Special words to search for while hex editing map lvl files.

Started by Xfire Keenmike aka cull, January 27, 2010, 12:54:08 AM

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January 27, 2010, 12:54:08 AM Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 05:33:24 AM by Mike, a cull nightfriend
Hi, just asking if anyone knows any special words to look for while hex editing a mod map lvl file. I can search for barrier and can take off even a few barriers. I cut out the text just before the x in XFRMO and just before barrier By doing this it disrupts the death out side the map enough for you to enjoy any part of the map. I would like to ask if anyone knows any other words to search for. I would like to change the height and know of more about hex editing a lvl file.

Update: When you just scroll down a mission.lvl in hex edit you will find something like setmaxplayerflyheight. The mission.lvl is so small just take your time to find all and replace with dots to take off the height limit. It wont work with all mod map mission.lvl files.

I took off the max player fly height from the mission.lvl and the death when you go outside th e barriers from the map lvl for mod map bco1 bespin skymaze. Does anyone know creagcridhe@operamail.com?