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Messages - DEAGLE


Whether its the edited exe by belk or changes in the side level, it's the same effect! Why would you call one mod and the other hack if both have the same effects to the game? Sorry, but thats just completely dumb.
And in what fps is a wallhack walking through walls? By just searching for "wallhack" in youtube you get thousands of vids from different games: and they all have transparent object models or skins shining through walls. Probably just the metin2 thing on the first page is really walking through walls, but thats not a fps.
@Phobos, you do realise that the minimap hack by battlebelk is a modded exe with just two changed values? you can do that with hex-editing in one minute.
@Joseph, as I already mentioned I don't give a single f*ck wether it's called hack or mod. I also don't care about crosshairs, skins whatever, because those advantages are minimal (I for myself play better without any changes). MM on the other side is, like ΙΞ¢KØ already said, over powered. You just don't stand a chance against a player on your skill level if he's using radar hack.
If someone would release a wallhack, would you support that aswell? Because it's working just the same as radar hack does.

And to Phobos: yes, I think that radar hack is in fact destroying the game. Probably not for you and other cheaters, but for people who still play fair and ofc future players aswell.
Quote from: Phobos on October 03, 2012, 05:25:28 PM
I disagree 100% completely. The art of modding which many of us here at SWBFGamers are proficient at is expanding this awesome game and helping it to not die by adding more variety and content for the players to experience. If someone is quitting just because they are bothered by another player using radar, I highly doubt that it will have as serious of an effect on the life of the game itself as you seem to believe.

Just look at the contributions of BattleBelk for example. Without those I doubt we would have even half as many mods for this game as we do now. Mods do not kill games - they expand them. Radar is not going to kill this game. An aimbot that worked online in /noaim servers however, possibly could. Your accusations that we are destroying the game really exemplifies the lack of respect you have for SWBF.

I don't see why it's such a big deal for you. By using radar hack you're giving yourself an advantage over your opponent. Thats what hacks do. Because of that players are leaving. Call it mod or cheat, I don't really care.
I didn't said anything against modding itself. Believe me, those server mods are amazing, but I'm talking about client hacks/mods whatever.

And to the lack of respect for swbf: I don't use mm hack. You probably do. Now think again who has not enough respect for the game.
don't you guys remember good old times when no one (probably just belk) was playing with those things? just let it go and play normal, it's so much more fun. I can't speak for the americans, but many of the last active euro players are leaving because of those discussions. I'll be done with bf in two or three months aswell, but I wanna tell you you're destroying a beautiful game
make sure your game-exe file is called battlefront.exe
try turning off your anti virus
put the nickchanger exe on the desktop and try then
voted no because it's simply a hack and it gives you huge advantage (not like crosshairs) over your opponents. working like a wallhack pretty much... in games like counter strike you would've to pay for those kind of "mods", as some of you call it, if you don't want to get banned
wow, thanks to all of you for your positive feedback! :D

I'm actually working on my last video atm. Some of you may know that editing/cutting videos is really time consuming and since I have great plans for my reallife in about two months I will not have any time to continue making fragvideos. But if you enjoy swbf editing you should check out therealK238, he was the very first swbf editor, and also blackair123456789 and lukiopfer, they are pretty good too ;)

thanks again guys, I'm really happy to have viewers from the swbfgamers community :P
SWBF1 Modding / Re: eXcite DarkTrooper by: Scarecrow
August 01, 2012, 02:29:43 PM
awesome  :P
already asked this question @ gametoast but perhaps someone knows the answer here too:

since I'm pretty new in modding swbf2 this newbie question; how do I edit the fov in swbf2? I already tried hex editing the all, rep, cis and imp.lvl and change all values for the thirdpersonfov from 65 to 120 but it doesn't seem to affect the game in any way.

can somebody help?
thanks in advance

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mapping :D
September 24, 2011, 03:40:41 AM
I used some assets from the shipped rhen var world. download

Just put the odf file in the odf folder of your world, and the others in the msh folder. As you see I edited the Rhn_bldg_outsidedetails_01.tga completely transparent. You can put your text in the Rhn_basebrick_8.tga.
For sure you can mess with the names, but be sure to check if you changed them in the odf and msh file, and ofc the textures.

You just need to select the odf in ze and put your object in the map. Note that you can only see your texture if the object is in front of you, you've to change the camera angle or to turn the object to see it. Ingame you can see it from both sides, only that it's inverted if you look from behind.
a bit late, but well

go into the side folder of your server tool, open the side, where you want to disable the recon, with a hex edit.
then search for (f.e. for rebels):


You'll get to a point where a bit above thermaldetonator, pistol and sniperrifle stands (all weapons of the sniper). go to the


and go into the hex lines (with the numbers). now you just type 0 until there are only points and
PROP......S|á/all_weap_inf_remotedroid is overwrited.
you have to do this some more times just keep searching /all_weap_inf_remotedroid (or just press f3)

this is awesome!

is there any download link to those files? or will there be a dl if not?
@ModTester, I tested the file myself on your site, and Emsisoft dedected the trojan horse. But after pressing the "Scan Again" button, it shows that the file is clean.

Now in the time I wrote this I uploaded the file again and scanned, and after the first scan there were no results.
But as Bamdur said:
Quote from: Bamdur on April 30, 2011, 12:49:42 PM
Ever heard of false positives?

right, nothing more to say.