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Messages - ~{PLA}~ Seth

Other Games / Re: Your Most Epic Flag Capture EVER!
February 03, 2010, 03:54:45 PM
ROFL @ the pic. Looks like how most people would've described how they ran like heck on their capture.
Good point. Hero noobs in SWBF2 just completely decimated any heroes on the map. Jedis could run at like 50 MPH, and way faster than most vehicles. Lightsabers killed in 1-2 slashes on normal units, but on air attacks and dash attacks they were 1-hit kills on normal infantry.
and then there's the  :censored: force. Push, choke, and pull are almost always completely abused by most people in MP. Even on Mos Eisley Assault, noobs would REFUSE to attack unless you were on the ground and they weren't. On the rare occasions I managed to sneak up on the force noobs, I would take 1 slash at them, and they would run away to their mommies by jumping across rooftops and sprinting. Thanks Mos Eisley. Stupid buildings. To make matters worse, some people hacked into their game to make them unstoppable on Mos Eisley assault. One such noob went by the name of "Jason."

Like, he made his push have a MUCH longer range. He also made himself invulnerable to pushes of your own. Very few people ever managed to kill this idiot, he'd have like 90 kills, 1 or 2 deaths. The rest of us, kills: 20 deaths: 32

But back to SWBFO, I think it would be OK, but the SP of SWBF has always been super fun, and a big component would be missing from the game.
Other Games / Re: Your Most Epic Flag Capture EVER!
February 03, 2010, 03:09:33 PM
To add to the other story, (not mine) if someone is chasing me with a hog cause I have the flag, and I'm driving a hog, if it's a pretty close chase, I'll suddenly brake hard and start backing up as fast as I can. Depending on the angling and the speed of the enemy hog, if you're lucky, it'll either flip them over or at least put them off course enough for you to get away fast. Sometimes you'll even send them flying 50 feet in the air, THEN get the hog to flip when it lands, which is always hilarious. The crew of the hog will be pretty pissed too. (Sorry if "pissed" is too harsh for the forum. I'll replace it with "ticked" if you want me to.)
You do have a point, but BF2's campaign was pretty good IMO. Analyzing campaigns:

BF1: Pretty laaaaaaaaame. All you have to do is win the map, you might as well go to Instant Action.

BF2: Better. You have actual orders now, and the only way you can win is to complete all objectives, and if you lose, you actually lose a LOT of work unlike BF1. Also, more campaign missions and you get into story a little bit. Many missions are challenging and require specific unit choices to succeed in your efforts.

Anyway, I personally don't see too much of a problem with this, but I would like for there to be a SP mode. I don't see how it would "ruin" the series, but I would rather there be a SP mode. But if it comes out, I'll probably buy it.
Tech Support / Re: How do I get Xfire video sound?
February 02, 2010, 02:57:28 PM
Oh, it's in the desktop Xfire. I was looking for it on the site. I never thought to look on the desktop thing. Thanks.
Other Games / Re: Your Most Epic Flag Capture EVER!
February 02, 2010, 02:53:49 PM
Nice! I wish we could have some vids, but we rarely remember to start filming at moments before our flag captures. And in my case, had I paused for even a millisecond to start filming, I would have not made it over the cliff.
And I feel compelled to say that this capture was by dumb luck in several places:
A. No one spawned INSIDE the enemy base.
B. He was shooting at me with an AR, which spreads out shots greatly, and will take take several seconds to kill you at anything less than 5 feet away. I was probably a good 15 feet in front of this guy the whole way, so I probably exhausted 2 of his clips just to get my health down to one bar.
C. The sniper that I pegged in the back with the flag didn't notice me.
D. There was a ghost left on that cliff. (Most of them spawn on the beach below the bases, however if there are 3 or more, 1 will spawn above the base next to the banshees.
I guess I do have my quick thinking to thank too. But aside from killing everyone inside the base, this was all luck and quick thinking.

Maybe I'll post a little "explanation video" to show you guys, since my description wasn't the best because of the "post box" freaking out for some reason.
Other Games / Your Most Epic Flag Capture EVER!
February 01, 2010, 10:16:09 PM
CTF is a FPS and third person shooter classic multiplayer gametype. So, in any game, any game at all, what's your coolest, luckiest, funniest, craziest, or all around most epic flag capture? Heck, it doesn't even have to be on PC or mac or whatever you play on. It could be on Xbox 360 for all the rest of us cared. After all, this is in "other games."
I'd say mine is in Halo: Combat Evolved for PC. (I'm a Halo player. It has a great story and awesome gameplay in singleplayer and multiplayer.) Anyway, we were on the Death Island map, (one of my personal favorites.) CTF, all vehicles enabled. I was on blue team. So I get into a hog solo, drive around the island to red base, pick up a shotgun and pistol ammo while I get there. I enjoy the scenery as I go, just casually driving. I notice 2 enemy tanks far out in the water, front to back. Yikes. Luckily they didn't see me. So, I get to red base. So, I toss in a few nades, just clear it out in general. So, I go in for the flag. So, I'm going to the flag, and I try to run out to my hog, but change of plan, a guy spawned out there next to it. So I run for the teleporter inside the base that will take me to the shees, and I go in. I've lost most of my shield by now cause of that guy that spawned. So, I get up to their banshee spawn, no banshees. Crap. Well, I notice a ghost on the platform overlooking their side of the island, (where a ghost spawns) and I run for it. I also a notice a sniper with a sniper rifle pinning down my teammates. So, while I'm at it, I decide I might as well peg this guy in the back with a quick melee from the flag. (Melees in the back are instant kills in Halo CE.) So that sniper is dead now, and just a nother number in my kill count. Anyway, the guy I mentioned earlier has taken down my health and is shooting at me with an AR. So I get in this ghost, and my health is down to one bar. I start to back up, and I swear this goes in slow motion, but eventually I get to the edge of the cliff (In reality it takes less than a second to back up to it.) and I fall a good probably 50 yards down to the beach. Being in a vehicle, I take no damage. So, my shield recovers, and I drive back to my base with no problems, luckily. I pull up to our base, get out, and happily deliver the flag.
Tech Support / Re: How do I get Xfire video sound?
February 01, 2010, 09:34:53 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about. What's the Xfire client and where do I find it?
Tech Support / How do I get Xfire video sound?
February 01, 2010, 05:47:56 PM
So, I'm kind of an amateur SWBF cameraman, I record videos of all sorts of stuff in battlefront, some stupid, some out of pure boredom, and some to capture for memories when and if gamespy shuts down their online support for the game. But, they're all mute. No sound or anything. I'll have my sound cranked, but the video has absolutely none. How do I get sound on Xfire videos? All the other videos on Xfire seem to have it.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: Platform Wars (PW.3)
February 01, 2010, 05:02:25 PM
Well, at least the PCs won. But shoot, sounded like fun. And the map list was interesting too. Hopefully I'll be there next time. End of February sounds good to me.

Revival for the battlefront series. SWBF2 is gonna be dead by spring of '10, I garauntee it. The members of its community are ripping each other apart, clans are dying left and right, competitive play rules are super strict, (when I was playing swbf2 a few months back, you could barely win a just-for-fun clan war without getting called nooby cheaters.) and besides that, the game gets really old.

And people have completely forgotten about goold old 2003 SWBF1, despite the fact that it's a great game.

SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: Platform Wars (PW.3)
January 29, 2010, 09:39:23 PM

>:( :( :'( :td: :rant: :bye: :mad: :sick: >:( :( :'( :censored: :censored: :censored: :td:

Sorry bout that. I'll cut to the chase. Game's not working on my computer, comp won't read it for some reason, guess this mean's I'm out. shoot...

Go PCs!

I just felt like adding 2 things:

I bet you already knew this, but if so, you forgot to put it in, but the time bomb sticks to vehicles, turrets, health/ammo droids, and destroyable CPs and is the most powerful explosive in the game. 2 bombs take out an ATST. That's pretty insane.

And IMO, the rebel vanguard is actually the EASIEST to mine throw with, the timing is much simpler than the other vanguards. Just hold the mine button down like you would for any other super mine throw, then delay just a split second before jumping and releasing. It's just like a normal mine throw, you just have to press the button early.
Other Games / Re: Any Halo 1 PC players out there?
December 30, 2009, 01:58:14 PM
Well, they must not have. According to the Xfire game statistics, on the "Xfire users playing today" thing, there are 4,209 Xfire users still playing it, with 461,846 minutes played per day. Based on what I see on the page, it still has a community playing it, what with all the freshly made multiplayer videos. See for yourselves.


Too bad I can't play online. For some reason, whenever I click "Internet" in the multiplayer menu, it will say, "You must have administrator priveleges to download this required patch." All I can click is OK, but that just takes me back to the multiplayer menu. Dang.
Other Games / Any Halo 1 PC players out there?
December 29, 2009, 07:24:10 PM
So I just got Halo: Combat Evolved PC for Christmas, (One of my favorite games of all time. I've played it on Xbox at friends' houses before, but I don't own an Xbox myself, so I've been Halo-less up until X-mas '09. And I only recently discovered that they made it for PC a few years after the original came out. Yes, I realize I'm very late.) Anyway, so I'm having a heck of a load of fun playing a game I've absolutely loved but never been able play for all these years, and wondering if any of the PCs around here still play this epic FPS, multiplayer or otherwise.