Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?

Started by ggctuk, March 24, 2009, 02:22:10 AM

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Actaully, that's what I've been doing with Docks too, only I added more vehicles (I don't know if the Snail Tank can be added, I have made ODF files for it but it uses a different, BF2-only tread system). I've only used the BF2 platforms though to 'outline' the docks like in the film, and I didn't stick just to BF1 assets but used some of dragonum's Kashyyyk assets too. I considered removing the bushes from the back of the Docks and having something like Kachircho's entrance there, and Yoda's Star Destroyer out back.
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--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Quote from: "Napseeker"I'd be curious to know from any BF2 gamers how they'd rank the standard maps, I'd guess that Mustafar, Utapau, Tantive, and the Jedi Temple would rank near the top, while Kashyyyk, Polis, Kamino and possibly Dagobah would be near the bottom.
What's ranking? How impressive the map is? How much fun it is to play?
Coruscant and Mustafar are both pretty visually impressive and fun to play, but by the same token, Kamino and Polis Massa are both really well-designed maps, too. Coruscant and Mygeeto are two of the best-designed maps from I think both a visual and gameplay perspective. None of the maps are what I'd call "poor" from a design perspective*, although Dagobah is notably a bear to play.

*Space maps not included.

From what I see online, the main maps are Mustafar, Coruscant, Mos Elisey, Jabba, and Pollis Massa.

Viruses are like the New York Lottery. "Hey, you never know"

Quote from: "The_Pi"From what I see online, the main maps are Mustafar, Coruscant, Mos Elisey, Jabba, and Pollis Massa.

Don't forget Tantive IV.

@ggctuk: I do have the snail tank in my modded KDocks map, but I don't remember if the treads worked or not (probably not, I don't think I spent much time porting it other than just to get the weapons working properly).  The Spider Droid was also there courtesy of psychofred, but unless I did something wrong, it's an incredibly slow moving vehicle regardless of what speed I set it to in the ODF.  Overall, mine is probably more simplistic than yours is - I just wanted the beach battle so I blocked off the upper part of the beach (where the huts are) with some cover and had everybody spawning on the beach only.  

Never released it mainly because I rotated the walkways to the platforms just a little and found that I couldn't tweak the paths for the AI to match the rotated walkway (the AI miss the entry point and fall off into the water below). Or wait, was it the barriers that I had trouble rotating to match?  It's been a while... can't remember which, just _something_ in ZE was near impossible to adjust to keep those bots from falling off; it would look like I got it rotated correctly from one angle, then totally "off" from another angle in the editor.  Quite tedious to have to munge the map, play it to find the tweak didn't work, then go back to edit, munge, play, repeat.  SWBF needs a built-in map editor in the game so you can make those tweaks without leaving the game itself.

@Mav: yeah, I meant just "fun to play" or at least, whatever maps people find themselves coming back to play over and over again for whatever reason.  Mos Eisley is pretty enjoyable too, although I found Jabba's palace to be a bit too claustrophobic for my tastes!

Sooo... back on topic... any ideas? Teancum of GT has said that for Naboo Prototype I would have to reverse-port the BF2 source he used (since it originally came from BF1).
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--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

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--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

well just strip non compatible bits away and remake the odfs into bf1 ones without changing the name

It doesn't really work that way, the only way I know to get the SWBF2 maps to go in ZE is to either make it from scratch, or re-create the terrain from scratch and remove all references to the lighting system SWBF2 uses

duh, that's why I couldn't get Tantive to work! I was skipping the all-important lighting removal

Viruses are like the New York Lottery. "Hey, you never know"

Looked into the naboo2.wld (Theed, the map thats basically the same between both games) files for both swbf1 and swbf2, only differences are;

Terrain load order and in the SWBF2 wld file the .lgt load for the lighting. (camera differences should be camera position at time of save).

Other than that its basically the same.

Opened up the terrain in a hex editor for naboo2 and the initial data sets are the same, but further down it changes, so the terrain for swbf2 is handled differently.  Should have to do with the fact that Zeroedit for SWBF2 has the ability to work in layers for different game modes, which can lead to different terrain features loaded via layers.

Biggest hurdles are terrain and obj collision.  Collision is the harder of the two due to its tediousness.  Terrain can be recreated abit easier.