SWBF2 Winter-Cup

Started by Anyder, November 03, 2017, 03:22:49 PM

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November 03, 2017, 03:22:49 PM Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 04:50:21 PM by Anyder

SWBF2 Winter-Cup

I just wanted to announce that SWBFSpy Engagement is organising a tournament for SWBF2 called SWBFSpy Winter-Cup.

As you can already imagine, the tournament will take place somewhere in Winter, but to be more accurate, it will take place from the 27th of December, until the 29th of that month.

For more info regarding the cup, go here: http://cup.swbfspy-engagement.com/

If you have any questions, you can find us here:
Discord - http://discord.me/SWBFSpy or TeamSpeak 3- Address: ts3.swbfspy-engagement.com:9987

You can also contact me personally through email: communityambassador@swbfgamers.com

Thanks for your time!

Community Ambassador
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
Email: communityambassador@swbfgamers.com
SWBFSpy Discord: http://discord.swbfspy.com
SWBFSpy Info: http://info.swbfspy.com
Donate: http://donate.swbfspy.hosted.nfoservers.com

Oh btw, if anyone wants to sign up their teams, the link was added to that website (the main one) but to make it easier:

=> http://cup.swbfspy-engagement.com/signup.php
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
Email: communityambassador@swbfgamers.com
SWBFSpy Discord: http://discord.swbfspy.com
SWBFSpy Info: http://info.swbfspy.com
Donate: http://donate.swbfspy.hosted.nfoservers.com

Sign up was delayed until the 18th of December. If anyone wants to create a team for it, and join the cup, click here:

Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
Email: communityambassador@swbfgamers.com
SWBFSpy Discord: http://discord.swbfspy.com
SWBFSpy Info: http://info.swbfspy.com
Donate: http://donate.swbfspy.hosted.nfoservers.com