New rank?

Started by Darth Verik, March 25, 2012, 03:29:16 AM

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Hey, as i am reorginising this rather large archive of mine, i'm sending PM's to all the mappers/modders whatever you'd call them if they are interrested in naming all the maps/mods they've made so i can make an intire map with their name on it, and in which case it would be a lot easier to upload a map again. But as i've been gone for quite a long time, i can't name all the modders (nor the new ones). So i was wondering if we could make a special rank for them.
With which they are easier to be reconized and easier to be tracked down...

"Better not be at all than not be noble" - Lord Alfred Tennyson

OK, please make me a list of everyone that gets the new rank.

You see the problem here, right  ;)
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

No one person knows who all the modders are.
You just have to check the read-me that each mod usually has.