Black Terrain Bug.

Started by Sereja, January 20, 2013, 05:55:23 AM

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"Black Terrain Bug", is usualy may happens, when your .Sky file is incorrect. For example, if you delete next line, this bug, will show up:
        TerrainBumpTexture("geo1_ter_bump", 1.0);

But it seems, there is exist something else, that cause this bug.
Interesting, but in some reason, not all videocard, can detect this bug. This mean, if it show up, on one PC, on other, same map, cud be works as normal and bugless.
Unfortunately this happens, with my converted Felucia map: for me, it look's normal, but Kit Fisto, as tester, found this bug, on his computer:
As he say, this bug, dissapear, when he turn terrain quality to "Low":
I have all needed bump/detail tga textures, in my World1 folder, so, I am realy confused. As I say, on my PC, map, look's normal, and I can't testing this bug, by myself. So, if somebody know, how to fix it, please reply.
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf:

terrain quality set to low will remove this bug from any map. I never use that line in my sky and dont have the problem. your main ground texture (layer 0 in zeroeditor) must have a bumpmap tga specified or you will get the black bug

Thank's, it seems, I am realy forget, to add detail tga name, to 0 texture layer :slap:.
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf: