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Messages - AiRJacobs

Quote from: Syyy on September 17, 2015, 09:24:24 AM
Signed even though I don't believe in petitions, I'm also gonna play devil's avocate.

The way they plan to organize the multiplayer is way better in term of selecting which players you play against. Just like competitive CSGO the game will find you worthy opponents, or atleast people whom skill is similar to yours. If we had to choose which servers to play on, it would be a hassle, we'd have completely new players and godlike players you'd swear they come from another dimension where time is just a number.

Best way to compare the two options are CSS and CSGO.

What we need is both options, so we can play with friends, so we can organize matches between teams, we can't even think of competitive play if there's no way to choose who we play against. I'd rather have Battlelog than no server browser at all.

Your probably right, but it's still worth a shot. I actually don't mind Battlelog; I find it more convenient than using the game program. Hey, sometimes I just feel like changing my loadout and opening Battlepacks. I don't want to launch the whole game to just do that.
There is a petition that was started by Perri Mitchell on to add a server browser to Star Wars Battlefront. To complete the petition, the goal needed to reach is 2,500 signatures. So far 2,160 people have signed the petition; only 340 more signatures are needed. As you can see this is very close to success. Please help save Star Wars Battlefront by going here:
Quote from: Gistech on September 14, 2015, 02:23:56 PM
Alpha players and beta players only got one of the SP modes, though, right? Alpha players only got one MP mode too but beta players get two.

I do not believe I would be going against any non disclosure statements by telling you that you are not wrong when it comes to the Alpha.

As for the Beta, I believe that it will feature the exact same gamemodes and maps as the Alpha, plus the new Drop Zone gamemode. So you are correct in saying this.
Quote from: Ginev on September 13, 2015, 02:34:43 AM
The maps they made for SP will be boring after you play them 2-3 times.Im sure im not the one who won't buy this game but if there is no multiplayers maps with bots for single player then clearly for me this game is the biggest fail every made.(Just my opinion)I dont need to wait and play game to see that it sucks.The only + for this game is graphics nothing more!This is just one big SHINY show off.

I was one of the few lucky ones who got invited to play in the Close Alpha. I cannot say much, but I can say from experience that the single player missions are very fun. I played the only one that was available, Tatooine, multiple times, and it never got old. Yes, they are different from the old Instant-Action, but different does not mean worse. This is however, all my opinion. You can try the game yourself early October when the Open Beta launches. See you all then.
Quote from: Syyy on September 07, 2015, 08:58:19 AM
If people are upset about the gameplay, it is because they have false hopes about the game. The gameplay, idea of skill, and general mindset we developped in SWBF1 was not what LucasArts planned. We, the community made the game what it is now. Thus I believe WE are responsible to make DICE's game a great game experience-wise.

Wow, I never thought of it like that. I guess it is our obligation to make the new game popular, whether the launch is successful or not.

Quote from: TheGangstarTY on September 07, 2015, 01:33:34 PM
Oh my god really? I used to play that map ALL the time and I though I was the only one who enjoyed fighting over the walkways!

Besides, I'd like to add that I EXTREMELY doubt this game will be "Another broken Battlefield game"... Or at least not broken anyway.
As AiRJacobs has stated, it's always been related to Battlefield in so many ways that they are almost identical.
HOWEVER, it will not be broken. EA Star Wars seem to be extremely dedicated to developing the new Star Wars Battlefront and it will not be any where near undeveloped (unlike FIFA cough cough).
And opening up a Beta of Star Wars Battlefront 3 will not only let us get a feel for what it's like, it helps the developers find more bugs (due to users reporting them) to polish the game as much as they can before release.

Bespin: Platforms was the  :censored:. That walkway; Iv'e seen some things man...and some stuff...wouldn't recommend it.

On another subject, people have no reason to fear Star Wars Battlefront to be broken. The game is soooo big, that if it failed, I'm pretty sure the internet would stop working. Hence, EA and Disney will simply not let it fail. They have pooled an insane amount of resources into making the game to make sure it won't fail. No, people have no reason to fear bugs, glitches, and networking issues. I feel people are starting to worry more about the gameplay mechanics, if anything.

So just to reiterate: People aren't really afraid of the game itself being a broken mess, but rather, the gameplay mechanics not being what they want (full AT-AT control, Space Battles, Server Browsers, etc...).

edit by Led.  There is no cursing on these forums and do not bypass the word filter.  Further instances will result in formal warnings that can lead to a loss of posting privileges.
Hopefully there will be mod support for this game. Modding is what has kept Star Wars Battlefront II alive for such a long time. Anyway, here is the first trailer that they made for the game:

The trailer features a rebel soldier combating a small group of stormtroopers in Bespin: Cloud City. The map showcases the iconic white hallways of the indoors in Cloud City, an outdoor area with ramps and stair cases (similar to the original map in the first game), and the Carbonite Freezing Chamber (which appears to be the most detailed point of interest on the map). Most of the indoor areas of the map appear to be more detailed, while the outdoor areas are constructed of simple polygons and basic textures. Regardless, the lighting is very good.

As far as I can tell, the core mechanics of this map are complete, however, the only "gamemode" appears to be Team Deathmatch. Obviously Conquest takes a bit more programming than a standard deathmatch. And by "core mechanics" I mean super basic features, such as: you can run around and shoot other players.

If anyone is wondering how the CryEngine performs today, I will put it like this: the reason CryEngine games look so good is because the engine is incredibly optimized, meaning that it renders visuals in games in the one of the most efficient ways possible. As long as you have a mid-range gaming PC, you should have no problem running the game, but if you want a to test it, try this free indie horror game called The Cursed Forest. It runs on the CryEngine, and I have been able to get very good performance in this game considering how good it looks.

So far Star Wars Battlecry is looking promising. I was actually blown away by the quality of the sound design there at the beginning. Sure its nothing like the sound in the new game, but for a fan game, its really good. I will definitely participate in the game's Alpha, whenever they plan to release it.
Another Star Wars Battlefront remake is also being developed by a team of fans of the original game. Star Wars: Battlecry will be the spiritual successor to the first Battlefront game, but because news about it seems to be flying under the radar, it is difficult to get more information on it. So far, I know that it will be created on the CryEngine. For those of you not familiar with the CryEngine, it is the same game engine used in one of the most graphic intensive games of it's time, Crysis. The Crysis series, created by Crytek, and published by EA, has always been known for it's revolutionary visuals of it's time. Even the best PC's could not max out the graphics of the first Crysis game when it came out. For this reason, I have no doubt that Star Wars: Battlecry will be visually stunning.

The only reason that this may end up as a better remake of Star Wars Battlefront is due to a few reasons. First off, this is being made by a dedicated team of fans who are using there spare time to create something that resembles the original game. The second reason is the fact that it will be free (or so I have heard). This is all assuming, though, that the even complete the game, work out any bugs, and that it will look as good as we all hope. If it stays true to the original game (same mechanics and maps), it should no doubt become the next true Battlefront game....but that is a big IF.

Here is a work i progress preview of Hoth - Echo Base

You can check out the website here:
Quote from: WusiBabyEater on September 06, 2015, 04:44:24 PM
The new battlefront game has great graphics and it has some of the same mechanics as the Battlefield games since it's on the same game engine. The game has a very good star wars feel to it, while I was playing it I was blown away by the visuals and the sound, it felt like I was in a star wars movie. The only downfall is really the game does not take any skill whats so ever, it was pretty easy to go 22-8 on a first game, all you have to do is spray and pray that you'll kill someone. If some one new would of played battlefront 1 online for the first time today, they would get owned by us because Battlefront 1 takes skill.  There is also no depth to the game, they're no unlocks to weapons or anything besides unlocking new power ups so there was nothing to really motivate me to play the game more. I got pretty bored of playing of it after 6 hours but that might of been because I was playing on the same game mode and map lol. I'll have to wait and see if the Beta is any different than the Alpha. This game is worth getting but I probably wont get it the first day it comes out.

-great visuals and sound
-has a strong star wars feel to it

- No depth(weapon unlocks)
- Takes no skill
- only for casual gamers

I played the Closed Alpha and I can confirm all of this. Great visuals and sound, and it sells the Star Wars feel, but there is not much depth to the game and the game is marketed towards casual players. I went 40-6 multiple rounds just doing strafing runs with TIE Fighters and X-Wings.

However, note that I only played the CLOSED ALPHA . Many of the features, such as weapon unlocks and star cards, were not available in the Closed Alpha because it was meant to be a tech test; to stress test servers and game performance. We should have access to more items in the Open Beta when it releases early October. I hope I will be seeing you guys in the Beta, because I sure as heck will be there.
Quote from: chameleon on September 04, 2015, 07:41:35 PM
If what was said in the video leads to be the final product of the game, then it only seems obvious that this is a release using an award-winning video game title so that profit could be made. That's just my opinion.

Does anyone else find it odd how this game has been in the works for so long? Considering the amount of things they said they aren't going to have in this game (that they included in previous games like the Battlefield series), don't you think that maybe this game hasn't been a priority? Seems to me like the product they keep explaining to us is just going to be a real kick in the pants for Star Wars videogames.
Sure, the game looks good. Sure, the gameplay might be wonderful. But what happens when a game has no community environment? If a community comes up, it'll be whatever happens on the forums.

Let's face it. The producers want to get their first step into Competitive gaming. Skill-Based matchmaking without community servers? Heck, if I wanted that, I'd go back to playing League of Legends. Which is exactly my point- they are trying to make this a competitive game for competitive gamers. There isn't variety in the options; There is simply a game that is being built so it can get carried into the ESL, while EA kicks back and watches all the sponsorship money roll in.

Yeah, you know, I also thought of this. If the game has been in development for this long, why are there so few features?

I assume the reason why it took so long is because they went to all the real environments to get photo scans so the game looks better. Still, I don't think the visuals are all that worth it; to leave out essential mechanics like a server browser and community/private servers.

Until I saw the video, I never would have thought of Disney in the equation. I know Disney owns the right to Star Wars, but the idea of Disney having any word in the creation of the game flew right over my head. It makes a lot of sense the Disney may be the ones pulling all the strings in the game's development, while EA and DICE are just puppets. Well, I mean, DICE is the ones actually making the game, and EA is the one actually publishing it, but Disney may be the ones with the final say so of what gets put into the game and what gets left out. DAMN YOU DISNEY!!!
I agree. The game by itself is a fun game. It's just that when you compare it to the original game, the first 2 Battlefront games were more fun. However, as a PC player, I cannot get over the "no server browser" plan. It seems like DICE is going to the extreme of trying to make this as far from Battlefield as possible to the point where they took away the server browser. To me, this is crossing the line for PC players.

There are a few pros to this though. With a skill-based matchmaking system, you can have more balanced matches (assuming the matchmaking system works, which they never do), and you can get into the game quicker.

The cons to this is that you cannot join friends as easily (8 player party system only), you cannot play on your favorite server, ping and region issues arise, and map rotation info is unavailable to players

In theory, skill based matchmaking systems sound great, but in reality, it is going to be a mess on PC.

On console, this is a whole different subject. I have heard skill based matchmaking works on console better.

Here is a video I watched this morning by JACKFRAGS. He got a few other YouTubers together to discuss the subject and I found it very interesting and informative. Here is the video if you guys wanna check it out:

Star Wars Battlefront has no server browser - Is this a big deal?

So, what do you guys think?
To open this up to a larger conversation, can you guys think of some small changes DICE could make that could make the game better? I mean small but dynamic changes, like changing the HUD or something. I have noticed over the years that if you change a game's HUD, you can make it feel like an entirely different game.

So, what changes do you guys think could make the game better, but would take little to no extra time for these changes?
Quote from: Helios on September 04, 2015, 05:35:28 PM
See i disagree, i loved the Pre-Alpha and i own every battlfield since Bad Company. I find SOME similarities, but altogether i feel the new Battlefront is a different game.

To clarify, I stated earlier that the ORIGINAL games were like Battlefield, but the NEW (Closed Alpha) game was NOT like Battlefield, which it should have been.
General / Re: Forum Awards?
September 04, 2015, 05:31:11 PM
Ok. Among the ones I have seen, I do qualify for the Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II awards. I can prove that. Just take a look at the 2 threads I made about eyefinity in each game. I posted screenshots.

If there are any awards for people who played in the Closed Alpha in the new game, I qualify for that also.
Also, a fact I should mention, Battlefield came out BEFORE Star Wars Battlefront.

Battlefield 1942 was released on 10 September 2002
Star Wars Battlefront was released on September 21, 2004

I just wanted to throw this out there. Battlefield layed out the foundation for Star Wars Battlefront, once again supporting my statement that Star Wars Battlefront has always been sort of a re-skin. So what people truly want is a Star Wars themed Battlefield game (just like the original). Although, most people are afraid to admit that they want anything remotely close to a Battlefield game. Some people just don't like Battlefield. Then again, I could be completely wrong in saying all of this. If I am, please let me know.
General / Forum Awards?
September 04, 2015, 03:48:48 PM
I noticed that some forum members have "Awards" under there user profile. Could someone please tell me how to achieve these. I believe I already qualify for some awards. Do I have to go somewhere and apply?

Thank you for any help.