Tantive Iv SWBFII Conversion

Started by SleepKiller, February 27, 2012, 11:07:51 PM

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February 27, 2012, 11:07:51 PM Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 05:50:39 PM by Buckler
Déjà vu much aye? This is a completely new conversion for Tantive Iv. I started from pretty much scratch with the mind to produce it as bug free as possible. I'm satisfied with the results.

Huge thanks to tirpider for his research/tools!


edit by buckler: swbfgamers.com link

Looks like a really good port. Very good at that.
photobucket limit image removed

Great Job, again, SleepKiller!
Another map that was wierd to play in BF2 made playable :)

I found a reflection in one of the halls.

Yes, I'm sadly aware of that bug. I have no clue what is causing it since the .msh doesn't have a bone for reflections.