offer kids some fun that's fine, their entertainment is not interfering with mine. As long as the next movies are a shoulder above the prequel movies I'll be fine with it. And as long as EA makes more mature games geared at people older than 12, then the franchise will be hitting all demographics and we should be happy.
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