Star Wars Battlefront 2 smarter hero ai?

Started by crimsontide, September 27, 2018, 10:49:42 PM

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I have the original ai hero mod, but the jedi heroes do the same thing, lightsaber throw, that's all they use! they don't even fight normally. Is there any mods that make them fight normally?

There isn't a mod for this because it's not something enough people have desired but it is easily doable.

You need to munge a new copy of the SIDE files but edit the saber throw .odf file and set AITargetPerson from 1 to 0.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.

I'm not sure how to do that, is there any made on the internet so I can just download it?

As I said above, no one has produced this yet because no one else has needed it. No one's going to bother uploading 300mb of files for one edit.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.

If crimsontide can edit the ODFs I will munge them and upload it.
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
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