Dedicated Server Swithes (again)

Started by Led, July 20, 2011, 06:42:15 PM

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July 20, 2011, 06:42:15 PM Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 06:57:56 PM by Buckler

Peeking at the battlefront dedicated server exe file will allow you to find some switches like

Here are others that work:


the output is in a file called finalscore.log that looks like:
07/20/10 20:19:49   bes2a   137   Kill   REB@14    0   EMP@14    14
07/20/10 20:22:28   bes2a   151   Kill   REB@14    0   EMP@14    12

here the empire won two matches, first at 14-0 and the second at 12-0


make many log files during a game very quickly filled with this debug output:

.\Source\LuaCallbacks_Mission.cpp(195) :  [ERROR]Lua ReadDataFile: Could not open sound\shell.lvl
.\Graphics\Pc\pcRedSegment.cpp(314) :  [ERROR]pcShaderSegment: shader Normal [0xe68b9c52] doesn't support vertexformat [d222]!
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

quoted from megalodon at LucasForums

I have been searching everywhere for the switches used in running a Star Wars Battlefront dedicated server. I have come up with some answers, but still do not know what all of them are.
I have e-mailed LucasArts and they gave me the usual response of basically "look in the forums and post your question there". Thanks LucasArts!
I would very much appreciate it if anyone could tell me the usage (syntax) and descriptions for the switches that are missing this info.

I have found info for the following switches. I'm assuming they are correct.

  • - Determines the maximum number of audio channels used by the game
    /audiosamplerate [Rate] - Sets the sample rate for all audio up to 44100 KHz
    /audiomixbuffer [Milliseconds] - Sets the buffer size for audio streaming
    /autonet dedicated - Dedicated server
  • - Determine the number of bots to add to the server
    /difficulty [1,2,3] - Sets the difficulty level of bots, where 1 = Easy, 2 = Medium and 3 = Hard
    /gamename [Name] - Sets the server name
    /heroes - Enables Heroes (default is no heroes)
    /lan - Creates a LAN server (default is Internet)
    /noai - Disables all AI
    /nointro - Skips the introductory logos when the game loads up
    /nomovies - Disables the background animation on the menu screens
    /nonames - Disables displaying player names (default is names enabled)
    /norender - Disables rendering on your server machine
    /nosound - Disables sounds on your server machine
    /nostartupmusic - Disables the background music which plays when the game starts up
    /noteamdamage - Turns Friendly Fire off (on by default)
    /password [Password] - Assigns the provided password to the server, clients need to use this password to join
  • - Sets the minimum number of players required for the round to begin
  • - Sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server
    /randomize - randomize map rotation, leave out to turn off
    /resolution [width height] - Sets the resolution for the server window
    /throttle [Bandwidth] - Sets the maximum bandwidth per client (in KB) for the server
  • - Sets the tick rate for the server. This determines the maximum FPS for clients
    /win - Run the game in windowed mode

    I have not been able to find anything for the following.

    /netregion [EUR, JAP, NA]
    MegaloDon3 is offline      
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

What a pro name U_U Megalodon :D
Are those all ''commands'' for swbf1 ?
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
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how does this work?
"/waitlate" | "/nowaitlate" – turn on and off waiting for
late moves from clients

/nointro           and       /noframelock
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