Which SWBF stock map do you like most that only has 1 era?

Started by Kit Fisto, July 10, 2012, 10:26:15 PM

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Which SWBF stock map do you like most that has only 1 era?

Geonosis: Spire
Kamino: Tipoca City
Hoth: Echo Base
Endor: Bunker
So which is it? Do you like to get into an AT-TE and "concentrate all your fire on the nearest starship!" or try to take your enimies home planet and in the rain on top of it! Or maybe you like to jump in a snowspeeder and topple the mighty AT-AT! Or better yet grab a scout trooper and get one shot kills against those fur balls!
Please post what you chose and why you like that map that most!

I like "fur balls" so, it is surely Endor.
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf:

Haha we on 1.0 don't play such Maps ^^
Just to make Photos or so .. (Clanpictures)
We mostly play Cloud City and Mos Eisley "Sometimes Citadell"
Yoda ;)
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Crazy Black & White Cloud City: http://www.mediafire.com/?e8iz6tqht4udfk4

I like geonosis spire the most and I'll give you 8 reasons why!

1. Episode 2 is my favorite star wars episode
2. I like open maps
3. I like the vehicles in that map. Especially the hail fire droid.
4. I like the planet geonosis in the star wars universe. ( don't ask me why, I just do )
5. I like the feel that you are fighting in a giant battle
6. I like the clone wars era more than GCW
7. I like the geonosians even though they are npc's I still like them in that level
8. I like how they include little things that were in the movie into the game, like in the spire there is the hologram table and the death star plans hologram next to the cp thing

So ya!  :cheers: best 1 era map!

Hey led! I say that whichever map wins this poll should be in the next DC!

I don't particularly like any of these maps. I like Kamino more than the other choices stated.
Sereja's version of Kamino is better than stock by far;)

Kamino by a long shot, particularly kamino twilight v2. Then Hoth, then Endor, and my least favorite stock map of all is Geonosis.

Quote from: kitfisto15678 on July 11, 2012, 12:51:26 PM
Ah man! Why you hatin on geonosis? :P

The vehicles are the only redeeming factor imo, the hailfire and droid plane can be quite fun but not for serious combat. The map design is very poor, and the color contrast is a dull bland orange. It could be improved with skin mods, but the design quality would still be lacking. I also think the map is imbalanced, the AT-TE respawn too fast giving clones an obvious advantage. Plus I just prefer GCW over CW. On the plus side, the geonosian aliens look Cool. :D

I think the design is very well done!  They did a good job of portraying how the battle was in the movie and placing various things in the movie, for example, the spire, death star plans, forward command center, and techno union ships. It's supposed to be bland orange because that's how it is in the movie! Lol
I actually have gotten a victory timer with the droids! It's just extremely difficult...

Despite how some battles are in the movies, I think the maps should be well balanced. I am almost always droids when I play that map, and I have yet to get an easy win. The win usually is a result of me being rocket and killing the AT-TEs myself. You have to make one virtually dead, then kill the other, then go back to the first and finish it off. On the other hand, all the republic has to do is kill those Techno Union ships, which is easy since they don't respawn. Poor map design if you ask me... :dry:

lol! No arguing with that!
John Williams=best composer in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!

Endor.  Fun to take out the Ewoks, but also a fun sniping map.  Also speeders make this a challenge if you take a route through the trees.  Downside is that if you get an ATST and a couple pilots and know exactly where the Ewok traps are, the level can get kind of lopsided fast.
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'Please, tell me more about the logistics of the design of laser swords being wielded by space wizards' - Some guy on the internet.

I prefer Hoth. I've always just liked how much there is to do on that map. Since the overall idea is giant battles, I think Hoth and Geonosis captured that idea best. I could be a little biased though, as I used to play on my old Mac Mini, and Endor was always glitching because of all the rendering for the trees and such.

Originally joined SWBFMac.com in 2006. You'll see me around from time to time.