Tusken Raider Mod Demo

Started by dsaf, February 16, 2020, 10:03:22 AM

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Tusken Raider Mod Demo


Hello Everyone This is a brand new Tusken Raider Mod. This mod, you use Tusken Raiders instead of the Rebels team.

Rebels Units Look Like Tusken Raiders, and they each have Tusken Cycler, (The rebel marksman has the Tusken sniper rifle) as well as the regular weapons.

This is just a Demo, i plan to make this a better mod.

I hope to have Feedback on how to make this mod even better. (Is this balanced? are the weapons good? Is this a good mod?, Do they look cool.

Right now, this mod only works on Mos Eisley, on the GCW era Rebels side.

How to install,

Open the file, then Copy and paste the all.lvl in your Gamedata/Data/LVL_PC/SIDE, and replace that side with this one (you can overwrite this)

Please install this an give me feedback BUT most importantly, I hope you like this mod.

See you all later
Works In Progress
Yellow Command Mod (TBA)
Native Dune Sea Mod (TBA)
Backwards Battlefront Mod (TBA)