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Messages - Dresh

That is a really good question! I went for fairly, depends on the game!  Is LOD and View Dist considered graphics in this case...cos they are real important..well LOD is!  Also the display settings like bright and contrast can help pick out an otherwise well hidden player easier.  As always gameplay is the important thing, but graphics do matter too!  I dont know how else to explain...A crap game with great graphics is still a crap game! A great game with crap graphics is not necessarily a great game its more of a great idea not supported well enough visually!  

In and performance need to be in harmony for a game to be good in my eyes...either way to the extreme the game suffers! Luckily most games allow you tweak such setting to find the right balance! If you cant find that balance then the game is not good (or you need a new graphics card)!
as long as it's fat enough to shoot the enemy when I run outa ammo! 'take that ya baddies!'

I think it is an insult to be killed with a pistol! I always try not to die when faced with a pistol...then I have to prob of the manly decision of when to run away before you get pistol popped...arg, that sound even worse than being shot!
Sound like for what you want Excel (or whatever the Mac spreadsheet equvalent is) is in order, cos it sound like you may have to do a lot of math!
The thisiswar league is a bit different than what is suggested but I can set up a league for you.  If you use the same format as thisiswar all that needs done is for someone to do a draw and post it on youtube! Then all I'd need to is post a pic of the league table here or you guys!  I think this is a good idea cos it brings ppl together every week at the same time, so it's a regular thing and since the scores are averaged it isn't a major issue if someone misses a match!
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Woods: Search and Destroy
February 22, 2009, 04:10:43 AM
that's like 1am over here...i dont think I'll make it! you up for arranging something during the week?

Can you post an top camera view of the map from BFBuilder so that I can mark problems?  Or if you have a minimap made
Other Games / Re: Funny gaming moments
February 20, 2009, 12:55:03 AM
lol, I remember that bit....
I've never had anything weird happen in the game...except when I got beat by another member if TiW, Crazyhorse.....and he never wins....that was weird!
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Woods: Search and Destroy
February 19, 2009, 04:12:45 PM
I'll test, if Pi is off then we should be able to get together for a few multiplayers!  I will even beable to play it on the TiW server...Pi, you can play on PC servers yeah?
Requests / Re: amazing map ideas
February 19, 2009, 04:10:37 PM
what is this enders thing?
any luck with your idea?
stories are only good for single player and co-ops!  If it wasnt for multiplayer the game would have been dead years ago!  Multiplayer all the way...
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Ensuring no AI in map
February 18, 2009, 12:09:20 PM
Are you sure? I'm gonna do some experiments!

Edit: experiments proved conclusive (after one round)'re right! lol

Still leaves me with the lobby problem! any ideas?
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Ensuring no AI in map
February 18, 2009, 11:12:00 AM
I guess that answers my question then! Thanks dude!

Is there anyway to have AI spawn on specific paths and human players spawn on a different one?

Here's the problem, I'm gonna change how the league games are played so that ppl have to change teams less times.  I current have:

Lobby - map1 - map1
Lobby - map2 - map2

Each player plays the same map as one side then the other, after each map the player has to change teams, a total of 4 changes.
What I propose to do is:

Lobby - map1 - map2
Lobby - map1 - map2

which means players only need to change teams twice and can do so in the lobby!  The reason I was asking is that we normally pick a map as the lobby and what inevitably happens is that everyone runs around shooting each other and misses messages to get in the correct team etc.  I was hoping to build a lobby that is just the cantina with no guns do that they couldnt kill each other and we could get everyone in the right teams more easily! Anyone have any suggestions?
SWBF1 Modding / Ensuring no AI in map
February 18, 2009, 10:40:30 AM
is there anyway that anyone knows of to disable the AI in a map.  I can change the number of AI players in the server software but that will hold for all maps running on the server.  Is there a way for the map to override the server and miss out the AI only for that map?
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005 Original) / Re: swbf2
February 17, 2009, 04:29:13 PM
just get a permanent marker and stick a little + sign right there on the monitor and you're good to go!