Galaxy in Turmoil is now in Early Access!

Started by Gold Man, May 24, 2020, 06:09:51 PM

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Hey, it's me again, long time no see! :D

Anyways, for those unaware, you might recall there was a group of guys years back that wanted to create a F2P, SWBF2-style shooter while EA had some issues with their EA SWBF titles back then. As you might also recall, the game effectively got slammed by Disney, and the developers ended up giving up on the Star Wars aspect of it.

Suffice to say, it's taken them several years, but they have finally pushed their vision of a modern, sci-fi, SWBF2-style shooter into Early Access!

Granted, the game looks much different from Star Wars (with a lot of sci-fi lore that needs to be explained) and is quite buggy (it's a tech demo effectively at the moment), but gameplay-wise it plays very closely to how SWBF2's gameplay feels. It definitely needs lots of polish, but they are looking for feedback, and for what they have at the moment it is at least playable to an extent, even if there are some sound bugs and some server latency in some areas. Plus, it's FREE!

Anyways, I'll drop a Steam link here in case anyone wants to check it out!

(NOTE: I am not sponsored by Frontwire, but I felt like sharing this with ya guys anyway! :D)

GM is back?!  :o

Welcome back buddy!

Thanks for the news on this, it looks like a fun game! I'll have to pick it up eventually!

Oooof getting absolutely destroyed in the reviews though. I had my eye on this since it was a SW game, then got cease-and-desisted, showed up on steam, but ouch. Shame for the team.

It seems the original team is not really involved in it any more. That might be the crux of it: the vision has clearly changed and it's turned it into a generic sci-fi shooter with pretty much nothing to make it distinct. On top of that, it seems there's quite a few elementary issues that could easily be fixed.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1