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Messages - RepComm

Released Maps and Mods / BESPIN: CHRISTMAS
December 18, 2017, 09:17:15 PM

Download -> SWBFGamers

Excerpt from ReadMe.txt:

This is a competition entry
The SWBFGamers Christmas Modding Contest (2017)

--Installation instructions:
Drag'n'drop (after extraction) bes2x to GameData/AddOn directory of SWBF I installation.

Delete bes2x from that same directory!

To build it yourself, you'll need a copy of these tools:;sa=view;down=1219
Then drag'n'drop Databes2x directory (after extraction) to the BFBuilder folder
included in the download tools zip archive.

I have used Win8Munge.bat without issue on my machine.
Feel free to do what you will with my custom models, everything else is stock swbf assets.

I hope to update this map with more animations and fun things (maybe a community photo?)..

Thank you to the community at,
Merry Christmas,
God bless!

I don't know for sure, but I'd try running it on wine. I have a flavor of Linux on my laptop, I might try it out myself tomorrow.
What Linux flavor are you running?
Led might be able to give you some info,
the nfo servers we use are all kinds of different OSes, including Unix types.
Well, I don't know what your heirarchy looks like, but if your head model* is a separate model, you could just envelope it to the head bone only, and then you could leave it that way, or merge both the body and the head models together (merges envelope too).

Technically you should be able to leave it as a separate model/envelope, though.
Well my map is healthy (bug wise) and ready to roll out, though I had hoped to put a lot more animated fun stuff, but I'm a bit busy and may have to leave it as is. There is a good 13 days left, so there is obviously still room for entries.

Edit- Entry link:
General / Re: Those pesky minecrafters
December 14, 2017, 08:33:00 PM
Just saw this on Mozillas site.

This has to be the single most cool botnet I've ever heard of.. 901 Gbps of spam, and Akamai gave up completely.. It's their only job!

I obviously don't advocate for any of this, but it is certainly some freaking cool code.
Quote from: Led on December 12, 2017, 09:17:18 AM
It would be like asking da Vinci if you could use a copy of the Mona Lisa for a little while so you can add a few things in crayon.
except our Da Vinci can do his work in the third dimension, and often allows us to borrow his masterpieces for absolutely nothing in return.. I think we got the better deal.

I'm going to run this map without ai just so I can chill in the world that reminds me of the earlier Lego saga games including this amazing map and style.. very very awesome!
3D-Modeling, Animation and Texturing / Re: Rendertype 28
December 06, 2017, 01:45:54 PM
Golly Fox, that looks spectacular! I'm going to try that out on some of my map's models..
I'm making a mini train for my tree, here's a re-purpose-able train track that follows a circle path in blender (attachment).
It has a basic plastic and metal texture and some basic uvs also. Edit the path to transform the track model instantly!
Forum News and Forum Rules / Re: Modder of the Month
December 03, 2017, 09:05:56 PM
Congrats bro!
I don't mean to double post, but I felt this needs a bump.

I think we need some kind of incentive to get people interested in modding.. Maybe the deadline is just to close for us?
I'm very interested in what everyone else builds, and I hope a bunch of people join in!
For anyone interested, I'm modeling a custom cloth banner that will include player names and a greeting.
You can PM me here or on discord @ RepComm#4638 to have your desired tag on it! This is for everyone, not just modders.
If you give me a color, I'll add a tent for you also in the camping area, with that color of material.
Released Assets / Re: SWBFII HLSL Shader Toolkit
November 30, 2017, 11:29:26 PM
Quote from: Ginev on November 30, 2017, 10:44:36 PM

Maybe you mean something like this?Watch to the end.

Im using the BF2 Naboo lamp for this.If you want to test it by yourself make sure your map is completely night/dark.
Yes, that is one of the things I meant. That is VERY cool.
I wish we had these same features in BFI..
Released Assets / Re: SWBFII HLSL Shader Toolkit
November 30, 2017, 09:50:13 AM
I'm wondering if we can modify shaders to have pixel point/spot lights emit from nulls/primitives (particularly in vehicles and weapons) that are based accordingly. You'd probably need a reference to the game objects in the scene..

This could make things like a Halloween map that requires the use of a flashlight that actually lights up the buildings that use the shader.

Headlights on vehicles would be so cool!
Anyone need a reusable christmas light extrusion blender template? Think of all the custom lights you could hang from your building models!

Anywho, I've attached it. Edit the Beizer curve (add points, move em around, etc) and watch the light and wire populate automagically! I have basic uvs on both the wire and light models, no materials are applied because I rebuild mine in XSI anyways.

I'm going to be using a 1x256 3 color gradient texture for the lights, and add the scrolling effect to the light material. This will make the lights change color smoothly. I might try to offset the uvs of each light, making them all different colors.
I hate going back and seeing the crap that I used to be proud of. Here's what happens when you heavily edit the Samsung galaxy S5 background and add a sea, and pretend the whole thing is an oil painting..

Original sky link for reference
Okay, so Cdt Fox needed this model without the annoying blockiness (normals not averaged).
I thought of several ways to try and fix the problem:

-XSI Mod Tool plugin to modify the normals (since Mod Tools is stripped down, w/o ability to do this), which I found here:

-Export to blender and fix them there, then go back to xsi (UGH, blender imported everything crazy and broken)
and blender also currently lacks an FBX 6100 importer (it uses 7100+)

-Randomly click buttons in XSI to get it to work.. Yes, this worked, and I figured out how to reproduce.

In this case, ZETools generated a property named "ZETools-NormalsProperty" in the main Cluster (Sample, on mine), and simply deleting it has solved the problem.

Attached in the fixed version of the request.. three years later.