The "Strange things" Thread

Started by Snake, April 26, 2012, 03:50:07 PM

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Quote from: Snake on November 21, 2014, 07:04:23 PM
I could see some kind of emp grenade using that..

It would make my dream of a TCW mod/mod map come true! :D

Fun fact: Did you know that command centers (Like the clone one at geonosis) was supposed to be used like a non-moving vehicle to order orbital strikes?

ClassLabel             = "armedbuildingdynamic"
GeometryName          = "imp_bldg_forwardcenter.msh"

Label             = "forward command center"
GeometryName          = "imp_bldg_forwardcenter"

RespawnTime          = 75.0
MaxHealth             = "2000.0"


//WeaponName             = "imp_weap_inf_orbital_attack"
//WeaponAmmo             = "0"   

PilotPosition          = "hp_main_gunner"
PilotAnimation          = "drive"

TrackCenter            = "3.0 4.0 -10.0"
PitchLimits            = "-10 30"
YawLimits            = "-50 50"


//WeaponName             = "imp_weap_inf_orbital_attack"
//WeaponAmmo             = "0"   

PilotPosition          = "hp_main_gunner1"
PilotAnimation          = "drive"

TrackCenter            = "3.0 4.0 -10.0"
PitchLimits            = "-10 30"
YawLimits            = "-50 50"

=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

Neat! Does that actually still work, though?
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Actually, I heard something like that in 2008, when I started playing. Now, Snake can prove the theory! Awesome find, man!

The scratched imperial command center is the one with the coding like that. I tested it out and I see why they left it out of the game. You have to aim the orbital strike from a poorly situated camera angle and fire the orb thing that signals the orbital strike. It would be cool if you could do have an above angle of the map, as if one was controlling the gun of a ship in orbit.

=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

Sorry guys i am little late in this topic here but i am sure i can solve some misterys.
I will answer to few questions.Some of them are from page one.

EffectRegion        = ""
I think, it is somehow connected with regions, but how it cud be?

I remember i tryed this.
Let say you make a custom healthrecharge odf and you use it on your map.
In the EffectRegion section you add the name of your region (also placed ingame)
Dont forget to add the region in your lua aswell.The result?
Well ingame when you go to that region the healtrecharge droid will heal you for example.

- Not tested, my theory is that it may increase or maximize (in terms of weapon ODF range) AI sniper bot shooting range.

- Set to 0 by default, set to 1 makes AI jets randomly jump around as if jet nodes were everywhere on the map.

I test this lines aswell.The first one works with in combination with defence hint node.
You can place the hint node in zeroeditor.When a sniper class soldier go to that hint node
he will ahve increased range of fire.

About the SetAllowBlindJetJumps this prevent all units with jets to jump when its set to (1)
You can add jump hint nodes in zeroeditor and when the jetroopers find the node then they will jump.
This line is used in BF2 Kashyyyk map.You know on the beach there is alot of barricades.Sometimes all
unit classes simply jump over them.

ChunkPhysics            = "FULL"

I test this on a ball shaped object.I made it destroyable and when i destroy it the ball
simply start to rolling on the ground.However the ball dont have collision.
I found also that there is other
ChunkPhysics types.If i remember correctly they was "SIMPLE" which is the same like
"FULL" but they have collision and my ball dont roll but more like sliding downhill.
I think this was used for the Endor woods trap with the rolling woods which destroys the passing AT-ST.
The other was "COCKPIT".The problem is i dont remember what this actually do.It was not interesting
otherwise ill probably remember it.The next one was "LEAF".This is used for example destroyable trees
where when you destroy them you can make the leafs msh models fall just like real leafs on the ground.
There was one more type that i dont remember...sorry about that.

Code: [Select]


This is taken from platforms LUA and can be seen in various other stock maps with flyer vehicles.

This is used for AIs.I think 64 is default.AIs in 64 range away from any vehicle will return and
will try to enter the vehicle.If the Ai is too far away for example (65) he will not come back for
the vehicle.Its not good to set this value too high because bots will return from far away just to
enter a vehicle.

Quote from: Ginev on May 06, 2015, 03:54:28 PM
Sorry guys i am little late in this topic here but i am sure i can solve some misterys.
I will answer to few questions.Some of them are from page one.
- Not tested, my theory is that it may increase or maximize (in terms of weapon ODF range) AI sniper bot shooting range.

I test this lines aswell.The first one works with in combination with defence hint node.
You can place the hint node in zeroeditor.When a sniper class soldier go to that hint node
he will ahve increased range of fire.

Nice discovery. So the SetDefenderSnipeRange code allows sniper AI (UnitType=Scout) to shoot players from further distance than default limit for other units? I'm wondering if you made a giant sniper hintnode that covered the entire map, and set the LUA line to 9999, if AI could snipe players from across the map. The default cutoff range for stock sniper is 2000 velocity * 0.15 lifespan so would want to increase that for testing. If this trick worked you could in theory add unlimited shot range to all AI units :o

The only mistery that i didn't solve is how to increase the number of shots that are produced at once ingame.Before some time i made a cool winter map and all my classes were using machine guns (they shoot really fast).When i test the map i found out that when alot of Ais are shooting when i try to shoot i lose ammo but laser dont come out of my weapon and i cant kill no one.This mean that the game have limit for laser shots.I was thinking that if i increase the number of this line in the lua: SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 200) it will work but sadly no.(I dont know what this line mean anyway :D )

May 21, 2015, 07:06:31 AM #113 Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 07:29:30 AM by -RepubliqueCmdr-
Sereja once had some clever explanation of the Aimer memory pool, but I can only remember it being something about how AIs were programmed.
That would be effect over load. The guns still fire with an internal (not visible) shot, but the effects will be ignored if there are too many on the map at once. (Increase the life of the sniper laser for example. You can shoot a few hundred of them off and have a bunch of long beams on your map, but then the gun just won't fire until they start disappearing).

edit- If you try to fire any weapon that uses a visual effect (all of them) near a large number of particles/effects, one or the other may start disappearing (I think battlefront is optimized to always choose the leave dynamically spawned particle systems (such as weapon fire and explosions) out in the event of particle overload).

Based on recent mod testing this appears to be what certain vehicle properties do:

AvailableForAnyTeam = "1" // 1 allows AI from other teams to take the vehicle if unoccupied
IsPilotExposed = "1" // 0 prevents pilot death unless the vehicle is destroyed, 1 exposes pilot to being shot and killed while in the vehicle
MovingTurnOnly = "1" // 0 enables vehicular strafing like the AAT, 1 prevents strafing like the hailfire droid
NoCombatInterrupt = "1" // 1 makes AI use vehicle only for transport other AI directly to cps while avoiding combat

May 11, 2017, 03:09:08 AM #115 Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 03:11:16 AM by Gistech
Though not listed under the ODF list for "soldier" in the documentation, any "Soldier" class unit can use the command "ForceMode" to stop people from going into FPS mode with their unit. I just discovered this while testing my Jyn Erso models and A180 ODFs. It comes in handy if you're making Jedi playable units.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

January 17, 2019, 06:36:45 PM #116 Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 06:38:28 PM by Dark_Phantom
SALLY can apparently only count to 5.  First 5 units, which even after exe editing to get 6 doesn't work right, and now with 6 eras it magically moves the button list and breaks mouse control
The BOBclan:  A Rich History

Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM
'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.

Sally... my old arch nemesis
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

wait so is more than 5 eras possible ?
mods and maps in progress:<br />--Bf1 expanded edition 3.0 version
-- bf1 tcw battles
-- bf1 seasons mod season 1
-- bf2 expanded edition tbh

Possible, yet impractical as you lose mouse control for no reason.  It seems that it overloads into the mouse functionality after 5 eras.
The BOBclan:  A Rich History

Quote from: Unit 33 on November 29, 2014, 03:44:44 AM
'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.