Visible bone_pelvis (blackfoot glitch)

Started by Phobos, April 18, 2011, 04:18:48 PM

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blackfoot, a visible bone_pelvis glitch with certain bf2 models used in bf1.
kit fisto is victim of this blackfoot and we must find a way to fix it

Known blackfoot models:
Kit Fisto
Quinlan Vos
Qui-Gon Jinn
Cin Drallig

Does anyone know how to fix these models with either a hex edit or through XSI?
If anyone has a way to fix I will upload the blackfooted models.

I'd imagine youd have to edit the skeleton in XSI but I wouldn't know how to do that  :confused:
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

If you can contact the person who made the model you can ask him to hide the bone_pelvis. or you can find the model and reimport it into xsi and then export with hidden bonepelivs or you could try to hexedit somehow