Unit 33's great grandfather?

Started by Led, May 20, 2014, 04:14:28 AM

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Timmy made fun of that bike once. Once.

I doubt it is Unit's great grandfather, it is probably unit himself! D: Awesome pic though  8)

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Oh, yeah! Thats the guy who prevented GB from falling to the Nazi's in WW2!
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

dad- "Look kids, the first tank!"
3 kids simultaneously- "Wooooooaaahhh"
Random Kid- "Why is that guy wearing a bowler hat?
Unit as a kid- "I like hats..!"

That's the chap, Grampa Unit 21.

Quote from: Snake on May 20, 2014, 09:13:15 AM
Oh, yeah! Thats the guy who prevented GB from falling to the Nazi's in WW2!
Naw, he used that thing in the Great Martian War of 1898.

Of course he did Unit, this is probably how they came up with this:

British Soldier: Ah Bullocks, we're out of tanks *Looks at his bike* Hmmmmmmm...
"I would explain it to you but your head might explode."