An idea I have for partof my BF1 mod

Started by jdee-barc, August 13, 2010, 10:11:19 PM

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 I have an idea for part of the mod I'm working on. The idea would change how gunships are formatted. Give feedback or opinion.
The format
Pilot seat: operates the main lasers and rockets.
Co-Pilot seat: maybe have that be more like a reconnaiscance position. The co pilot could send out orbital strikes or recon droids that give off orbital strikes with little to no delay.
turret seats: operates a
slow firing but powerful laser cannon
Passenger: if possible, make it possible to fire your infantry weapon outside (applies to laat/i gunship only).
Give feedback or your opinion on this idea
Current Projects:
Battlefront One and a Half Era Mod, v2.0. Making great progress (SWBF)

Funny that I am looking into odf files for vehicles. I am learning much but won't explor what you described. It is how I limit my self. I try to stay within a mod zone where you can still join servers and not crash.