Snake's Mania Mod Assets

Started by {TcF}Dr.Penguin, April 01, 2012, 02:31:47 PM

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Well I have 2 questions relating to the photo below.

1. Does any one know where I can find assets for the trooper in the screen shot?

2. Does any one know how I can make clone troopers hold their pistols like that one?

Thanks a ton as always!

1. They were lost when my computer crashed.
2. Go to the pistol .odf and change the AnimationBank from "pistol" to "rifle"
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

I changed the rep_weap_inf_pistol.odf in the ODF , the example of the new odf change is

ClassLabel       = "cannon"

AnimationBank      = "rifle"
GeometryName       = "rep_weap_inf_pistol"
HighResGeometry         = "rep_1st_weap_inf_pistol"

//*************   TARGET & RANGE VALUES  **********

TargetEnemy      = "1"
TargetNeutral      = "0"

Did I do any thing wrong? Because it doesn't show any difference.

Everyone that has the pistol should be holding it like a rifle. You did it right.
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder